spec/integration/plugin_test.rb in sequel-4.2.0 vs spec/integration/plugin_test.rb in sequel-4.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -703,47 +703,12 @@
@e2.month.should == 10
@e2.day.should == 2
-# DB2's implemention of CTE is too limited to use this plugin
-if DB.dataset.supports_cte? and !Sequel.guarded?(:db2)
- describe "RcteTree Plugin" do
- before(:all) do
- @db = DB
- @db.create_table!(:nodes) do
- primary_key :id
- Integer :parent_id
- String :name
- end
- class ::Node < Sequel::Model(@db)
- plugin :rcte_tree, :order=>:name
- end
- @nodes = []
- @nodes << @a = Node.create(:name=>'a')
- @nodes << @b = Node.create(:name=>'b')
- @nodes << @aa = Node.create(:name=>'aa', :parent=>@a)
- @nodes << @ab = Node.create(:name=>'ab', :parent=>@a)
- @nodes << @ba = Node.create(:name=>'ba', :parent=>@b)
- @nodes << @bb = Node.create(:name=>'bb', :parent=>@b)
- @nodes << @aaa = Node.create(:name=>'aaa', :parent=>@aa)
- @nodes << @aab = Node.create(:name=>'aab', :parent=>@aa)
- @nodes << @aba = Node.create(:name=>'aba', :parent=>@ab)
- @nodes << @abb = Node.create(:name=>'abb', :parent=>@ab)
- @nodes << @aaaa = Node.create(:name=>'aaaa', :parent=>@aaa)
- @nodes << @aaab = Node.create(:name=>'aaab', :parent=>@aaa)
- @nodes << @aaaaa = Node.create(:name=>'aaaaa', :parent=>@aaaa)
- end
- before do
- @nodes.each{|n| n.associations.clear}
- end
- after(:all) do
- @db.drop_table? :nodes
- Object.send(:remove_const, :Node)
- end
+describe "RcteTree Plugin" do
+ shared_examples_for "rcte tree plugin" do
specify "should load all standard (not-CTE) methods correctly" do
@a.children.should == [@aa, @ab]
@b.children.should == [@ba, @bb]
@aa.children.should == [@aaa, @aab]
@ab.children.should == [@aba, @abb]
@@ -801,48 +766,36 @@
@aaab.ancestors.should == [@a, @aa, @aaa]
@aaaaa.ancestors.should == [@a, @aa, @aaa, @aaaa]
specify "should eagerly load all ancestors and descendants for a dataset" do
- nodes = Node.filter(:id=>[@a.id, @b.id, @aaa.id]).order(:name).eager(:ancestors, :descendants).all
+ nodes = @Node.filter(@Node.primary_key=>[@a.pk, @b.pk, @aaa.pk]).order(:name).eager(:ancestors, :descendants).all
nodes.should == [@a, @aaa, @b]
nodes[0].descendants.should == [@aa, @aaa, @aaaa, @aaaaa, @aaab, @aab, @ab, @aba, @abb]
nodes[1].descendants.should == [@aaaa, @aaaaa, @aaab]
nodes[2].descendants.should == [@ba, @bb]
nodes[0].ancestors.should == []
nodes[1].ancestors.should == [@a, @aa]
nodes[2].ancestors.should == []
- specify "should work correctly if not all columns are selected" do
- c = Class.new(Sequel::Model(@db[:nodes]))
- c.plugin :rcte_tree, :order=>:name
- c.plugin :lazy_attributes, :name
- c[:name=>'aaaa'].descendants.should == [c.load(:parent_id=>11, :id=>13)]
- c[:name=>'aa'].ancestors.should == [c.load(:parent_id=>nil, :id=>1)]
- nodes = c.filter(:id=>[@a.id, @b.id, @aaa.id]).order(:name).eager(:ancestors, :descendants).all
- nodes.should == [{:parent_id=>nil, :id=>1}, {:parent_id=>3, :id=>7}, {:parent_id=>nil, :id=>2}].map{|x| c.load(x)}
- nodes[2].descendants.should == [{:parent_id=>2, :id=>5}, {:parent_id=>2, :id=>6}].map{|x| c.load(x)}
- nodes[1].ancestors.should == [{:parent_id=>nil, :id=>1}, {:parent_id=>1, :id=>3}].map{|x| c.load(x)}
- end
specify "should eagerly load descendants to a given level" do
- nodes = Node.filter(:id=>[@a.id, @b.id, @aaa.id]).order(:name).eager(:descendants=>1).all
+ nodes = @Node.filter(@Node.primary_key=>[@a.pk, @b.pk, @aaa.pk]).order(:name).eager(:descendants=>1).all
