bin/seqtrimnext in seqtrimnext-2.0.62 vs bin/seqtrimnext in seqtrimnext-2.0.66

- old
+ new

@@ -214,11 +214,11 @@ else begin options[:workers] = Integer(workers) rescue STDERR.puts "ERROR:Invalid workers parameter #{options[:workers]}" - exit + exit -1 end end end @@ -266,11 +266,11 @@ options[:format] = nil opts.on( '-F', '--fastq_quality_format FORMAT', 'Fastq input quality format use sanger or illumina18 for phred+33 based scores. Use illumina15 for phred+64 based scores (default is sanger) file. Use - for <STDIN>' ) do |value| options[:format] = value if !['sanger','illumina15', 'illumina18'].include?(value) STDERR.puts "ERROR: Invalid FASTQ format parameter #{value}" - exit + exit -1 end end options[:fasta] = nil @@ -299,11 +299,11 @@ options[:template] = nil opts.on( '-t', '--template TEMPLATE_FILE', 'Use TEMPLATE_FILE instead of default parameters' ) do |file| options[:template] = file end - options[:chunk_size] = 100 + options[:chunk_size] = 5000 opts.on( '-g', '--group_size chunk_size', 'Group sequences in chunks of size <chunk_size>' ) do |cs| options[:chunk_size] = cs.to_i end @@ -330,27 +330,27 @@ # This displays the help screen, all programs are # assumed to have this option. opts.on_tail( '-h', '--help', 'Display this screen' ) do puts opts show_additional_help - exit + exit -1 end end # parse options and remove from ARGV optparse.parse! if options[:list_db] then # List database entries in a database$DB_PATH,options[:list_db_name]) - exit + exit -1 end if options[:gen_params] then # Generates a sample params file in current directory Params.generate_sample_params - exit + exit -1 end #set logger # system('rm logs/*') FileUtils.mkdir('logs') if !File.exists?('logs') @@ -451,5 +451,7 @@ skip_text=' and remove the -R option from the command line.' end $ "If you want a detailed report in PDF format, be sure you have installed the optional seqtrimnext_report gem (gem install seqtrimnext_report)#{skip_text}" end + +exit(Seqtrim.exit_status)