spec/capybara_spec.rb in sequenceserver-2.0.0.beta1 vs spec/capybara_spec.rb in sequenceserver-2.0.0.beta3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,51 +1,6 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-require 'sauce_whisk'
-require 'capybara/rspec'
-require 'selenium-webdriver'
-RSpec.configure do |config|
- config.include Capybara::DSL
-describe 'a browser', :js => true do
- before do |scenario|
- Capybara.app = SequenceServer.init
- Capybara.server = :webrick
- Capybara.javascript_driver = :selenium
- Capybara.default_max_wait_time = 30
- Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|
- capabilities = {
- name: scenario.full_description,
- platform: ENV['platform'],
- browserName: ENV['browserName'],
- browserVersion: ENV['browserVersion'],
- 'tunnel-identifier': ENV['TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER']
- }
- url = "https://#{ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME']}:#{ENV['SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY']}" \
- "@ondemand.saucelabs.com:443/wd/hub".strip
- Capybara::Selenium::Driver.new(app, browser: :remote, url: url,
- desired_capabilities: capabilities)
- end
- end
- before :each do |scenario|
- jobname = scenario.full_description
- Capybara.session_name = "#{jobname} - #{ENV['platform']} - " \
- "#{ENV['browserName']} - #{ENV['browserVersion']}"
- @driver = Capybara.current_session.driver
- # Output sessionId and jobname to std out for Sauce OnDemand Plugin to
- # display embeded results
- @session_id = @driver.browser.session_id
- puts "SauceOnDemandSessionID=#{@session_id} job-name=#{jobname}"
- end
+describe 'a browser', type: :feature, js: true do
it 'properly controls blast button' do
visit '/'
fill_in('sequence', with: nucleotide_query)
page.evaluate_script("$('#method').is(':disabled')").should eq(true)
@@ -71,43 +26,272 @@
it 'can run a simple blastn search' do
perform_search query: nucleotide_query,
databases: nucleotide_databases
+ page.should have_content('BLASTN')
it 'can run a simple blastp search' do
perform_search query: protein_query,
databases: protein_databases
+ page.should have_content('BLASTP')
it 'can run a simple blastx search' do
perform_search query: nucleotide_query,
databases: protein_databases
+ page.should have_content('BLASTX')
it 'can run a simple tblastx search' do
perform_search query: nucleotide_query,
databases: nucleotide_databases,
method: 'tblastx'
+ page.should have_content('TBLASTX')
it 'can run a simple tblastn search' do
perform_search query: protein_query,
databases: nucleotide_databases
+ page.should have_content('TBLASTN')
- after :each do |scenario|
- @driver.quit
- Capybara.use_default_driver
- if scenario.exception
- SauceWhisk::Jobs.fail_job @session_id
- else
- SauceWhisk::Jobs.pass_job @session_id
+ ### Test aspects of the generated report.
+ it "can download FASTA of each hit" do
+ # Do a BLASTP search. protein_query refers to the first two sequence in
+ # protein_databases[0], so the top hits are the query sequences themselves.
+ perform_search(query: protein_query,
+ databases: protein_databases.values_at(0))
+ # Click on the first FASTA download button on the page and wait for the
+ # download to finish.
+ page.execute_script("$('.download-fa:eq(0)').click()")
+ wait_for_download
+ # Test name and content of the downloaded file.
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).
+ to eq('sequenceserver-SI2.2.0_06267.fa')
+ expect(File.read(downloaded_file)).
+ to eq(File.read("#{__dir__}/sequences/sequenceserver-SI2.2.0_06267.fa"))
+ end
+ it "can download FASTA of selected hits" do
+ # Do a BLASTP search. protein_query refers to the first two sequence in
+ # protein_databases[0], so the top hits are the query sequences themselves.
+ perform_search(query: protein_query,
+ databases: protein_databases.values_at(0))
+ # Select first hit for each query and click 'FASTA of 2 selected hits'.