nodes.should == [@a, @aaa, @b]
nodes[0].descendants.should == [@aa, @ab]
nodes[1].descendants.should == [@aaaa, @aaab]
nodes[2].descendants.should == [@ba, @bb]
- nodes = Node.filter(:id=>[@a.id, @b.id, @aaa.id]).order(:name).eager(:descendants=>2).all
+ nodes = @Node.filter(@Node.primary_key=>[@a.pk, @b.pk, @aaa.pk]).order(:name).eager(:descendants=>2).all
nodes.should == [@a, @aaa, @b]
nodes[0].descendants.should == [@aa, @aaa, @aab, @ab, @aba, @abb]
nodes[1].descendants.should == [@aaaa, @aaaaa, @aaab]
nodes[2].descendants.should == [@ba, @bb]
specify "should populate all :children associations when eagerly loading descendants for a dataset" do
- nodes = Node.filter(:id=>[@a.id, @b.id, @aaa.id]).order(:name).eager(:descendants).all
+ nodes = @Node.filter(@Node.primary_key=>[@a.pk, @b.pk, @aaa.pk]).order(:name).eager(:descendants).all
nodes[0].associations[:children].should == [@aa, @ab]
nodes[1].associations[:children].should == [@aaaa, @aaab]
nodes[2].associations[:children].should == [@ba, @bb]
nodes[0].associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.associations[:children]}.should == [[@aaa, @aab], [@aba, @abb]]
nodes[1].associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.associations[:children]}.should == [[@aaaaa], []]
@@ -852,11 +805,11 @@
nodes[0].associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.associations[:children].map{|c2| c2.associations[:children].map{|c3| c3.associations[:children]}}}.should == [[[[@aaaaa], []], []], [[], []]]
nodes[0].associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.associations[:children].map{|c2| c2.associations[:children].map{|c3| c3.associations[:children].map{|c4| c4.associations[:children]}}}}.should == [[[[[]], []], []], [[], []]]
specify "should not populate :children associations for final level when loading descendants to a given level" do
- nodes = Node.filter(:id=>[@a.id, @b.id, @aaa.id]).order(:name).eager(:descendants=>1).all
+ nodes = @Node.filter(@Node.primary_key=>[@a.pk, @b.pk, @aaa.pk]).order(:name).eager(:descendants=>1).all
nodes[0].associations[:children].should == [@aa, @ab]
nodes[0].associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.associations[:children]}.should == [nil, nil]
nodes[1].associations[:children].should == [@aaaa, @aaab]
nodes[1].associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.associations[:children]}.should == [nil, nil]
nodes[2].associations[:children].should == [@ba, @bb]
@@ -864,11 +817,11 @@
nodes[0].associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.children}.should == [[@aaa, @aab], [@aba, @abb]]
nodes[1].associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.children}.should == [[@aaaaa], []]
nodes[2].associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.children}.should == [[], []]
- nodes = Node.filter(:id=>[@a.id, @b.id, @aaa.id]).order(:name).eager(:descendants=>2).all
+ nodes = @Node.filter(@Node.primary_key=>[@a.pk, @b.pk, @aaa.pk]).order(:name).eager(:descendants=>2).all
nodes[0].associations[:children].should == [@aa, @ab]
nodes[0].associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.associations[:children]}.should == [[@aaa, @aab], [@aba, @abb]]
nodes[0].associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.associations[:children].map{|c2| c2.associations[:children]}}.should == [[[@aaaa, @aaab], nil], [nil, nil]]
