README.rdoc in sfanalytics-0.2.13 vs README.rdoc in sfanalytics-0.2.15

- old
+ new

@@ -14,35 +14,35 @@ :vat => '0.34', :postage => '2.20', :city => 'Test City', :county => 'Test County', :country => 'Test Kingdom' - }, 'UA-1234567-1' + } ) analytics_add_item( { :sku => 'TEST123', :name => 'Test Item', :category => 'Test Categoru', :price => '1.99', :quantity => '2' - }, 'UA-1234567-1' + } ) analytics_add_item( { :sku => 'TEST124', :name => 'Test Item3', :category => 'Test Categoru', :price => '1.99', :quantity => '3' - }, 'UA-1234567-2' + } ) %> <%= analytics_generate('UA-1234566-1') %> -This adds a transaction, then some line items to the transaction, then outputs the analytics code when analytics_generate is called. Technically the analytics ID is only required on the first helper call, but it does no harm to include it on each call. +This adds a transaction, then some line items to the transaction, then outputs the analytics code when analytics_generate is called. == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix.