Rakefile in shoes-4.0.0.pre1 vs Rakefile in shoes-4.0.0.pre2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,217 +1,14 @@
require 'rake'
require 'rake/clean'
-require 'rubygems/package_task'
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
-require 'bundler/gem_tasks'
+require_relative 'tasks/changelog'
+require_relative 'tasks/gem'
+require_relative 'tasks/rspec'
+require_relative 'tasks/sample'
+require_relative 'tasks/yard'
-SAMPLES_DIR = "samples"
CLEAN.include FileList[PACKAGE_DIR, 'doc', 'coverage', "spec/test_app/#{PACKAGE_DIR}"]
-# Necessary for tasks to have description which is convenient in a few cases
-Rake::TaskManager.record_task_metadata = true
-require 'jruby'
-JRuby.runtime.instance_config.runRubyInProcess = false
-# thanks Dan Lucraft!
-def jruby_run(cmd, swt = false)
- opts = "-J-XstartOnFirstThread" if swt && RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /darwin/
- # see https://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/FAQs
- # "How can I increase the heap/memory size when launching a sub-JRuby?"
- sh( "jruby --debug --1.9 -Ispec #{opts} -S #{cmd}" )
-def rspec(files, options = "")
- rspec_opts = "#{options} #{files}"
- "rspec --tty #{rspec_opts}"
-# run rspec in separate Jruby JVM
-# options :
-# :swt - true/false(default) When True, will run Jruby with SWT-required -X-startOnFirstThread
-# :rspec - string Options to pass to Rspec commandline.
-def jruby_rspec(files, args)
- swt = args.delete(:swt)
- rspec_opts = spec_opts_from_args(args)
- rspec_opts << " #{ENV['RSPEC_OPTS']}"
- jruby_run(rspec(files, rspec_opts), swt)
- #out = jruby_run(rspec(files, rspec_opts), swt)
- #ok, result = out.split("\n").last
- #examples_failures = result.match /\d* examples, \d* failures/
- #return { :examples => examples_failures[1], :failures => examples_failures[2] }
-def spec_opts_from_args(args)
- opts = []
- opts << "-e ::#{args[:module]}" if args[:module]
- opts += Array(args[:require]).map {|lib| "-r#{lib}"}
- opts += args[:excludes].map { |tag| "--tag ~#{tag}:true" } if args[:excludes]
- opts += args[:includes].map { |tag| "--tag #{tag}:true" } if args[:includes]
- opts.join ' '
-def swt_args(args)
- args = args.to_hash
- args[:swt] = true
- args[:require] = 'swt_shoes/spec_helper'
- # Adjust includes/excludes appropriately
- # args[:includes] = [:swt]
- args[:excludes] = [:no_swt]
- args[:excludes] << :fails_on_osx if RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /darwin/
- args
-task :default => :spec
-desc "Run All Specs"
-task :spec, [:module] => "spec:all" do
-namespace :spec do
- desc "Run All Specs / All Modules"
- task :default => ["spec:all"]
- desc "Run Specs on Shoes + All Frameworks
- Limit the examples to specific :modules :
- Animation
- App
- Button
- Flow
- ie. $ rake spec:all[Flow]
- "
- task "all", [:module] do |t, args|
- Rake::Task["spec:shoes"].invoke(args[:module])
- Rake::Task["spec:swt"].invoke(args[:module])
- end
- task :swt, [:module] do |t, args|
- Rake::Task['spec:swt:all'].invoke(args[:module])
- end
- namespace :swt do
- desc "Run all specs with SWT backend
- Limit the examples to specific :modules : "
- task :all, [:module] do |t, args|
- argh = swt_args(args)
- files = (Dir['spec/swt_shoes/*_spec.rb'] + Dir['spec/shoes/*_spec.rb']).join ' '
- jruby_rspec(files, argh)
- end
- desc "Run isolated Swt backend specs"
- task :isolation, [:module] do |t, args|
- argh = swt_args(args)
- files = Dir['spec/swt_shoes/*_spec.rb'].join ' '
- jruby_rspec(files, argh)
- end
- desc "Run integration specs with Swt backend"
- task :integration, [:module] do |t, args|
- argh = swt_args(args)
- files = Dir['spec/shoes/*_spec.rb'].join ' '
- jruby_rspec(files, argh)
- end
- end
- desc "Specs for base Shoes libraries
- Limit the examples to specific :modules : "
- task "shoes", [:module] do |t, args|
- argh = args.to_hash
- files = Dir['spec/shoes/**/*_spec.rb'].join ' '
- jruby_rspec(files, argh)
- end
-desc "Working with samples"
-namespace :samples do
- def samples_from_file(filename)
- samples = File.read("#{SAMPLES_DIR}/#{filename}").lines
- samples.map {|s| s.sub(/#.*$/, '')}.map(&:strip).select {|s| s != ''}.map {|s| "#{SAMPLES_DIR}/#{s}"}
- end
- def working_samples
- samples = samples_from_file "README"
- puts "#{samples.size} samples are known to work"
- samples
- end
- def non_samples
- all_samples = Dir[File.join(SAMPLES_DIR, '*.rb')]
- result = all_samples - working_samples
- puts "#{result.size} samples are not known to work"
- result
- end
- def run_sample(sample_name, index, total)
- print "Running #{sample_name} (#{index + 1} of #{total})...quit to run next sample"
- system "bin/shoes #{sample_name}"
- end
- def run_samples(samples)
- samples.each_with_index do |sample, index|
- run_sample(sample, index, samples.size)
- end
- end
- desc "Run all working samples in random order"
- task :random do |t|
- puts t.comment
- run_samples working_samples.shuffle
- end
- desc "Run all working samples in alphabetical order"
- task :good do |t|
- puts t.comment
- run_samples working_samples.sort
- end
- desc "Run all non-working samples in random order"
- task :bad do |t|
- puts t.comment
- run_samples non_samples.shuffle
- end
- desc "Create list of non-working samples"
- task :bad_list do |t|
- puts t.comment
- non_samples.each{|non_sample| puts non_sample}
- end
- desc "Run all samples listed in samples/filename"
- task :subset, [:filename] do |t, args|
- puts t.comment
- run_samples samples_from_file(args[:filename])
- end
-task :samples => ['samples:random']
-task :non_samples => ['samples:bad']
-task :list_non_samples => ['samples:bad_list']
- require 'yard'
- YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new do |t|
- t.options = ['-mmarkdown']
- end
-rescue LoadError
- desc "Generate YARD Documentation"
- task :yard do
- abort 'YARD is not available. Try: gem install yard'
- end
-spec = Gem::Specification.load('shoes.gemspec')
-Gem::PackageTask.new(spec) do |gem|
- gem.package_dir = PACKAGE_DIR