nodes[0].associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.associations[:children].map{|c2| (cc2 = c2.associations[:children]) ? cc2.map{|c3| c3.associations[:children]} : nil}}.should == [[[[@aaaaa], []], nil], [nil, nil]]
nodes[0].associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.associations[:children].map{|c2| (cc2 = c2.associations[:children]) ? cc2.map{|c3| (cc3 = c3.associations[:children]) ? cc3.map{|c4| c4.associations[:children]} : nil} : nil}}.should == [[[[nil], []], nil], [nil, nil]]
@@ -902,11 +855,11 @@
@aaa.associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.associations[:children]}.should == [[@aaaaa], []]
@aaa.associations[:children].map{|c1| c1.associations[:children].map{|c2| c2.associations[:children]}}.should == [[[]], []]
specify "should populate all :parent associations when eagerly loading ancestors for a dataset" do
- nodes = Node.filter(:id=>[@a.id, @ba.id, @aaa.id, @aaaaa.id]).order(:name).eager(:ancestors).all
+ nodes = @Node.filter(@Node.primary_key=>[@a.pk, @ba.pk, @aaa.pk, @aaaaa.pk]).order(:name).eager(:ancestors).all
nodes[0].associations.fetch(:parent, 1).should == nil
nodes[1].associations[:parent].should == @aa
nodes[1].associations[:parent].associations[:parent].should == @a
nodes[1].associations[:parent].associations[:parent].associations.fetch(:parent, 1).should == nil
nodes[2].associations[:parent].should == @aaaa
@@ -935,12 +888,96 @@
@aaaaa.associations[:parent].associations[:parent].associations[:parent].should == @aa
@aaaaa.associations[:parent].associations[:parent].associations[:parent].associations[:parent].should == @a
@aaaaa.associations[:parent].associations[:parent].associations[:parent].associations[:parent].associations.fetch(:parent, 1).should == nil
+ before do
+ @nodes.each{|n| n.associations.clear}
+ end
+ describe "with single key" do
+ before(:all) do
+ @db = DB
+ @db.create_table!(:nodes) do
+ primary_key :id
+ Integer :parent_id
+ String :name
+ end
+ @Node = Class.new(Sequel::Model(@db[:nodes]))
+ @Node.plugin :rcte_tree, :order=>:name
+ @nodes = []
+ @nodes << @a = @Node.create(:name=>'a')
+ @nodes << @b = @Node.create(:name=>'b')
+ @nodes << @aa = @Node.create(:name=>'aa', :parent=>@a)
+ @nodes << @ab = @Node.create(:name=>'ab', :parent=>@a)
+ @nodes << @ba = @Node.create(:name=>'ba', :parent=>@b)
+ @nodes << @bb = @Node.create(:name=>'bb', :parent=>@b)
+ @nodes << @aaa = @Node.create(:name=>'aaa', :parent=>@aa)
+ @nodes << @aab = @Node.create(:name=>'aab', :parent=>@aa)
+ @nodes << @aba = @Node.create(:name=>'aba', :parent=>@ab)
+ @nodes << @abb = @Node.create(:name=>'abb', :parent=>@ab)
+ @nodes << @aaaa = @Node.create(:name=>'aaaa', :parent=>@aaa)
+ @nodes << @aaab = @Node.create(:name=>'aaab', :parent=>@aaa)
+ @nodes << @aaaaa = @Node.create(:name=>'aaaaa', :parent=>@aaaa)
+ end
+ after(:all) do
+ @db.drop_table? :nodes
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like "rcte tree plugin"
+ specify "should work correctly if not all columns are selected" do
+ c = Class.new(Sequel::Model(@db[:nodes]))
+ c.plugin :rcte_tree, :order=>:name
+ c.plugin :lazy_attributes, :name
+ c[:name=>'aaaa'].descendants.should == [c.load(:parent_id=>11, :id=>13)]
+ c[:name=>'aa'].ancestors.should == [c.load(:parent_id=>nil, :id=>1)]
+ nodes = c.filter(:id=>[@a.id, @b.id, @aaa.id]).order(:name).eager(:ancestors, :descendants).all
+ nodes.should == [{:parent_id=>nil, :id=>1}, {:parent_id=>3, :id=>7}, {:parent_id=>nil, :id=>2}].map{|x| c.load(x)}
+ nodes[2].descendants.should == [{:parent_id=>2, :id=>5}, {:parent_id=>2, :id=>6}].map{|x| c.load(x)}
