lib/sgl/cocoa-notuse.rb in sgl-0.4.0 vs lib/sgl/cocoa-notuse.rb in sgl-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,493 +1,493 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved.
-# License: Ruby License
-# These classes are not using.
-module SGL
- class NuVideo
- include Singleton
- def initialize
- Thread.abort_on_exception = true
- @win = Window.alloc.init
- end
- attr_reader :win
- end
- class NuWindow < OSX::NSObject
- def init
- OSX.ruby_thread_switcher_start(0.001, 0.01)
- @app = OSX::NSApplication.sharedApplication
- @app.setMainMenu(OSX::NSMenu.alloc.init)
- @rgb =, 100, 100, 100) # color translator
- @hsv =, 100, 100, 100)
- @mouseX = @mouseY = @mouseDown = 0
- @keynum = 0
- $windowBorder = 1
- $windowShadow = 1
- $windowBackground = 1
- $windowDelay = 1.0/60
- $windowMovie = 0
- @window_initialized = false
- @setup_done = false
- @display_drawing = false
- @bgview = @oview = nil
- return self # important for RubyCocoa
- end
- attr_reader :mouseX, :mouseY, :mouseDown, :keynum
- # generate window
- def window(w, h)
- return if @window_initialized
- s = OSX::NSScreen.mainScreen.frame.size
- x = (s.width - w)/2.0
- y = (s.height - h)/2.0
- @win_frame = [x.to_f, y.to_f, w.to_f, h.to_f]
- window_open
- end
- def window_open
- style = OSX::NSClosableWindowMask
- style |= ($windowBorder && $windowBorder == 0) ?
- OSX::NSBorderlessWindowMask : OSX::NSTitledWindowMask
- @win = SglWindow.alloc.
- initWithContentRect(@win_frame,
- :styleMask, style,
- :backing, OSX::NSBackingStoreBuffered,
- :defer, true)
- @win.setTitle("sgl")
- @bgview = BackView.alloc.init
- @bgview.myinit(self)
- @win.setContentView(@bgview)
- @bgcolor = @curcolor = nil
- background(100) # white
- color(0) # black
- @win.setDelegate(self) # for handling windowShouldClose
- @win.setOpaque(false) # can be transparent
- @win.setHasShadow(!($windowShadow && $windowShadow == 0))
- @win.setReleasedWhenClosed(false)
- @win.makeKeyAndOrderFront(self)
- @win.orderFrontRegardless # show the window
- window_movie if $windowMovie == 1
- window_overlay if defined?(displayOverlay)
- @window_initialized = true
- @win
- end
- def window_movie
- o = @bgview.frame.origin
- so = @win.convertBaseToScreen([o.x, o.y])
- s = @bgview.frame.size
- @movwin = SglWindow.alloc.
- initWithContentRect([so.x, so.y, s.width, s.height],
- :styleMask, OSX::NSBorderlessWindowMask,
- :backing, OSX::NSBackingStoreBuffered,
- :defer, true)
- @movwin.setOpaque(false) # can be transparent
- @movwin.setHasShadow(false)
- @movwin.setIgnoresMouseEvents(true)
- @movwin.setAlphaValue(1.0)
- b = @bgview.bounds
- bo, bs = b.origin, b.size
- @movview = MovieView.alloc.initWithFrame([bo.x, bo.y, bs.width, bs.height])
- @movview.myinit(self)
- @movwin.contentView.addSubview(@movview)
- @movwin.orderFront(self)
- @win.addChildWindow(@movwin, :ordered, OSX::NSWindowAbove)
- @movview.setNeedsDisplay(true)
- @movewin
- end
- def window_overlay
- o = @bgview.frame.origin
- so = @win.convertBaseToScreen([o.x, o.y])
- s = @bgview.frame.size
- @owin = SglWindow.alloc.
