spec/eager_loading_spec.rb in sequel-2.0.1 vs spec/eager_loading_spec.rb in sequel-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -275,11 +275,11 @@
a.size.should == 1
a.first.should be_a_kind_of(EagerAlbum)
a.first.values.should == {:id => 101, :band_id => 101}
MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['SELECT * FROM albums WHERE (id = 101)', 'SELECT bands.* FROM bands WHERE (id IN (101))']
a = a.first
- a.instance_variable_get(:@band).should == :null
+ a.associations.fetch(:band, 2).should == nil
a.band.should == nil
MODEL_DB.sqls.length.should == 2
it "should cache the negative lookup when eagerly loading a *_to_many associations" do
@@ -288,14 +288,14 @@
a.size.should == 2
a.first.should be_a_kind_of(EagerBand)
a.first.values.should == {:id => 101}
a.last.values.should == {:id => 102}
MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['SELECT * FROM bands WHERE (id > 100)', 'SELECT albums.* FROM albums WHERE (band_id IN (101, 102))', "SELECT tracks.* FROM tracks WHERE (album_id IN (101))"]
- a.first.instance_variable_get(:@albums).should be_a_kind_of(Array)
+ a.first.associations[:albums].should be_a_kind_of(Array)
a.first.albums.length.should == 1
a.first.albums.first.should be_a_kind_of(EagerAlbum)
- a.last.instance_variable_get(:@albums).should == []
+ a.last.associations[:albums].should == []
a.last.albums.should == []
MODEL_DB.sqls.length.should == 3
it "should use the association's block when eager loading by default" do
@@ -382,11 +382,11 @@
it "should eagerly load a single many_to_one association" do
ds = GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:band)
- ds.sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, band.id AS band_id_0, band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN bands band ON (band.id = albums.band_id)'
+ ds.sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, band.id AS band_id_0, band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN bands AS band ON (band.id = albums.band_id)'
def ds.fetch_rows(sql, &block)
yield({:id=>1, :band_id=>2, :band_id_0=>2, :vocalist_id=>3})
a = ds.all
a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
@@ -434,11 +434,11 @@
a.genres.first.values.should == {:id => 4}
it "should eagerly load multiple associations" do
ds = GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:genres, :tracks, :band)
- ds.sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, genres.id AS genres_id, tracks.id AS tracks_id, tracks.album_id, band.id AS band_id_0, band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN ag ON (ag.album_id = albums.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN genres ON (genres.id = ag.genre_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN tracks ON (tracks.album_id = albums.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN bands band ON (band.id = albums.band_id)'
+ ds.sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, genres.id AS genres_id, tracks.id AS tracks_id, tracks.album_id, band.id AS band_id_0, band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN ag ON (ag.album_id = albums.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN genres ON (genres.id = ag.genre_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN tracks ON (tracks.album_id = albums.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN bands AS band ON (band.id = albums.band_id)'
def ds.fetch_rows(sql, &block)
yield({:id=>1, :band_id=>2, :genres_id=>4, :tracks_id=>3, :album_id=>1, :band_id_0=>2, :vocalist_id=>6})
a = ds.all
a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
@@ -458,11 +458,11 @@
a.genres.first.values.should == {:id => 4}
it "should allow cascading of eager loading for associations of associated models" do
ds = GraphTrack.eager_graph(:album=>{:band=>:members})
- ds.sql.should == 'SELECT tracks.id, tracks.album_id, album.id AS album_id_0, album.band_id, band.id AS band_id_0, band.vocalist_id, members.id AS members_id FROM tracks LEFT OUTER JOIN albums album ON (album.id = tracks.album_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN bands band ON (band.id = album.band_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN bm ON (bm.band_id = band.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN members ON (members.id = bm.member_id)'
+ ds.sql.should == 'SELECT tracks.id, tracks.album_id, album.id AS album_id_0, album.band_id, band.id AS band_id_0, band.vocalist_id, members.id AS members_id FROM tracks LEFT OUTER JOIN albums AS album ON (album.id = tracks.album_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN bands AS band ON (band.id = album.band_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN bm ON (bm.band_id = band.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN members ON (members.id = bm.member_id)'
def ds.fetch_rows(sql, &block)
yield({:id=>3, :album_id=>1, :album_id_0=>1, :band_id=>2, :members_id=>5, :band_id_0=>2, :vocalist_id=>6})
a = ds.all
a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
@@ -503,11 +503,11 @@
MODEL_DB.sqls.length.should == 1
it "should eager load multiple associations from the same table" do
ds = GraphBand.eager_graph(:vocalist, :members)
- ds.sql.should == 'SELECT bands.id, bands.vocalist_id, vocalist.id AS vocalist_id_0, members.id AS members_id FROM bands LEFT OUTER JOIN members vocalist ON (vocalist.id = bands.vocalist_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN bm ON (bm.band_id = bands.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN members ON (members.id = bm.member_id)'
+ ds.sql.should == 'SELECT bands.id, bands.vocalist_id, vocalist.id AS vocalist_id_0, members.id AS members_id FROM bands LEFT OUTER JOIN members AS vocalist ON (vocalist.id = bands.vocalist_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN bm ON (bm.band_id = bands.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN members ON (members.id = bm.member_id)'
def ds.fetch_rows(sql, &block)
yield({:id=>2, :vocalist_id=>6, :vocalist_id_0=>6, :members_id=>5})
a = ds.all
a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
@@ -523,20 +523,20 @@
a.members.first.values.should == {:id => 5}
it "should give you a graph of tables when called without .all" do
ds = GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:band)
- ds.sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, band.id AS band_id_0, band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN bands band ON (band.id = albums.band_id)'
+ ds.sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, band.id AS band_id_0, band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN bands AS band ON (band.id = albums.band_id)'
def ds.fetch_rows(sql, &block)
yield({:id=>1, :band_id=>2, :band_id_0=>2, :vocalist_id=>3})
- ds.first.should == {:albums=>GraphAlbum.new(:id => 1, :band_id => 2), :band=>GraphBand.new(:id => 2, :vocalist_id=>3)}
+ ds.first.should == {:albums=>GraphAlbum.load(:id => 1, :band_id => 2), :band=>GraphBand.load(:id => 2, :vocalist_id=>3)}
it "should not drop any associated objects if the graph could not be a cartesian product" do
ds = GraphBand.eager_graph(:members, :vocalist)
- ds.sql.should == 'SELECT bands.id, bands.vocalist_id, members.id AS members_id, vocalist.id AS vocalist_id_0 FROM bands LEFT OUTER JOIN bm ON (bm.band_id = bands.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN members ON (members.id = bm.member_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN members vocalist ON (vocalist.id = bands.vocalist_id)'
+ ds.sql.should == 'SELECT bands.id, bands.vocalist_id, members.id AS members_id, vocalist.id AS vocalist_id_0 FROM bands LEFT OUTER JOIN bm ON (bm.band_id = bands.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN members ON (members.id = bm.member_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN members AS vocalist ON (vocalist.id = bands.vocalist_id)'
def ds.fetch_rows(sql, &block)
yield({:id=>2, :vocalist_id=>6, :members_id=>5, :vocalist_id_0=>6})
yield({:id=>2, :vocalist_id=>6, :members_id=>5, :vocalist_id_0=>6})
a = ds.all
@@ -613,20 +613,20 @@
"SELECT genres.*, ag.album_id AS x_foreign_key_x FROM genres INNER JOIN ag ON ((ag.genre_id = genres.id) AND (ag.album_id IN (1)))"]
it "should handle no associated records for a single many_to_one association" do
ds = GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:band)
- ds.sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, band.id AS band_id_0, band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN bands band ON (band.id = albums.band_id)'
+ ds.sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, band.id AS band_id_0, band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN bands AS band ON (band.id = albums.band_id)'
def ds.fetch_rows(sql, &block)