+ page.check('Query_1_hit_1_checkbox')
+ page.check('Query_2_hit_1_checkbox')
+ page.click_link('FASTA of 2 selected hit(s)')
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('sequenceserver-2_hits.fa')
+ expect(File.read(downloaded_file)).to eq(File.read("spec/sequences/sequenceserver-2_hits.fa"))
+ end
+ it "can download FASTA of all hits" do
+ # Do a BLASTP search. protein_query refers to the first two sequence in
+ # protein_databases[0], so the top hits are the query sequences themselves.
+ perform_search(query: protein_query,
+ databases: protein_databases.values_at(0))
+ # Click 'FASTA of all hits'.
+ page.click_link('FASTA of all hits')
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('sequenceserver-2_hits.fa')
+ expect(File.read(downloaded_file)).to eq(File.read("spec/sequences/sequenceserver-2_hits.fa"))
+ end
+ it "can download alignment for each hit" do
+ # Do a BLASTP search. protein_query refers to the first two sequence in
+ # protein_databases[0], so the top hits are the query sequences themselves.
+ perform_search(query: protein_query,
+ databases: protein_databases.values_at(0))
+ # Click on the first Alignment download button on the page and wait for the
+ # download to finish.
+ page.execute_script("$('.download-aln:eq(0)').click()")
+ wait_for_download
+ # Test name and content of the downloaded file.
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('Query_1_SI2_2_0_06267.txt')
+ expect(File.read(downloaded_file)).
+ to eq(File.read("#{__dir__}/sequences/Query_1_SI2_2_0_06267.txt"))
+ end
+ it "can download Alignment of selected hits" do
+ # Do a BLASTP search. protein_query refers to the first two sequence in
+ # protein_databases[0], so the top hits are the query sequences themselves.
+ perform_search(query: protein_query,
+ databases: protein_databases.values_at(0))
+ # Select first hit for each query and click 'Alignment of 2 selected hits'.
+ page.check('Query_1_hit_1_checkbox')
+ page.check('Query_2_hit_1_checkbox')
+ page.click_link('Alignment of 2 selected hit(s)')
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('alignment-2_hits.txt')
+ expect(File.read(downloaded_file)).to eq(File.read("spec/sequences/alignment-2_hits.txt"))
+ end
+ it "can download Alignment of all hits" do
+ # Do a BLASTP search. protein_query refers to the first two sequence in
+ # protein_databases[0], so the top hits are the query sequences themselves.
+ perform_search(query: protein_query,
+ databases: protein_databases.values_at(0))
+ # Click 'Alignment of all hits'.
+ page.click_link('Alignment of all hits')
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('alignment-2_hits.txt')
+ expect(File.read(downloaded_file)).to eq(File.read("spec/sequences/alignment-2_hits.txt"))
+ end
+ it 'can download BLAST results in XML and tabular formats' do
+ # Do a BLASTP search. protein_query refers to the first two sequence in
+ # protein_databases[0], so the top hits are the query sequences themselves.
+ perform_search(query: protein_query,
+ databases: protein_databases.values_at(0))
+ page.click_link('Standard tabular report')
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('sequenceserver-std_tsv_report.tsv')
+ clear_downloads
+ page.click_link('Full tabular report')
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('sequenceserver-full_tsv_report.tsv')
+ clear_downloads
+ page.click_link('Full XML report')
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('sequenceserver-xml_report.xml')
+ clear_downloads
+ end
+ it 'can show hit sequences in a modal' do
+ # Do a BLASTP search. protein_query refers to the first two sequence in
+ # protein_databases[0], so the top hits are the query sequences themselves.
+ perform_search(query: protein_query,
+ databases: protein_databases.values_at(0))
+ # Click on the first sequence viewer link in the report.
+ page.execute_script("$('.view-sequence:eq(0)').click()")
+ within('.sequence-viewer') do
+ page.should have_content('SI2.2.0_06267')
+ page.should have_content(<<~SEQ.chomp)
+ # Dismiss the first modal.