- initWithContentRect([so.x, so.y, s.width, s.height],
- :styleMask, OSX::NSBorderlessWindowMask,
- :backing, OSX::NSBackingStoreBuffered,
- :defer, true)
- @owin.setOpaque(false) # can be transparent
- @owin.setHasShadow(false)
- @owin.setIgnoresMouseEvents(true)
- @owin.setAlphaValue(1.0)
- b = @bgview.bounds
- bo, bs = b.origin, b.size
- @oview = OverView.alloc.initWithFrame([bo.x, bo.y, bs.width, bs.height])
- @oview.myinit(self)
- @owin.contentView.addSubview(@oview)
- @owin.orderFront(self)
- if $windowMovie == 1
- @movwin.addChildWindow(@owin, :ordered, OSX::NSWindowAbove)
- else
- @win.addChildWindow(@owin, :ordered, OSX::NSWindowAbove)
- end
- @oview.setNeedsDisplay(true)
-# timer = OSX::NSTimer.
-# scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1.0/60,
-# :target, self,
-# :selector, "timerloop",
-# :userInfo, nil,
-# :repeats, true).retain
-# OSX::NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop.
-# addTimer(timer, :forMode, OSX::NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode)
- @owin
- end
- attr_reader :bgcolor, :curcolor
- def setup_post
- @setup_done = true
- end
- def windowShouldClose(sender)
- OSX.NSApp.stop(nil)
- false
- end
- def timerloop
- p "timerloop"
- end
- # main loop
- def mainloop
- @thread = Thread.start {
- loop {
- setNeedsDisplay
- delay
- }
- }
- end
- def setNeedsDisplay
- @bgview.setNeedsDisplay(true)
- @oview.setNeedsDisplay(true) if @oview
- end
- def delay
- sleep $windowDelay
- end
- def run
- end
- # handle events
- def winmouseDown
- @mouseDown = 1
- onMouseDown(@mouseX, @mouseY)
- end
- def winmouseUp
- @mouseDown = 0
- onMouseUp(@mouseX, @mouseY)
- end
- def winkeyDown(e)
- calc_keynum(e)
- p @keynum
- onKeyDown(@keynum)
- end
- def winkeyUp(e)
- calc_keynum(e)
- @keynum = 0
- p @keynum
- onKeyUp(@keynum)
- end
- def calc_keynum(e)
- input = event.characters
- @keynum = input.to_s[0]
- end
- # display
- def display_bg(rect)
- return if $windowBackground != 1
- color_set(*@bgcolor)
- OSX::NSRectFill(rect)
-# if @lastbgcolor && @lastbgcolor != @bgcolor
-# end
-# @lastbgcolor = @bgcolor.dup
- end
- def display_pre
- pos = @win.mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream
- @mouseX, @mouseY = pos.x, pos.y
- color_set(*@curcolor) # set back current color
- end
- def display_all(rect)
- return if !@setup_done
-# return if @display_drawing
- return if defined?(display_drawing) && display_drawing
- @display_drawing = true
- display_bg(rect)
- display_pre
- display
- display_post
- @display_drawing = false
- end
- def display_mov(rect)
- color_set(0, 0, 0, 0) # full transparent
- OSX::NSRectFill(rect)
- color_set(*@curcolor) # set back current color
- end
- def display_overlay_all(rect)
- return if !@setup_done
- return if @display_overlay_drawing
- @display_overlay_drawing = true
- color_set(0, 0, 0, 0) # display_bg
- OSX::NSRectFill(rect)
- color_set(*@curcolor) # set back current color
- displayOverlay
- @display_overlay_drawing = false
- end
- def display_post
- end
- # sgl commands
- def background(x, y=nil, z=nil, a=nil)
- @bgcolor = @rgb.norm(x,y,z,a)
- end
- def backgroundHSV(x, y=nil, z=nil, a=nil)
- @bgcolor = @hsv.norm(x,y,z,a)
- end
- def color(x, y=nil, z=nil, a=nil)
- @curcolor = @rgb.norm(x,y,z,a)
- color_set(*@curcolor)
- end
- def colorHSV(x,y=nil,z=nil,a=nil)
- @curcolor = @hsv.norm(x,y,z,a)
- color_set(*@curcolor)
- end
- def color_set(*a)