yield({:id=>1, :band_id=>2, :band_id_0=>nil, :vocalist_id=>nil})
a = ds.all
a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
a.size.should == 1
a.first.should be_a_kind_of(GraphAlbum)
a.first.values.should == {:id => 1, :band_id => 2}
- a.first.instance_variable_get(:@band).should == :null
+ a.first.associations.fetch(:band, 2).should == nil
it "should handle no associated records for a single one_to_many association" do
ds = GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:tracks)
ds.sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, tracks.id AS tracks_id, tracks.album_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN tracks ON (tracks.album_id = albums.id)'
@@ -655,11 +655,11 @@
a.first.genres.should == []
it "should handle missing associated records when loading multiple associations" do
ds = GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:genres, :tracks, :band)
- ds.sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, genres.id AS genres_id, tracks.id AS tracks_id, tracks.album_id, band.id AS band_id_0, band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN ag ON (ag.album_id = albums.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN genres ON (genres.id = ag.genre_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN tracks ON (tracks.album_id = albums.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN bands band ON (band.id = albums.band_id)'
+ ds.sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, genres.id AS genres_id, tracks.id AS tracks_id, tracks.album_id, band.id AS band_id_0, band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN ag ON (ag.album_id = albums.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN genres ON (genres.id = ag.genre_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN tracks ON (tracks.album_id = albums.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN bands AS band ON (band.id = albums.band_id)'
def ds.fetch_rows(sql, &block)
yield({:id=>1, :band_id=>2, :genres_id=>nil, :tracks_id=>3, :album_id=>1, :band_id_0=>nil, :vocalist_id=>nil})
yield({:id=>1, :band_id=>2, :genres_id=>nil, :tracks_id=>4, :album_id=>1, :band_id_0=>nil, :vocalist_id=>nil})
yield({:id=>1, :band_id=>2, :genres_id=>nil, :tracks_id=>5, :album_id=>1, :band_id_0=>nil, :vocalist_id=>nil})
yield({:id=>1, :band_id=>2, :genres_id=>nil, :tracks_id=>6, :album_id=>1, :band_id_0=>nil, :vocalist_id=>nil})
@@ -672,17 +672,17 @@
a = a.first
a.tracks.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
a.tracks.size.should == 4
a.tracks.first.should be_a_kind_of(GraphTrack)
a.tracks.collect{|x|x[:id]}.should == [3,4,5,6]
- a.instance_variable_get(:@band).should == :null
+ a.associations.fetch(:band, 2).should == nil
a.genres.should == []
it "should handle missing associated records when cascading eager loading for associations of associated models" do
ds = GraphTrack.eager_graph(:album=>{:band=>:members})
- ds.sql.should == 'SELECT tracks.id, tracks.album_id, album.id AS album_id_0, album.band_id, band.id AS band_id_0, band.vocalist_id, members.id AS members_id FROM tracks LEFT OUTER JOIN albums album ON (album.id = tracks.album_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN bands band ON (band.id = album.band_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN bm ON (bm.band_id = band.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN members ON (members.id = bm.member_id)'
+ ds.sql.should == 'SELECT tracks.id, tracks.album_id, album.id AS album_id_0, album.band_id, band.id AS band_id_0, band.vocalist_id, members.id AS members_id FROM tracks LEFT OUTER JOIN albums AS album ON (album.id = tracks.album_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN bands AS band ON (band.id = album.band_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN bm ON (bm.band_id = band.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN members ON (members.id = bm.member_id)'
def ds.fetch_rows(sql, &block)
yield({:id=>2, :album_id=>2, :album_id_0=>nil, :band_id=>nil, :members_id=>nil, :band_id_0=>nil, :vocalist_id=>nil})
yield({:id=>3, :album_id=>3, :album_id_0=>3, :band_id=>3, :members_id=>nil, :band_id_0=>nil, :vocalist_id=>nil})
yield({:id=>4, :album_id=>4, :album_id_0=>4, :band_id=>2, :members_id=>nil, :band_id_0=>2, :vocalist_id=>6})
yield({:id=>5, :album_id=>1, :album_id_0=>1, :band_id=>4, :members_id=>5, :band_id_0=>4, :vocalist_id=>8})
