bin/check-cpu.rb in sensu-plugins-cpu-checks-1.0.0 vs bin/check-cpu.rb in sensu-plugins-cpu-checks-1.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -24,17 +24,25 @@
# Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE
# for details.
require 'sensu-plugin/check/cli'
+require 'json'
# Check CPU
class CheckCPU < Sensu::Plugin::Check::CLI
CPU_METRICS = [:user, :nice, :system, :idle, :iowait, :irq, :softirq, :steal, :guest, :guest_nice].freeze
+ option :less_than,
+ description: 'Change whether value is less than check',
+ short: '-l',
+ long: '--less_than',
+ default: false,
+ boolean: true
option :warn,
short: '-w WARN',
proc: proc(&:to_f),
default: 80
@@ -46,13 +54,17 @@
option :sleep,
long: '--sleep SLEEP',
proc: proc(&:to_f),
default: 1
+ option :cache_file,
+ long: '--cache-file CACHEFILE',
+ default: nil
option :proc_path,
long: '--proc-path /proc',
- proc: proc(&:to_f),
+ proc: proc(&:to_s),
default: '/proc'
option :idle_metrics,
long: '--idle-metrics METRICS',
description: 'Treat the specified metrics as idle. Defaults to idle,iowait,steal,guest,guest_nice',
@@ -73,22 +85,51 @@
name = info.shift
return if name =~ /^cpu$/
+ def acquire_stats_with_sleeping(sec)
+ before = acquire_cpu_stats
+ sleep sec
+ after = acquire_cpu_stats
+ [before, after]
+ end
+ def acquire_stats_with_cache_file
+ before = JSON.parse([:cache_file]))
+ now = acquire_cpu_stats
+ [before, now]
+ end
+ def write_stats_to_cache_file(data)
+ File.write(config[:cache_file], data)
+ end
+ def acquire_stats(sec)
+ if config[:cache_file] && File.exist?(config[:cache_file])
+ (before, now) = acquire_stats_with_cache_file
+ else
+ (before, now) = acquire_stats_with_sleeping(sec)
+ end
+ write_stats_to_cache_file(now) if config[:cache_file]
+ [before, now]
+ end
def run
- cpu_stats_before = acquire_cpu_stats
- sleep config[:sleep]
- cpu_stats_after = acquire_cpu_stats
+ (cpu_stats_before, cpu_stats_now) = acquire_stats(config[:sleep])
# Some kernels don't have 'guest' and 'guest_nice' values
- metrics = CPU_METRICS.slice(0, cpu_stats_after.length)
+ metrics = CPU_METRICS.slice(0, cpu_stats_now.length)
cpu_total_diff = 0.to_f
cpu_stats_diff = []
metrics.each_index do |i|
- cpu_stats_diff[i] = cpu_stats_after[i] - cpu_stats_before[i]
+ cpu_stats_diff[i] = cpu_stats_now[i] - cpu_stats_before[i]
cpu_total_diff += cpu_stats_diff[i]
cpu_stats = []
metrics.each_index do |i|
@@ -111,10 +152,15 @@
msg = "total=#{(cpu_usage * 100).round / 100.0}"
cpu_stats.each_index { |i| msg += " #{metrics[i]}=#{(cpu_stats[i] * 100).round / 100.0}" }
message msg
- critical if checked_usage >= config[:crit]
- warning if checked_usage >= config[:warn]
+ if config[:less_than]
+ critical if checked_usage <= config[:crit]
+ warning if checked_usage <= config[:warn]
+ else
+ critical if checked_usage >= config[:crit]
+ warning if checked_usage >= config[:warn]
+ end