lib/shannon.rb in shannon-0.1.0 vs lib/shannon.rb in shannon-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,31 +1,21 @@
require "shannon/version"
module Shannon
- def self.char_counts str
- counts = 0
- str.each_char do |char|
- counts[char] += 1
- end
+ # Calculate Shannon entropy for a string.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # Shannon::entropy("abcde", 2).round(4) #=> 2.3219
+ #
+ # @param str [String] string to calculate entropy of
+ # @param base [Fixnum] base of the log for calculation
+ def self.entropy str, base=2
+ len = str.length.to_f
- counts
- end
- def self.char_probs str
- counts = self.char_counts str
- { |count| count / str.length.to_f }
- end
- def self.probs_to_entropy probs
- - probs.reduce(0.0) { |sum, prob| sum += prob * Math.log2(prob) }
- end
- def self.entropy str
- if str.empty?
- nil
- else
- self.probs_to_entropy self.char_probs(str)
- end
+ str.each_char.
+ group_by(&:itself).
+ values.
+ map { |ary| ary.length / len }.
+ reduce(0) { |entropy, freq| entropy - freq * Math.log(freq, base) }