bin/sfw2graph in sfplanner-0.1.3 vs bin/sfw2graph in sfplanner-0.1.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,152 +1,32 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
-module Nuri
- module Planner
- module Graph
- ActionColor = 'white'
- ActionLabelWithParameters = false
- def self.clean(value)
- return value[2, value.length-2] if value[0,2] == '$.'
- return value
- end
- def self.get_label(action, withparameters=true)
- label = clean(action["name"])
- if withparameters and ActionLabelWithParameters
- label += "("
- if action["parameters"].length > 0
- action["parameters"].each { |key,value|
- label += "#{clean(key)}=#{clean(value.to_s)},"
- }
- label.chop!
- end
- label += ')'
- end
- return label
- end
- def self.partial2dot(json)
- dot = "digraph {\n"
- dot += "init_state [label=\"\", shape=doublecircle, fixedsize=true, width=0.35];\n"
- dot += "final_state [label=\"\", shape=doublecircle, style=filled, fillcolor=black, fixedsize=true, width=0.35];\n"
- last_actions =
- json["workflow"].each { |action|
- dot += "#{action["id"]}[label=\"#{get_label(action)}\", shape=rect, style=filled, fillcolor=#{ActionColor}];\n"
- last_actions[action["id"].to_s] = action
- }
- json["workflow"].each { |action|
- has_predecessor = false
- action["predecessors"].each { |prevId|
- dot += "#{prevId} -> #{action["id"]};\n"
- has_predecessor = true
- last_actions.delete(prevId.to_s)
- }
- if not has_predecessor
- dot += "init_state -> #{action["id"]};\n"
- end
- }
- last_actions.each { |id,action|
- dot += "#{id} -> final_state;\n"
- }
- dot += "}"
- return dot
- end
- def self.stage2dot(json)
- dot = "digraph {\n"
- dot += "init_state [label=\"\", shape=doublecircle, fixedsize=true, width=0.35];\n"
- dot += "final_state [label=\"\", shape=doublecircle, style=filled, fillcolor=black, fixedsize=true, width=0.35];\n"
- index = 0
- prevState = "init_state"
- json["workflow"].each { |stage|
- id = 0
- stage.each { |action|
- dot += "a" + index.to_s + "a" + id.to_s + '[label="' + get_label(action) + '", shape=rect]' + ";\n"
- dot += prevState + " -> a" + index.to_s + "a" + id.to_s + ";\n"
- id += 1
- }
- if index < json["workflow"].length-1
- dot += "state" + index.to_s + ' [label="", shape=circle, fixedsize=true, width=0.35]' + ";\n"
- prevState = "state" + index.to_s
- id = 0
- stage.each { |action|
- dot += "a" + index.to_s + "a" + id.to_s + " -> " + prevState + ";\n"
- id += 1
- }
- else
- id = 0
- stage.each { |action|
- dot += "a" + index.to_s + "a" + id.to_s + " -> final_state;\n"
- id += 1
- }
- end
- index += 1
- }
- dot += "}"
- return dot
- end
- def self.sequential2dot(json)
- dot = "digraph {\n"
- dot += "init_state [label=\"\", shape=doublecircle, fixedsize=true, width=0.35];\n"
- dot += "final_state [label=\"\", shape=doublecircle, style=filled, fillcolor=black, fixedsize=true, width=0.35];\n"
- id = 0
- json["workflow"].each { |action|
- dot += id.to_s + '[label="' + get_label(action) + '", shape=rect]' + ";\n"
- id += 1
- }
- id = 0
- prevActionId = nil
- json["workflow"].each { |action|
- if id == 0
- dot += "init_state -> " + id.to_s + ";\n"
- elsif id == json["workflow"].length-1
- dot += id.to_s + " -> final_state;\n"
- end
- if prevActionId != nil
- dot += prevActionId.to_s + " -> " + id.to_s + ";\n"
- end
- prevActionId = id
- id += 1
- }
- dot += "}"
- return dot
- end
- end
- end
+module Sfp
+require File.expand_path('../../lib/sfplanner/graph.rb', __FILE__)
def main
if ARGV.length < 1
- puts "Usage: sfw2dot.rb <input-file> [output-file]\n\n"
+ puts "Convert SFP plan to an image graph with Graphviz (dot).\n\nUsage: sfw2dot.rb <input-file> [output-file]\n\n"
fp = open(ARGV[0], "rb")
json = JSON.parse(
dot = ""
case json["type"]
when 'partial-order', 'parallel'
- dot = Nuri::Planner::Graph::partial2dot(json)
+ dot = Sfp::Graph::partial2dot(json)
when 'sequential'
- dot = Nuri::Planner::Graph::sequential2dot(json)
+ dot = Sfp::Graph::sequential2dot(json)
when 'stage'
- dot = Nuri::Planner::Graph::stage2dot(json)
+ dot = Sfp::Graph::stage2dot(json)
throw Exception, "Unrecognised type of workflow: #{json['type']}"
outfile = "/tmp/#{ARGV[0]}.dot"