app/views/shoppe/orders/edit.html.haml in shoppe-0.0.19 vs app/views/shoppe/orders/edit.html.haml in shoppe-0.0.20

- old
+ new

@@ -3,60 +3,19 @@ = content_for :header do %p.buttons = link_to "Back to order", @order, :class => 'button grey' %h2.orders Edit OrderĀ <b>##{@order.number}</b> -= form_for @order do |f| += form_for @order, :html => {:class => 'orderForm'} do |f| = f.error_messages - = field_set_tag "Billing Address" do - .splitContainer - %dl.third - %dt= f.label :first_name - %dd= f.text_field :first_name, :class => 'focus text' - %dl.third - %dt= f.label :last_name - %dd= f.text_field :last_name, :class => 'text' - %dl.third - %dt= f.label :company - %dd= f.text_field :company, :class => 'text' - %dl - %dt= f.label :billing_address1, "Address" - f.text_field :billing_address1, :class => 'text' - f.text_field :billing_address2, :class => 'text' - f.text_field :billing_address3, :class => 'text' - f.text_field :billing_address4, :class => 'text' - f.text_field :billing_postcode, :class => 'text short', :placeholder => "Postcode" - f.collection_select :billing_country_id, Shoppe::Country.ordered, :id, :name, {}, {:class => 'chosen'} - - .splitContainer - %dl.third - %dt= f.label :email_address - %dd= f.text_field :email_address, :class => 'text' - %dl.third - %dt= f.label :phone_number - %dd= f.text_field :phone_number, :class => 'text' - %dl.third - %dt= f.label :separate_delivery_address - %dd.checkbox - = f.check_box :separate_delivery_address - = f.label :separate_delivery_address, "Use a seperate delivery address?" - - = field_set_tag "Deilvery Address", :class => 'delivery' do - %dl - %dt= f.label :delivery_name - %dd= f.text_field :delivery_name, :class => 'text' - %dl - %dt= f.label :delivery_address1, "Address" - f.text_field :delivery_address1, :class => 'text' - f.text_field :delivery_address2, :class => 'text' - f.text_field :delivery_address3, :class => 'text' - f.text_field :delivery_address4, :class => 'text' - f.text_field :delivery_postcode, :class => 'text short', :placeholder => "Postcode" - f.collection_select :delivery_country_id, Shoppe::Country.ordered, :id, :name, {}, {:class => 'chosen'} + = render 'form', :f => f = field_set_tag "Notes" do %dl %dd= f.text_area :notes, :class => 'text' - + + = field_set_tag "Ordered Products", :class => 'padded' do + = render 'order_items_form', :f => f + %p.submit = f.submit "Save Order", :class => 'button green' = link_to "Cancel", @order, :class => 'button' \ No newline at end of file