- color_make(*a).set if @window_initialized
- end
- def color_make(r, g, b, a)
- OSX::NSColor.colorWithDeviceRed(r,:green, g, :blue, b, :alpha, a)
- end
- def color_cur
- color_make(*@curcolor)
- end
- end
- class SglWindow < OSX::NSWindow
-# ns_overrides :keyDown_, :keyUp_
-# def keyDown(event)
-# p "ho"
-# end
- end
- class BackView < OSX::NSView
- ns_overrides :drawRect_,
- :mouseDown_, :mouseDragged_, :mouseUp_, :keyDown_, :keyUp_
- def myinit(win) @win = win; end
- def drawRect(rect) @win.display_all(rect); end
- def mouseDown(event) @win.winmouseDown; end
- def mouseDragged(event) end
- def mouseUp(event) @win.winmouseUp; end
- def keyDown(event) @win.winkeyDown(event);
- p "ho"
- end
- def keyUp(event) @win.winkeyUp(event); end
- end
- class OverView < OSX::NSView
- ns_overrides :drawRect_
- def myinit(win) @win = win; end
- def drawRect(rect) @win.display_overlay_all(rect); end
- end
- class MovieView < OSX::NSView
- ns_overrides :drawRect_
- def myinit(win) @win = win; end
- def drawRect(rect) @win.display_mov(rect); end
- end
- class NuWindow < OSX::NSObject
- def movie(u)
-# if %r$^http://$ =~ u || %r$^rtsp://$ =~ u
- if /\Ahttp:\/\// =~ u || /\Artsp:\/\// =~ u
- url = OSX::NSURL.URLWithString_(u)
- else
- url = OSX::NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(u)
- end
- mov = OSX::NSMovie.alloc.initWithURL(url, :byReference, true)
- # place it outer of the screen
- obj = SglMovieView.alloc.initWithFrame([-100.0, -100.0, 10.0, 10.0])
- obj.myinit(self)
- obj.setMovie(mov)
- obj.showController(false, :adjustingSize, false)
- if $windowMovie == 1
- @movview.addSubview(obj)
- else
- @bgview.addSubview(obj)
- end
-# @oview.addSubview(obj)
- obj
- end
- def image(file)
- img = SglImage.alloc.initWithContentsOfFile(file)
- img.myinit(self)
- img
- end
- def font(*a)
-, *a)
- end
- def sound(file)
- url = OSX::NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(file)
- snd = SglSound.alloc.initWithContentsOfURL(url, :byReference, true)
- snd
- end
- end
- class SglMovieView < OSX::NSMovieView
- def myinit(win)
- @win = win
- end
- def rect(a,b,c,d)
- frame(*to_xywh(a, b, c, d))
- end
- def frame(a,b,c,d)
- setFrame([a, b, c, d])
-# @win.switch_to_over
- end
- def play() start_; end
- def stop() stop_; end
- def goBegin() gotoBeginning_; end
- def goEnd() gotoEnd_; end
- def forward() stepForward_; end
- def back() stepBack_; end
- def loop=(a) setLoopMode(a); end
- def rate=(r) setRate(r/100.0); end
- def volume=(v) setVolume(v/100.0); end
- end
- class SglImage < OSX::NSImage
- def myinit(win)
- @win = win
- end
- def rect(a,b,c,d) frame(*to_xywh(a, b, c, d)); end
- def frame(x,y,w,h)
- drawInRect([x,y,w,h],
- :fromRect, [0,0,size.width,size.height],
- :operation, OSX::NSCompositeSourceOver,
- :fraction, @win.curcolor[3])
- end
- end
- class SglFont
- def initialize(w, n="Helvetica", s=0.0)
- @win, @name, @size = w, n, s.abs
- end
- attr_accessor :name
- attr_reader :size
- def size=(s)
- @size = s.abs
- end
- def to_sjis(str)
- NKF.nkf("-m0 -s", str)
- end
- def text(x, y, str)
- return unless str.is_a? String
- str = str.to_sjis
- str = to_sjis(str)
- str = OSX::NSMutableAttributedString.alloc.initWithString(str)
- str.addAttribute(OSX::NSFontAttributeName(),
- :value, OSX::NSFont.fontWithName(@name, :size, @size),
- :range, [0,str.length])
- str.addAttribute(OSX::NSForegroundColorAttributeName(),
- :value, @win.color_cur,
- :range, [0,str.length])
