in shellplay-0.1.3 vs in shellplay-0.1.4
- old
+ new
@@ -101,15 +101,21 @@
shellexport <session_file_name>
shellplay <remote session url>
It will save the html in a dir in `.shellplay` under the name of the session. The dir contains index.html, css, and js files, ready to be played from your laptop or uploaded to your server.
+Navigation on the html version is
+- `p`, `left` for previous screen,
+- `n`, `enter` or `right` for next screen
## Todo
- <s>handle the no-display entries</s>
+- <s>when prototype is ready, switch to v0.1.0</s>
+- make an html export
- write a shell colors parser of some sort because \e[1;33m sucks
- add a function in player to edit a screen
-- when prototype is ready, switch to v0.1.0
- test coverage
- save and load sessions from gist
- add gist token to config or something
- ponder about using the curses lib