lib/shex/algebra/one_of.rb in shex-0.2.0 vs lib/shex/algebra/one_of.rb in shex-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,54 +3,64 @@
class OneOf < Operator
include TripleExpression
NAME = :oneOf
+ # Creates an operator instance from a parsed ShExJ representation
+ # @param (see Operator#from_shexj)
+ # @return [Operator]
+ def self.from_shexj(operator, options = {})
+ raise ArgumentError unless operator.is_a?(Hash) && operator['type'] == 'OneOf'
+ raise ArgumentError, "missing expressions in #{operator.inspect}" unless operator.has_key?('expressions')
+ super
+ end
+ ##
# `expr` is a OneOf and there is some shape expression `se2` in shapeExprs such that a `matches(T, se2, m)`...
- # @param [Array<RDF::Statement>] statements
- # @return [Array<RDF::Statement]
- def matches(statements)
+ # @param (see TripleExpression#matches)
+ # @return (see TripleExpression#matches)
+ # @raise (see TripleExpression#matches)
+ def matches(arcs_in, arcs_out, depth: 0)
results, satisfied, unsatisfied = [], [], []
num_iters, max = 0, maximum
# OneOf is greedy, and consumes triples from every sub-expression, although only one is requred it succeed. Cardinality is somewhat complicated, as if two expressions match, this works for either a cardinality of one or two. Or two passes with just one match on each pass.
status ""
while num_iters < max
matched_something = {|o| o.is_a?(TripleExpression)}.any? do |op|
- matched_op = op.matches(statements)
+ matched_op = op.matches(arcs_in, arcs_out, depth: depth + 1)
satisfied << matched_op
results += matched_op.matched
- statements -= matched_op.matched
- status "matched #{matched_op.matched.to_sxp}"
+ arcs_in -= matched_op.matched
+ arcs_out -= matched_op.matched
+ status "matched #{matched_op.matched.to_sxp}", depth: depth
rescue ShEx::NotMatched => e
- status "not matched: #{e.message}"
- op = op.dup
- op.unmatched = statements - results
- unsatisfied << op
+ status "not matched: #{e.message}", depth: depth
+ unsatisfied << e.expression
break unless matched_something
num_iters += 1
- status "matched #{results.length} statements after #{num_iters} iterations"
+ status "matched #{results.length} statements after #{num_iters} iterations", depth: depth
# Max violations handled in Shape
if num_iters < minimum
raise ShEx::NotMatched, "Minimum Cardinality Violation: #{results.length} < #{minimum}"
# Last, evaluate semantic acts
- semantic_actions.all? do |op|
- op.satisfies?(results)
+ semantic_actions.each do |op|
+ op.satisfies?(matched: results, depth: depth + 1)
end unless results.empty?
- satisfy matched: results, satisfied: satisfied, unsatisfied: unsatisfied
+ satisfy matched: results, satisfied: satisfied, depth: depth
rescue ShEx::NotMatched, ShEx::NotSatisfied => e
not_matched e.message,
- matched: results, unmatched: (statements - results),
- satisfied: satisfied, unsatisfied: unsatisfied
+ matched: results, unmatched: ((arcs_in + arcs_out).uniq - results),
+ satisfied: satisfied, unsatisfied: unsatisfied, depth: depth