@@ -691,14 +691,14 @@
a = ds.all
a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
a.size.should == 4
a.first.should be_a_kind_of(GraphTrack)
a.collect{|x|x[:id]}.should == [2,3,4,5]
- a[0].instance_variable_get(:@album).should == :null
+ a[0].associations.fetch(:album, 2).should == nil
a[1].album.should be_a_kind_of(GraphAlbum)
a[1].album.values.should == {:id => 3, :band_id => 3}
- a[1].album.instance_variable_get(:@band).should == :null
+ a[1].album.associations.fetch(:band, 2).should == nil
a[2].album.should be_a_kind_of(GraphAlbum)
a[2].album.values.should == {:id => 4, :band_id => 2}
a[2].album.band.should be_a_kind_of(GraphBand)
a[2].album.band.values.should == {:id => 2, :vocalist_id=>6}
a[2].album.band.members.should == []
@@ -711,35 +711,46 @@
a[3].album.band.members.first.values.should == {:id => 5}
a[3].album.band.members.last.should be_a_kind_of(GraphBandMember)
a[3].album.band.members.last.values.should == {:id => 6}
+ it "should respect the association's :graph_select option" do
+ GraphAlbum.many_to_one :inner_band, :class=>'GraphBand', :key=>:band_id, :graph_select=>:vocalist_id
+ GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:inner_band).sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, inner_band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN bands AS inner_band ON (inner_band.id = albums.band_id)'
+ GraphAlbum.one_to_many :right_tracks, :class=>'GraphTrack', :key=>:album_id, :graph_select=>[:album_id]
+ GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:right_tracks).sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, right_tracks.album_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN tracks AS right_tracks ON (right_tracks.album_id = albums.id)'
+ GraphAlbum.many_to_many :inner_genres, :class=>'GraphGenre', :left_key=>:album_id, :right_key=>:genre_id, :join_table=>:ag, :graph_select=>[]
+ GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:inner_genres).sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN ag ON (ag.album_id = albums.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN genres AS inner_genres ON (inner_genres.id = ag.genre_id)'
+ end
it "should respect the association's :graph_join_type option" do
GraphAlbum.many_to_one :inner_band, :class=>'GraphBand', :key=>:band_id, :graph_join_type=>:inner
- GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:inner_band).sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, inner_band.id AS inner_band_id, inner_band.vocalist_id FROM albums INNER JOIN bands inner_band ON (inner_band.id = albums.band_id)'
+ GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:inner_band).sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, inner_band.id AS inner_band_id, inner_band.vocalist_id FROM albums INNER JOIN bands AS inner_band ON (inner_band.id = albums.band_id)'
GraphAlbum.one_to_many :right_tracks, :class=>'GraphTrack', :key=>:album_id, :graph_join_type=>:right_outer
- GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:right_tracks).sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, right_tracks.id AS right_tracks_id, right_tracks.album_id FROM albums RIGHT OUTER JOIN tracks right_tracks ON (right_tracks.album_id = albums.id)'
+ GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:right_tracks).sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, right_tracks.id AS right_tracks_id, right_tracks.album_id FROM albums RIGHT OUTER JOIN tracks AS right_tracks ON (right_tracks.album_id = albums.id)'
GraphAlbum.many_to_many :inner_genres, :class=>'GraphGenre', :left_key=>:album_id, :right_key=>:genre_id, :join_table=>:ag, :graph_join_type=>:inner
- GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:inner_genres).sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, inner_genres.id AS inner_genres_id FROM albums INNER JOIN ag ON (ag.album_id = albums.id) INNER JOIN genres inner_genres ON (inner_genres.id = ag.genre_id)'
+ GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:inner_genres).sql.should == 'SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, inner_genres.id AS inner_genres_id FROM albums INNER JOIN ag ON (ag.album_id = albums.id) INNER JOIN genres AS inner_genres ON (inner_genres.id = ag.genre_id)'
it "should respect the association's :graph_conditions option" do
GraphAlbum.many_to_one :active_band, :class=>'GraphBand', :key=>:band_id, :graph_conditions=>{:active=>true}
- GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:active_band).sql.should == "SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, active_band.id AS active_band_id, active_band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN bands active_band ON ((active_band.id = albums.band_id) AND (active_band.active = 't'))"
+ GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:active_band).sql.should == "SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, active_band.id AS active_band_id, active_band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN bands AS active_band ON ((active_band.id = albums.band_id) AND (active_band.active = 't'))"
GraphAlbum.many_to_many :active_genres, :class=>'GraphGenre', :left_key=>:album_id, :right_key=>:genre_id, :join_table=>:ag, :graph_conditions=>{true=>:active}
- GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:active_genres).sql.should == "SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, active_genres.id AS active_genres_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN ag ON (ag.album_id = albums.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN genres active_genres ON ((active_genres.id = ag.genre_id) AND ('t' = ag.active))"
+ GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:active_genres).sql.should == "SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, active_genres.id AS active_genres_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN ag ON (ag.album_id = albums.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN genres AS active_genres ON ((active_genres.id = ag.genre_id) AND ('t' = ag.active))"
GraphAlbum.many_to_one :active_band, :class=>'GraphBand', :key=>:band_id, :graph_conditions=>{:id=>(0..100)}
- GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:active_band).sql.should == "SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, active_band.id AS active_band_id, active_band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN bands active_band ON ((active_band.id = albums.band_id) AND ((active_band.id >= 0) AND (active_band.id <= 100)))"
+ GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:active_band).sql.should == "SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, active_band.id AS active_band_id, active_band.vocalist_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN bands AS active_band ON ((active_band.id = albums.band_id) AND ((active_band.id >= 0) AND (active_band.id <= 100)))"
it "should respect the association's :graph_join_table_conditions option" do
GraphAlbum.many_to_many :active_genres, :class=>'GraphGenre', :left_key=>:album_id, :right_key=>:genre_id, :join_table=>:ag, :graph_join_table_conditions=>{:active=>true}
- GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:active_genres).sql.should == "SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, active_genres.id AS active_genres_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN ag ON ((ag.album_id = albums.id) AND (ag.active = 't')) LEFT OUTER JOIN genres active_genres ON (active_genres.id = ag.genre_id)"
+ GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:active_genres).sql.should == "SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, active_genres.id AS active_genres_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN ag ON ((ag.album_id = albums.id) AND (ag.active = 't')) LEFT OUTER JOIN genres AS active_genres ON (active_genres.id = ag.genre_id)"
GraphAlbum.many_to_many :active_genres, :class=>'GraphGenre', :left_key=>:album_id, :right_key=>:genre_id, :join_table=>:ag, :graph_conditions=>{true=>:active}, :graph_join_table_conditions=>{true=>:active}
- GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:active_genres).sql.should == "SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, active_genres.id AS active_genres_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN ag ON ((ag.album_id = albums.id) AND ('t' = albums.active)) LEFT OUTER JOIN genres active_genres ON ((active_genres.id = ag.genre_id) AND ('t' = ag.active))"
+ GraphAlbum.eager_graph(:active_genres).sql.should == "SELECT albums.id, albums.band_id, active_genres.id AS active_genres_id FROM albums LEFT OUTER JOIN ag ON ((ag.album_id = albums.id) AND ('t' = albums.active)) LEFT OUTER JOIN genres AS active_genres ON ((active_genres.id = ag.genre_id) AND ('t' = ag.active))"