- str.drawAtPoint([x, y])
- end
- def show_fixed() show(OSX::NSFixedPitchFontMask); end
- def show_all() show(); end
- private
- def show(mask=0)
- fmgr = OSX::NSFontManager.sharedFontManager
- fonts = fmgr.availableFontNamesWithTraits(mask){|i| i.to_s }.sort
- puts fonts
- end
- end
- class SglSound < OSX::NSSound
-# def play() play_; end
- end
- # sgl commands
- def point(a,b)
- line(a,b,a,b)
- end
- def lineWidth(w)
- OSX::NSBezierPath.setDefaultLineWidth(w)
- end
- def line(a,b,c,d)
- OSX::NSBezierPath.strokeLineFromPoint(, b),
- :toPoint,, d))
- end
- def rect(a,b,c,d)
- rect =*to_xywh(a, b, c, d))
- OSX::NSBezierPath.bezierPathWithRect(rect).fill
- end
- def circle(x, y, r)
- rect = - r, y - r, 2*r, 2*r)
- OSX::NSBezierPath.bezierPathWithOvalInRect(rect).fill
- end
- def to_xywh(a,b,c,d)
- [[a, c].min, [b, d].min, (a - c).abs, (b - d).abs]
- end
- def rotateZ(deg)
- af = OSX::NSAffineTransform.transform
- af.rotateByDegrees(deg)
- af.concat
- end
- def translate(x, y)
- af = OSX::NSAffineTransform.transform
- af.translateXBy(x, :yBy, y)
- af.concat
- end
- def scale(x, y=nil)
- af = OSX::NSAffineTransform.transform
- y ? af.scaleXBy(x, :yBy, y) : af.scaleBy(x)
- af.concat
- end
- def reset()
- OSX::NSAffineTransform.transform.set
- end
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved.
+# License: Ruby License
+# These classes are not using.
+module SGL
+ class NuVideo
+ include Singleton
+ def initialize
+ Thread.abort_on_exception = true
+ @win = Window.alloc.init
+ end
+ attr_reader :win
+ end
+ class NuWindow < OSX::NSObject
+ def init
+ OSX.ruby_thread_switcher_start(0.001, 0.01)
+ @app = OSX::NSApplication.sharedApplication
+ @app.setMainMenu(OSX::NSMenu.alloc.init)
+ @rgb =, 100, 100, 100) # color translator
+ @hsv =, 100, 100, 100)
+ @mouseX = @mouseY = @mouseDown = 0
+ @keynum = 0
+ $windowBorder = 1
+ $windowShadow = 1
+ $windowBackground = 1
+ $windowDelay = 1.0/60
+ $windowMovie = 0
+ @window_initialized = false
+ @setup_done = false
+ @display_drawing = false
+ @bgview = @oview = nil
+ return self # important for RubyCocoa
+ end
+ attr_reader :mouseX, :mouseY, :mouseDown, :keynum
+ # generate window
+ def window(w, h)
+ return if @window_initialized
+ s = OSX::NSScreen.mainScreen.frame.size
+ x = (s.width - w)/2.0
+ y = (s.height - h)/2.0
+ @win_frame = [x.to_f, y.to_f, w.to_f, h.to_f]
+ window_open
+ end
+ def window_open
+ style = OSX::NSClosableWindowMask
+ style |= ($windowBorder && $windowBorder == 0) ?
+ OSX::NSBorderlessWindowMask : OSX::NSTitledWindowMask
+ @win = SglWindow.alloc.
+ initWithContentRect(@win_frame,
+ :styleMask, style,
+ :backing, OSX::NSBackingStoreBuffered,
+ :defer, true)
+ @win.setTitle("sgl")
+ @bgview = BackView.alloc.init
+ @bgview.myinit(self)
+ @win.setContentView(@bgview)
+ @bgcolor = @curcolor = nil
+ background(100) # white
+ color(0) # black
+ @win.setDelegate(self) # for handling windowShouldClose
+ @win.setOpaque(false) # can be transparent
+ @win.setHasShadow(!($windowShadow && $windowShadow == 0))
+ @win.setReleasedWhenClosed(false)
+ @win.makeKeyAndOrderFront(self)
+ @win.orderFrontRegardless # show the window
+ window_movie if $windowMovie == 1
+ window_overlay if defined?(displayOverlay)
+ @window_initialized = true
+ @win
+ end
+ def window_movie
+ o = @bgview.frame.origin
+ so = @win.convertBaseToScreen([o.x, o.y])
+ s = @bgview.frame.size
+ @movwin = SglWindow.alloc.