+ nodes[1].ancestors.should == [{:parent_id=>nil, :id=>1}, {:parent_id=>1, :id=>3}].map{|x| c.load(x)}
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with composite keys" do
+ before(:all) do
+ @db = DB
+ @db.create_table!(:nodes) do
+ Integer :id
+ Integer :id2
+ Integer :parent_id
+ Integer :parent_id2
+ String :name
+ primary_key [:id, :id2]
+ end
+ @Node = Class.new(Sequel::Model(@db[:nodes]))
+ @Node.plugin :rcte_tree, :order=>:name, :key=>[:parent_id, :parent_id2]
+ @Node.unrestrict_primary_key
+ @nodes = []
+ @nodes << @a = @Node.create(:id=>1, :id2=>1, :name=>'a')
+ @nodes << @b = @Node.create(:id=>1, :id2=>2, :name=>'b')
+ @nodes << @aa = @Node.create(:id=>2, :id2=>1, :name=>'aa', :parent=>@a)
+ @nodes << @ab = @Node.create(:id=>2, :id2=>2, :name=>'ab', :parent=>@a)
+ @nodes << @ba = @Node.create(:id=>3, :id2=>1, :name=>'ba', :parent=>@b)
+ @nodes << @bb = @Node.create(:id=>3, :id2=>2, :name=>'bb', :parent=>@b)
+ @nodes << @aaa = @Node.create(:id=>3, :id2=>3, :name=>'aaa', :parent=>@aa)
+ @nodes << @aab = @Node.create(:id=>1, :id2=>3, :name=>'aab', :parent=>@aa)
+ @nodes << @aba = @Node.create(:id=>2, :id2=>3, :name=>'aba', :parent=>@ab)
+ @nodes << @abb = @Node.create(:id=>4, :id2=>1, :name=>'abb', :parent=>@ab)
+ @nodes << @aaaa = @Node.create(:id=>1, :id2=>4, :name=>'aaaa', :parent=>@aaa)
+ @nodes << @aaab = @Node.create(:id=>2, :id2=>4, :name=>'aaab', :parent=>@aaa)
+ @nodes << @aaaaa = @Node.create(:id=>3, :id2=>4, :name=>'aaaaa', :parent=>@aaaa)
+ end
+ after(:all) do
+ @db.drop_table? :nodes
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like "rcte tree plugin"
+ end
+end if DB.dataset.supports_cte? and !Sequel.guarded?(:db2)
describe "Instance Filters plugin" do
before(:all) do
@db = DB
@db.create_table!(:items) do
primary_key :id
@@ -1536,170 +1573,119 @@
proc { @c[:name => "P1"].move_down(10) }.should raise_error(Sequel::Error)
describe "Sequel::Plugins::Tree" do
- before(:all) do
- @db = DB
- end
- describe "with natural database order" do
- before(:all) do
- @db.create_table!(:nodes) do
- Integer :id, :primary_key=>true
- String :name
- Integer :parent_id
- Integer :position
- end
- @nodes = [{:id => 1, :name => 'one', :parent_id => nil, :position => 1},
- {:id => 2, :name => 'two', :parent_id => nil, :position => 2},
- {:id => 3, :name => 'three', :parent_id => nil, :position => 3},
- {:id => 4, :name => "two.one", :parent_id => 2, :position => 1},
- {:id => 5, :name => "two.two", :parent_id => 2, :position => 2},
- {:id => 6, :name => "two.two.one", :parent_id => 5, :position => 1},
- {:id => 7, :name => "one.two", :parent_id => 1, :position => 2},
- {:id => 8, :name => "one.one", :parent_id => 1, :position => 1},
- {:id => 9, :name => "five", :parent_id => nil, :position => 5},
- {:id => 10, :name => "four", :parent_id => nil, :position => 4},
- {:id => 11, :name => "five.one", :parent_id => 9, :position => 1},
- {:id => 12, :name => "two.three", :parent_id => 2, :position => 3}]
- @nodes.each{|node| @db[:nodes].insert(node)}
- class ::Node < Sequel::Model
- plugin :tree
- end
- end
- after(:all) do
- @db.drop_table?(:nodes)
- Object.send(:remove_const, :Node)
- end
+ shared_examples_for "tree plugin" do
it "should instantiate" do
- Node.all.size.should == 12
+ @Node.all.size.should == 12
- it "should find top level nodes" do
- Node.roots_dataset.count.should == 5
- end
it "should find all descendants of a node" do
- two = Node.find(:id => 2)
- two.name.should == "two"
