README.textile in server_remote-0.2.0 vs README.textile in server_remote-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
Currently, it provides the following commands:
* @remote shell@ - same as ssh'ing to the server (this is the default command, so it can be called with just @remote@)
* @remote console@ - executes a @script/console@ on the server
* @remote logtail@ - executes @tail -f log/<environment>.log@ on the server
+* @remote logtail path/to/logfile@ - executes @tail -f path/to/logfile@ on the server
* @remote cmd <some command>@ executes command on the server, displaying the result. It @cd@'s to the remote app root first.
* @remote scp <local_file> :<remote_file>@ provides scp. Prefix remote files with ':'
h3. Configuration