+ initWithContentRect([so.x, so.y, s.width, s.height],
+ :styleMask, OSX::NSBorderlessWindowMask,
+ :backing, OSX::NSBackingStoreBuffered,
+ :defer, true)
+ @movwin.setOpaque(false) # can be transparent
+ @movwin.setHasShadow(false)
+ @movwin.setIgnoresMouseEvents(true)
+ @movwin.setAlphaValue(1.0)
+ b = @bgview.bounds
+ bo, bs = b.origin, b.size
+ @movview = MovieView.alloc.initWithFrame([bo.x, bo.y, bs.width, bs.height])
+ @movview.myinit(self)
+ @movwin.contentView.addSubview(@movview)
+ @movwin.orderFront(self)
+ @win.addChildWindow(@movwin, :ordered, OSX::NSWindowAbove)
+ @movview.setNeedsDisplay(true)
+ @movewin
+ end
+ def window_overlay
+ o = @bgview.frame.origin
+ so = @win.convertBaseToScreen([o.x, o.y])
+ s = @bgview.frame.size
+ @owin = SglWindow.alloc.
+ initWithContentRect([so.x, so.y, s.width, s.height],
+ :styleMask, OSX::NSBorderlessWindowMask,
+ :backing, OSX::NSBackingStoreBuffered,
+ :defer, true)
+ @owin.setOpaque(false) # can be transparent
+ @owin.setHasShadow(false)
+ @owin.setIgnoresMouseEvents(true)
+ @owin.setAlphaValue(1.0)
+ b = @bgview.bounds
+ bo, bs = b.origin, b.size
+ @oview = OverView.alloc.initWithFrame([bo.x, bo.y, bs.width, bs.height])
+ @oview.myinit(self)
+ @owin.contentView.addSubview(@oview)
+ @owin.orderFront(self)
+ if $windowMovie == 1
+ @movwin.addChildWindow(@owin, :ordered, OSX::NSWindowAbove)
+ else
+ @win.addChildWindow(@owin, :ordered, OSX::NSWindowAbove)
+ end
+ @oview.setNeedsDisplay(true)
+# timer = OSX::NSTimer.
+# scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1.0/60,
+# :target, self,
+# :selector, "timerloop",
+# :userInfo, nil,
+# :repeats, true).retain
+# OSX::NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop.
+# addTimer(timer, :forMode, OSX::NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode)
+ @owin
+ end
+ attr_reader :bgcolor, :curcolor
+ def setup_post
+ @setup_done = true
+ end
+ def windowShouldClose(sender)
+ OSX.NSApp.stop(nil)
+ false
+ end
+ def timerloop
+ p "timerloop"
+ end
+ # main loop
+ def mainloop
+ @thread = Thread.start {
+ loop {
+ setNeedsDisplay
+ delay
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def setNeedsDisplay
+ @bgview.setNeedsDisplay(true)
+ @oview.setNeedsDisplay(true) if @oview
+ end
+ def delay
+ sleep $windowDelay
+ end
+ def run
+ end
+ # handle events
+ def winmouseDown
+ @mouseDown = 1
+ onMouseDown(@mouseX, @mouseY)
+ end
+ def winmouseUp
+ @mouseDown = 0
+ onMouseUp(@mouseX, @mouseY)
+ end
+ def winkeyDown(e)
+ calc_keynum(e)
+ p @keynum
+ onKeyDown(@keynum)
+ end
+ def winkeyUp(e)
+ calc_keynum(e)
+ @keynum = 0
+ p @keynum
+ onKeyUp(@keynum)
+ end
+ def calc_keynum(e)
+ input = event.characters
+ @keynum = input.to_s[0]
+ end
+ # display
+ def display_bg(rect)
+ return if $windowBackground != 1
+ color_set(*@bgcolor)
+ OSX::NSRectFill(rect)
+# if @lastbgcolor && @lastbgcolor != @bgcolor
+# end
+# @lastbgcolor = @bgcolor.dup
+ end
+ def display_pre