- two.descendants.map{|m| m[:id]}.should == [4, 5, 12, 6]
+ @Node.find(:name => 'two').descendants.map{|m| m.name}.should == %w'two.one two.two two.three two.two.one'
it "should find all ancestors of a node" do
- twotwoone = Node.find(:id => 6)
- twotwoone.name.should == "two.two.one"
- twotwoone.ancestors.map{|m| m[:id]}.should == [5, 2]
+ @Node.find(:name => "two.two.one").ancestors.map{|m| m.name}.should == %w'two.two two'
it "should find all siblings of a node, excepting self" do
- twoone = Node.find(:id => 4)
- twoone.name.should == "two.one"
- twoone.siblings.map{|m| m[:id]}.should == [5, 12]
+ @Node.find(:name=>"two.one").siblings.map{|m| m.name}.should == %w'two.two two.three'
it "should find all siblings of a node, including self" do
- twoone = Node.find(:id => 4)
- twoone.name.should == "two.one"
- twoone.self_and_siblings.map{|m| m[:id]}.should == [4, 5, 12]
+ @Node.find(:name=>"two.one").self_and_siblings.map{|m| m.name}.should == %w'two.one two.two two.three'
it "should find siblings for root nodes" do
- three = Node.find(:id => 3)
- three.name.should == "three"
- three.self_and_siblings.map{|m| m[:id]}.should == [1, 2, 3, 9, 10]
+ @Node.find(:name=>'three').self_and_siblings.map{|m| m.name}.should == %w'one two three four five'
it "should find correct root for a node" do
- twotwoone = Node.find(:id => 6)
- twotwoone.name.should == "two.two.one"
- twotwoone.root[:id].should == 2
- three = Node.find(:id => 3)
- three.name.should == "three"
- three.root[:id].should == 3
- fiveone = Node.find(:id => 11)
- fiveone.name.should == "five.one"
- fiveone.root[:id].should == 9
+ @Node.find(:name=>"two.two.one").root.name.should == 'two'
+ @Node.find(:name=>"three").root.name.should == 'three'
+ @Node.find(:name=>"five.one").root.name.should == 'five'
- it "iterate top-level nodes in natural database order" do
- Node.roots_dataset.count.should == 5
- Node.roots.inject([]){|ids, p| ids << p.position}.should == [1, 2, 3, 5, 4]
+ it "iterate top-level nodes in order" do
+ @Node.roots_dataset.count.should == 5
+ @Node.roots.map{|p| p.name}.should == %w'one two three four five'
it "should have children" do
- one = Node.find(:id => 1)
- one.name.should == "one"
- one.children.size.should == 2
+ @Node.find(:name=>'one').children.map{|m| m.name}.should == %w'one.one one.two'
- it "children should be natural database order" do
- one = Node.find(:id => 1)
- one.name.should == "one"
- one.children.map{|m| m[:position]}.should == [2, 1]
- end
+ end
- describe "Nodes in specified order" do
- before(:all) do
- class ::OrderedNode < Sequel::Model(:nodes)
- plugin :tree, :order => :position
- end
+ describe "with simple key" do
+ before(:all) do
+ @db = DB
+ @db.create_table!(:nodes) do
+ Integer :id, :primary_key=>true
+ String :name
+ Integer :parent_id
+ Integer :position
- after(:all) do
- Object.send(:remove_const, :OrderedNode)
- end
- it "iterate top-level nodes in order by position" do
- OrderedNode.roots_dataset.count.should == 5
- OrderedNode.roots.inject([]){|ids, p| ids << p.position}.should == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
- end
+ @nodes = [{:id => 1, :name => 'one', :parent_id => nil, :position => 1},
+ {:id => 2, :name => 'two', :parent_id => nil, :position => 2},
+ {:id => 3, :name => 'three', :parent_id => nil, :position => 3},
+ {:id => 4, :name => "two.one", :parent_id => 2, :position => 1},
+ {:id => 5, :name => "two.two", :parent_id => 2, :position => 2},