+ page.execute_script("$('.sequence-viewer').modal('hide')")
+ # Click on the second sequence viewer link in the report.
+ page.execute_script("$('.view-sequence:eq(1)').click()")
+ within('.sequence-viewer') do
+ page.should have_content('SI2.2.0_13722')
+ page.should have_content(<<~SEQ.chomp)
+ end
+ it 'disables sequence viewer links if hits are longer than 10kb' do
+ # BLASTN transcripts against genome. nucleotide_query refers to two fire
+ # ant transcripts and nucleotide_databases[0] is subset of the fire ant
+ # genome (few longest scaffolds). We expect sequence viewer links to be
+ # disabled for all hits of this search.
+ perform_search(query: nucleotide_query,
+ databases: nucleotide_databases.values_at(0))
+ # Check that the sequence viewer links are disabled.
+ page.evaluate_script("$('.view-sequence').is(':disabled')").should eq(true)
+ end
+ it 'can download visualisations in svg and png format' do
+ # Do a BLASTP search. protein_query refers to the first two sequence in
+ # protein_databases[0], so the top hits are the query sequences themselves.
+ perform_search(query: protein_query,
+ databases: protein_databases.values_at(0))
+ ## Check that there is a circos vis and unfold it.
+ page.should have_content('Circos')
+ page.execute_script("$('.circos > .grapher-header > h5').click()")
+ sleep 1
+ page.execute_script("$('.export-to-svg:eq(0)').click()")
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('Circos-visualisation.svg')
+ clear_downloads
+ page.execute_script("$('.export-to-png:eq(0)').click()")
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('Circos-visualisation.png')
+ clear_downloads
+ ## Check that there is a graphical overview of hits.
+ page.should have_content('Graphical overview of hits')
+ page.execute_script("$('.export-to-svg:eq(1)').click()")
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('Alignment-Overview-Query_1.svg')
+ clear_downloads
+ page.execute_script("$('.export-to-png:eq(1)').click()")
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('Alignment-Overview-Query_1.png')
+ clear_downloads
+ ## Check that there is a length distribution of hits.
+ page.should have_content('Length distribution of hits')
+ page.execute_script("$('.length-distribution > .grapher-header > h5').click()")
+ sleep 1
+ page.execute_script("$('.export-to-svg:eq(2)').click()")
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('length-distribution-Query_1.svg')
+ clear_downloads
+ page.execute_script("$('.export-to-png:eq(2)').click()")
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('length-distribution-Query_1.png')
+ clear_downloads
+ ## Check that there is a kablammo vis of query vs hit.
+ page.should have_content('Graphical overview of aligning region(s)')
+ page.execute_script("$('.export-to-svg:eq(3)').click()")
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('Kablammo-Query_1-SI2_2_0_06267.svg')
+ clear_downloads
+ page.execute_script("$('.export-to-png:eq(3)').click()")
+ wait_for_download
+ expect(File.basename(downloaded_file)).to eq('Kablammo-Query_1-SI2_2_0_06267.png')
+ clear_downloads
+ end
## Helpers ##
def perform_search(query: , databases: , method: nil)
# Load search form.
visit '/'
@@ -119,22 +303,23 @@
find('.dropdown-menu li').click
- # switch to new window because link opens in new window
+ # Switch to new window because link opens in new window
- # Check that results loaded.
+ # It is important to have this line or the examples end prematurely with a
+ # failure.
page.should have_content('Query')
def nucleotide_query
- File.read File.join __dir__, 'nucleotide_query.fa'
+ File.read File.join(__dir__, 'sequences', 'nucleotide_query.fa')
def protein_query
- File.read File.join __dir__, 'protein_query.fa'
+ File.read File.join(__dir__, 'sequences', 'protein_query.fa')
def nucleotide_databases
'Solenopsis invicta gnG subset',