+ pos = @win.mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream
+ @mouseX, @mouseY = pos.x, pos.y
+ color_set(*@curcolor) # set back current color
+ end
+ def display_all(rect)
+ return if !@setup_done
+# return if @display_drawing
+ return if defined?(display_drawing) && display_drawing
+ @display_drawing = true
+ display_bg(rect)
+ display_pre
+ display
+ display_post
+ @display_drawing = false
+ end
+ def display_mov(rect)
+ color_set(0, 0, 0, 0) # full transparent
+ OSX::NSRectFill(rect)
+ color_set(*@curcolor) # set back current color
+ end
+ def display_overlay_all(rect)
+ return if !@setup_done
+ return if @display_overlay_drawing
+ @display_overlay_drawing = true
+ color_set(0, 0, 0, 0) # display_bg
+ OSX::NSRectFill(rect)
+ color_set(*@curcolor) # set back current color
+ displayOverlay
+ @display_overlay_drawing = false
+ end
+ def display_post
+ end
+ # sgl commands
+ def background(x, y=nil, z=nil, a=nil)
+ @bgcolor = @rgb.norm(x,y,z,a)
+ end
+ def backgroundHSV(x, y=nil, z=nil, a=nil)
+ @bgcolor = @hsv.norm(x,y,z,a)
+ end
+ def color(x, y=nil, z=nil, a=nil)
+ @curcolor = @rgb.norm(x,y,z,a)
+ color_set(*@curcolor)
+ end
+ def colorHSV(x,y=nil,z=nil,a=nil)
+ @curcolor = @hsv.norm(x,y,z,a)
+ color_set(*@curcolor)
+ end
+ def color_set(*a)
+ color_make(*a).set if @window_initialized
+ end
+ def color_make(r, g, b, a)
+ OSX::NSColor.colorWithDeviceRed(r,:green, g, :blue, b, :alpha, a)
+ end
+ def color_cur
+ color_make(*@curcolor)
+ end
+ end
+ class SglWindow < OSX::NSWindow
+# ns_overrides :keyDown_, :keyUp_
+# def keyDown(event)
+# p "ho"
+# end
+ end
+ class BackView < OSX::NSView
+ ns_overrides :drawRect_,
+ :mouseDown_, :mouseDragged_, :mouseUp_, :keyDown_, :keyUp_
+ def myinit(win) @win = win; end
+ def drawRect(rect) @win.display_all(rect); end
+ def mouseDown(event) @win.winmouseDown; end
+ def mouseDragged(event) end
+ def mouseUp(event) @win.winmouseUp; end
+ def keyDown(event) @win.winkeyDown(event);
+ p "ho"
+ end
+ def keyUp(event) @win.winkeyUp(event); end
+ end
+ class OverView < OSX::NSView
+ ns_overrides :drawRect_
+ def myinit(win) @win = win; end
+ def drawRect(rect) @win.display_overlay_all(rect); end
+ end
+ class MovieView < OSX::NSView
+ ns_overrides :drawRect_
+ def myinit(win) @win = win; end
+ def drawRect(rect) @win.display_mov(rect); end
+ end
+ class NuWindow < OSX::NSObject
+ def movie(u)
+# if %r$^http://$ =~ u || %r$^rtsp://$ =~ u
+ if /\Ahttp:\/\// =~ u || /\Artsp:\/\// =~ u
+ url = OSX::NSURL.URLWithString_(u)
+ else
+ url = OSX::NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(u)
+ end
+ mov = OSX::NSMovie.alloc.initWithURL(url, :byReference, true)
+ # place it outer of the screen
+ obj = SglMovieView.alloc.initWithFrame([-100.0, -100.0, 10.0, 10.0])
+ obj.myinit(self)
+ obj.setMovie(mov)
+ obj.showController(false, :adjustingSize, false)
+ if $windowMovie == 1
+ @movview.addSubview(obj)
+ else
+ @bgview.addSubview(obj)
+ end
+# @oview.addSubview(obj)
+ obj
+ end
+ def image(file)
