in sentry-rails-4.1.7 vs in sentry-rails-4.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,44 @@
# Changelog
+## 4.2.0
+### Features
+- Make sentry-rails a Rails engine and provide default job class for async [#1181](
+`sentry-rails` now provides a default ActiveJob class for sending events asynchronously. You can use it directly without define your own one:
+config.async = lambda { |event, hint| Sentry::SendEventJob.perform_later(event, hint) }
+- Add configuration option for trusted proxies [#1126](
+`sentry-rails` now injects `Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.trusted_proxies` into `Sentry.configuration.trusted_proxies` automatically.
+- Allow users to configure ActiveJob adapters to ignore [#1256](
+# sentry-rails will skip active_job reporting for jobs that use ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SidekiqAdapter
+# you should use this option when:
+# - you don't want to see events from a certain adapter
+# - you already have a better reporting setup for the adapter (like having `sentry-sidekiq` installed)
+config.rails.skippable_job_adapters = ["ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SidekiqAdapter"]
+- Tag `job_id` and `provider_job_id` on ActiveJob events [#1259](
+<img width="1330" alt="example of tagged event" src="">
+- Use another method for post initialization callback [#1261](
+### Bug Fixes
+- Inspect exception cause by default & don't exclude ActiveJob::DeserializationError [#1180](
+ - Fixes [#1071](
## 4.1.7
- Use env to carry original transaction name [#1255](
- Fix duration of tracing event in Rails 5 [#1254]( (by @abcang)
- Filter out static file transaction [#1247](
@@ -73,6 +110,5 @@
Release test
## 0.1.0
First version