bin/metrics-haproxy.rb in sensu-plugins-haproxy-1.4.0 vs bin/metrics-haproxy.rb in sensu-plugins-haproxy-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
+# frozen_string_literal: true
# metrics-haproxy.rb
# If you are occassionally seeing "nil output" from this check, make sure you have
@@ -35,100 +37,100 @@
class HAProxyMetrics < Sensu::Plugin::Metric::CLI::Graphite
# Check for
# haproxy stats CSV format.
- TYPE_FRONTEND = '0'.freeze
- TYPE_BACKEND = '1'.freeze
- TYPE_SERVER = '2'.freeze
- TYPE_LISTENER = '3'.freeze
# All fields are listed here for ease of long term maintenance.
# Format: field_index => %w(haproxy-name friendly-name)
- 0 => %w(pxname proxy_name),
- 1 => %w(svname service_name),
- 2 => %w(qcur queued_requests_current),
- 3 => %w(qmax queued_requests_max),
- 4 => %w(scur session_current),
- 5 => %w(smax session_max),
- 6 => %w(slim session_limit),
- 7 => %w(stot session_total),
- 8 => %w(bin bytes_in),
- 9 => %w(bout bytes_out),
- 10 => %w(dreq request_denied_security),
- 11 => %w(dresp response_denied_security),
- 12 => %w(ereq request_errors),
- 13 => %w(econ connection_errors),
- 14 => %w(eresp response_errors),
- 15 => %w(wretr warning_retries),
- 16 => %w(wredis warning_redispatched),
- 17 => %w(status status),
- 18 => %w(weight weight),
- 19 => %w(act servers_active),
- 20 => %w(bck servers_backup),
- 21 => %w(chkfail healthcheck_failed),
- 22 => %w(chkdown healthcheck_transitions),
- 23 => %w(lastchg healthcheck_seconds_since_change),
- 24 => %w(downtime healthcheck_downtime),
- 25 => %w(qlimit server_queue_limit),
- 26 => %w(pid process_id),
- 27 => %w(iid proxy_id),
- 28 => %w(sid server_id),
- 29 => %w(throttle server_throttle_percent),
- 30 => %w(lbtot server_selected),
- 31 => %w(tracked tracked_server_id),
- 32 => %w(type type),
- 33 => %w(rate session_rate),
- 34 => %w(rate_lim session_rate_limit),
- 35 => %w(rate_max session_rate_max),
- 36 => %w(check_status check_status),
- 37 => %w(check_code check_code),
- 38 => %w(check_duration healthcheck_duration),
- 39 => %w(hrsp_1xx response_1xx),
- 40 => %w(hrsp_2xx response_2xx),
- 41 => %w(hrsp_3xx response_3xx),
- 42 => %w(hrsp_4xx response_4xx),
- 43 => %w(hrsp_5xx response_5xx),
- 44 => %w(hrsp_other response_other),
- 45 => %w(hanafail failed_healthcheck_details),
- 46 => %w(req_rate requests_per_second),
- 47 => %w(req_rate_max requests_per_second_max),
- 48 => %w(req_tot requests_total),
- 49 => %w(cli_abrt trasfer_aborts_client),
- 50 => %w(srv_abrt trasfer_aborts_server),
- 51 => %w(comp_in compressor_in),
- 52 => %w(comp_out compressor_out),
- 53 => %w(comp_byp compressor_bytes),
- 54 => %w(comp_rsp compressor_responses),
- 55 => %w(lastsess session_last_assigned_seconds),
- 56 => %w(last_chk healthcheck_contents),
- 57 => %w(last_agt agent_check_contents),
- 58 => %w(qtime queue_time),
- 59 => %w(ctime connect_time),
- 60 => %w(rtime response_time),
- 61 => %w(ttime average_time),
- 62 => %w(agent_status agent_status),
- 63 => %w(agent_code agent_code),
- 64 => %w(agent_duration agent_duration),
- 65 => %w(check_desc check_desc),
- 66 => %w(agent_desc agent_desc),
- 67 => %w(check_rise check_rise),
- 68 => %w(check_fall check_fall),
- 69 => %w(check_health check_health),
- 70 => %w(agent_rise agent_rise),
- 71 => %w(agent_fall agent_fall),
- 72 => %w(agent_health agent_health),
- 73 => %w(addr address),
- 74 => %w(cookie cookie),
- 75 => %w(mode mode),
- 76 => %w(algo algorithm),
- 77 => %w(conn_rate conn_rate),
- 78 => %w(conn_rate_max conn_rate_max),
- 79 => %w(conn_tot conn_tot),
- 80 => %w(intercepted requests_intercepted),
- 81 => %w(dcon requests_denied_connection),
- 82 => %w(dses requests_denied_session)
+ 0 => %w[pxname proxy_name],
+ 1 => %w[svname service_name],
+ 2 => %w[qcur queued_requests_current],
+ 3 => %w[qmax queued_requests_max],
+ 4 => %w[scur session_current],
+ 5 => %w[smax session_max],
+ 6 => %w[slim session_limit],
+ 7 => %w[stot session_total],
+ 8 => %w[bin bytes_in],
+ 9 => %w[bout bytes_out],
+ 10 => %w[dreq request_denied_security],
+ 11 => %w[dresp response_denied_security],
+ 12 => %w[ereq request_errors],
+ 13 => %w[econ connection_errors],
+ 14 => %w[eresp response_errors],