+ img = SglImage.alloc.initWithContentsOfFile(file)
+ img.myinit(self)
+ img
+ end
+ def font(*a)
+, *a)
+ end
+ def sound(file)
+ url = OSX::NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(file)
+ snd = SglSound.alloc.initWithContentsOfURL(url, :byReference, true)
+ snd
+ end
+ end
+ class SglMovieView < OSX::NSMovieView
+ def myinit(win)
+ @win = win
+ end
+ def rect(a,b,c,d)
+ frame(*to_xywh(a, b, c, d))
+ end
+ def frame(a,b,c,d)
+ setFrame([a, b, c, d])
+# @win.switch_to_over
+ end
+ def play() start_; end
+ def stop() stop_; end
+ def goBegin() gotoBeginning_; end
+ def goEnd() gotoEnd_; end
+ def forward() stepForward_; end
+ def back() stepBack_; end
+ def loop=(a) setLoopMode(a); end
+ def rate=(r) setRate(r/100.0); end
+ def volume=(v) setVolume(v/100.0); end
+ end
+ class SglImage < OSX::NSImage
+ def myinit(win)
+ @win = win
+ end
+ def rect(a,b,c,d) frame(*to_xywh(a, b, c, d)); end
+ def frame(x,y,w,h)
+ drawInRect([x,y,w,h],
+ :fromRect, [0,0,size.width,size.height],
+ :operation, OSX::NSCompositeSourceOver,
+ :fraction, @win.curcolor[3])
+ end
+ end
+ class SglFont
+ def initialize(w, n="Helvetica", s=0.0)
+ @win, @name, @size = w, n, s.abs
+ end
+ attr_accessor :name
+ attr_reader :size
+ def size=(s)
+ @size = s.abs
+ end
+ def to_sjis(str)
+ NKF.nkf("-m0 -s", str)
+ end
+ def text(x, y, str)
+ return unless str.is_a? String
+ str = str.to_sjis
+ str = to_sjis(str)
+ str = OSX::NSMutableAttributedString.alloc.initWithString(str)
+ str.addAttribute(OSX::NSFontAttributeName(),
+ :value, OSX::NSFont.fontWithName(@name, :size, @size),
+ :range, [0,str.length])
+ str.addAttribute(OSX::NSForegroundColorAttributeName(),
+ :value, @win.color_cur,
+ :range, [0,str.length])
+ str.drawAtPoint([x, y])
+ end
+ def show_fixed() show(OSX::NSFixedPitchFontMask); end
+ def show_all() show(); end
+ private
+ def show(mask=0)
+ fmgr = OSX::NSFontManager.sharedFontManager
+ fonts = fmgr.availableFontNamesWithTraits(mask){|i| i.to_s }.sort
+ puts fonts
+ end
+ end
+ class SglSound < OSX::NSSound
+# def play() play_; end
+ end
+ # sgl commands
+ def point(a,b)
+ line(a,b,a,b)
+ end
+ def lineWidth(w)
+ OSX::NSBezierPath.setDefaultLineWidth(w)
+ end
+ def line(a,b,c,d)
+ OSX::NSBezierPath.strokeLineFromPoint(, b),
+ :toPoint,, d))
+ end
+ def rect(a,b,c,d)
+ rect =*to_xywh(a, b, c, d))
+ OSX::NSBezierPath.bezierPathWithRect(rect).fill
+ end
+ def circle(x, y, r)
+ rect = - r, y - r, 2*r, 2*r)
+ OSX::NSBezierPath.bezierPathWithOvalInRect(rect).fill
+ end
+ def to_xywh(a,b,c,d)
+ [[a, c].min, [b, d].min, (a - c).abs, (b - d).abs]
+ end
+ def rotateZ(deg)
+ af = OSX::NSAffineTransform.transform
+ af.rotateByDegrees(deg)
+ af.concat
+ end
+ def translate(x, y)
+ af = OSX::NSAffineTransform.transform
+ af.translateXBy(x, :yBy, y)
+ af.concat
+ end
+ def scale(x, y=nil)
+ af = OSX::NSAffineTransform.transform
+ y ? af.scaleXBy(x, :yBy, y) : af.scaleBy(x)
+ af.concat
+ end
+ def reset()
+ OSX::NSAffineTransform.transform.set
+ end