+ {:id => 6, :name => "two.two.one", :parent_id => 5, :position => 1},
+ {:id => 7, :name => "one.two", :parent_id => 1, :position => 2},
+ {:id => 8, :name => "one.one", :parent_id => 1, :position => 1},
+ {:id => 9, :name => "five", :parent_id => nil, :position => 5},
+ {:id => 10, :name => "four", :parent_id => nil, :position => 4},
+ {:id => 11, :name => "five.one", :parent_id => 9, :position => 1},
+ {:id => 12, :name => "two.three", :parent_id => 2, :position => 3}]
+ @nodes.each{|node| @db[:nodes].insert(node)}
- it "children should be in specified order" do
- one = OrderedNode.find(:id => 1)
- one.name.should == "one"
- one.children.map{|m| m[:position]}.should == [1, 2]
- end
+ @Node = Class.new(Sequel::Model(:nodes))
+ @Node.plugin :tree, :order=>:position
+ after(:all) do
+ @db.drop_table?(:nodes)
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like "tree plugin"
- describe "Lorems in specified order" do
+ describe "with composite key" do
before(:all) do
- @db.create_table!(:lorems) do
- Integer :id, :primary_key=>true
+ @db = DB
+ @db.create_table!(:nodes) do
+ Integer :id
+ Integer :id2
String :name
- Integer :ipsum_id
- Integer :neque
+ Integer :parent_id
+ Integer :parent_id2
+ Integer :position
+ primary_key [:id, :id2]
- @lorems = [{:id => 1, :name => 'Lorem', :ipsum_id => nil, :neque => 4},
- {:id => 2, :name => 'Ipsum', :ipsum_id => nil, :neque => 3},
- {:id => 4, :name => "Neque", :ipsum_id => 2, :neque => 2},
- {:id => 5, :name => "Porro", :ipsum_id => 2, :neque => 1}]
- @lorems.each{|lorem| @db[:lorems].insert(lorem)}
+ @nodes = [{:id => 1, :id2=> 1, :name => 'one', :parent_id => nil, :parent_id2 => nil, :position => 1},
+ {:id => 2, :id2=> 1, :name => 'two', :parent_id => nil, :parent_id2 => nil, :position => 2},
+ {:id => 1, :id2=> 2, :name => 'three', :parent_id => nil, :parent_id2 => nil, :position => 3},
+ {:id => 2, :id2=> 2, :name => "two.one", :parent_id => 2, :parent_id2 => 1, :position => 1},
+ {:id => 3, :id2=> 1, :name => "two.two", :parent_id => 2, :parent_id2 => 1, :position => 2},
+ {:id => 3, :id2=> 2, :name => "two.two.one", :parent_id => 3, :parent_id2 => 1, :position => 1},
+ {:id => 3, :id2=> 3, :name => "one.two", :parent_id => 1, :parent_id2 => 1, :position => 2},
+ {:id => 1, :id2=> 3, :name => "one.one", :parent_id => 1, :parent_id2 => 1, :position => 1},
+ {:id => 2, :id2=> 3, :name => "five", :parent_id => nil, :parent_id2 => nil, :position => 5},
+ {:id => 4, :id2=> 1, :name => "four", :parent_id => nil, :parent_id2 => nil, :position => 4},
+ {:id => 1, :id2=> 4, :name => "five.one", :parent_id => 2, :parent_id2 => 3, :position => 1},
+ {:id => 2, :id2=> 4, :name => "two.three", :parent_id => 2, :parent_id2 => 1, :position => 3}]
+ @nodes.each{|node| @db[:nodes].insert(node)}
- class ::Lorem < Sequel::Model
- plugin :tree, :key => :ipsum_id, :order => :neque
- end
+ @Node = Class.new(Sequel::Model(:nodes))
+ @Node.plugin :tree, :order=>:position, :key=>[:parent_id, :parent_id2]
after(:all) do
- @db.drop_table?(:lorems)
- Object.send(:remove_const, :Lorem)
+ @db.drop_table?(:nodes)
- it "iterate top-level nodes in order by position" do
- Lorem.roots_dataset.count.should == 2
- Lorem.roots.inject([]){|ids, p| ids << p.neque}.should == [3, 4]
- end
- it "children should be specified order" do
- one = Lorem.find(:id => 2)
- one.children.map{|m| m[:neque]}.should == [1, 2]
- end
+ it_should_behave_like "tree plugin"
describe "Sequel::Plugins::PreparedStatements" do
before(:all) do