+ 15 => %w[wretr warning_retries],
+ 16 => %w[wredis warning_redispatched],
+ 17 => %w[status status],
+ 18 => %w[weight weight],
+ 19 => %w[act servers_active],
+ 20 => %w[bck servers_backup],
+ 21 => %w[chkfail healthcheck_failed],
+ 22 => %w[chkdown healthcheck_transitions],
+ 23 => %w[lastchg healthcheck_seconds_since_change],
+ 24 => %w[downtime healthcheck_downtime],
+ 25 => %w[qlimit server_queue_limit],
+ 26 => %w[pid process_id],
+ 27 => %w[iid proxy_id],
+ 28 => %w[sid server_id],
+ 29 => %w[throttle server_throttle_percent],
+ 30 => %w[lbtot server_selected],
+ 31 => %w[tracked tracked_server_id],
+ 32 => %w[type type],
+ 33 => %w[rate session_rate],
+ 34 => %w[rate_lim session_rate_limit],
+ 35 => %w[rate_max session_rate_max],
+ 36 => %w[check_status check_status],
+ 37 => %w[check_code check_code],
+ 38 => %w[check_duration healthcheck_duration],
+ 39 => %w[hrsp_1xx response_1xx],
+ 40 => %w[hrsp_2xx response_2xx],
+ 41 => %w[hrsp_3xx response_3xx],
+ 42 => %w[hrsp_4xx response_4xx],
+ 43 => %w[hrsp_5xx response_5xx],
+ 44 => %w[hrsp_other response_other],
+ 45 => %w[hanafail failed_healthcheck_details],
+ 46 => %w[req_rate requests_per_second],
+ 47 => %w[req_rate_max requests_per_second_max],
+ 48 => %w[req_tot requests_total],
+ 49 => %w[cli_abrt trasfer_aborts_client],
+ 50 => %w[srv_abrt trasfer_aborts_server],
+ 51 => %w[comp_in compressor_in],
+ 52 => %w[comp_out compressor_out],
+ 53 => %w[comp_byp compressor_bytes],
+ 54 => %w[comp_rsp compressor_responses],
+ 55 => %w[lastsess session_last_assigned_seconds],
+ 56 => %w[last_chk healthcheck_contents],
+ 57 => %w[last_agt agent_check_contents],
+ 58 => %w[qtime queue_time],
+ 59 => %w[ctime connect_time],
+ 60 => %w[rtime response_time],
+ 61 => %w[ttime average_time],
+ 62 => %w[agent_status agent_status],
+ 63 => %w[agent_code agent_code],
+ 64 => %w[agent_duration agent_duration],
+ 65 => %w[check_desc check_desc],
+ 66 => %w[agent_desc agent_desc],
+ 67 => %w[check_rise check_rise],
+ 68 => %w[check_fall check_fall],
+ 69 => %w[check_health check_health],
+ 70 => %w[agent_rise agent_rise],
+ 71 => %w[agent_fall agent_fall],
+ 72 => %w[agent_health agent_health],
+ 73 => %w[addr address],
+ 74 => %w[cookie cookie],
+ 75 => %w[mode mode],
+ 76 => %w[algo algorithm],
+ 77 => %w[conn_rate conn_rate],
+ 78 => %w[conn_rate_max conn_rate_max],
+ 79 => %w[conn_tot conn_tot],
+ 80 => %w[intercepted requests_intercepted],
+ 81 => %w[dcon requests_denied_connection],
+ 82 => %w[dses requests_denied_session]
NON_NUMERIC_FIELDS = [0, 1, 17, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 36, 37, 45, 56, 57, 62, 63, 65, 66, 73, 74, 75, 76].freeze
option :connection,
@@ -233,17 +235,18 @@
out = res.body
- return out
- rescue
- return nil
+ return out # rubocop:disable Style/RedundantReturn
+ rescue # rubocop:disable Style/RescueStandardError
+ return nil # rubocop:disable Style/RedundantReturn
def render_output(type, pxname, svname, index, value)
return if value.nil?
field_index = config[:use_haproxy_names] ? 0 : 1
field_name = CSV_FIELDS[index][field_index]
if config[:use_explicit_names]
if type == TYPE_FRONTEND
output "#{config[:scheme]}.frontend.#{pxname}.#{field_name}", value
@@ -253,11 +256,11 @@
output "#{config[:scheme]}.backend.#{pxname}.server.#{svname}.#{field_name}", value
elsif type == TYPE_LISTENER
output "#{config[:scheme]}.listener.#{pxname}.#{svname}.#{field_name}", value
- if type == TYPE_BACKEND # rubocop:disable IfInsideElse
+ if type == TYPE_BACKEND # rubocop:disable Style/IfInsideElse
output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{pxname}.#{field_name}", value
output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{pxname}.#{svname}.#{field_name}", value
@@ -266,10 +269,11 @@
def run
out = nil
1.upto(config[:retries]) do |_i|
out = acquire_stats
break unless
warning "Unable to fetch stats from haproxy after #{config[:retries]} attempts"
@@ -281,10 +285,10 @@
parsed.each do |line|
pxname = line[0]
svname = line[1]
type = line[32]
- if config[:backends].length > 0
+ if config[:backends].length > 0 # rubocop:disable Style/NumericPredicate
next unless config[:backends].include? line[0]
indices = []
if config[:expose_all]