app/views/application/index.html.erb in shadcn-ui-0.0.1 vs app/views/application/index.html.erb in shadcn-ui-0.0.2

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7.77614 11.7761 8 11.5 8C11.2239 8 11 7.77614 11 7.5ZM11.5 9C11.2239 9 11 9.22386 11 9.5C11 9.77614 11.2239 10 11.5 10C11.7761 10 12 9.77614 12 9.5C12 9.22386 11.7761 9 11.5 9ZM9 9.5C9 9.22386 9.22386 9 9.5 9C9.77614 9 10 9.22386 10 9.5C10 9.77614 9.77614 10 9.5 10C9.22386 10 9 9.77614 9 9.5ZM7.5 9C7.22386 9 7 9.22386 7 9.5C7 9.77614 7.22386 10 7.5 10C7.77614 10 8 9.77614 8 9.5C8 9.22386 7.77614 9 7.5 9ZM5 9.5C5 9.22386 5.22386 9 5.5 9C5.77614 9 6 9.22386 6 9.5C6 9.77614 5.77614 10 5.5 10C5.22386 10 5 9.77614 5 9.5ZM3.5 9C3.22386 9 3 9.22386 3 9.5C3 9.77614 3.22386 10 3.5 10C3.77614 10 4 9.77614 4 9.5C4 9.22386 3.77614 9 3.5 9ZM3 11.5C3 11.2239 3.22386 11 3.5 11C3.77614 11 4 11.2239 4 11.5C4 11.7761 3.77614 12 3.5 12C3.22386 12 3 11.7761 3 11.5ZM5.5 11C5.22386 11 5 11.2239 5 11.5C5 11.7761 5.22386 12 5.5 12C5.77614 12 6 11.7761 6 11.5C6 11.2239 5.77614 11 5.5 11ZM7 11.5C7 11.2239 7.22386 11 7.5 11C7.77614 11 8 11.2239 8 11.5C8 11.7761 7.77614 12 7.5 12C7.22386 12 7 11.7761 7 11.5ZM9.5 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