Rakefile in sensible-cinema-0.23.2 vs Rakefile in sensible-cinema-0.23.3
- old
+ new
@@ -117,20 +117,26 @@
FileUtils.rm_rf name
p 'created ' + name + '.zip, and deleted its [from] folder'
def sys arg
- raise unless system arg
+ 3.times {
+ if system arg
+ return
+ end
+ }
+ raise arg + ' failed 3x!'
task 'deploy' do
name = 'sensible-cinema-' + cur_ver + ".zip"
p 'copying to ilab'
sys "scp #{name} rdp@ilab1.cs.byu.edu:~/incoming"
+ p 'creating sf shell'
+ sys "ssh rdp@ilab1.cs.byu.edu 'ssh rogerdpack,sensible-cinema@shell.sourceforge.net create'" # needed for the next command to be able to work [weird]
p 'creating sf dir'
- sys "ssh rdp@ilab1.cs.byu.edu 'ssh -t rogerdpack,sensible-cinema@shell.sourceforge.net create'" # needed for the next command to work.
sys "ssh rdp@ilab1.cs.byu.edu 'ssh rogerdpack,sensible-cinema@shell.sourceforge.net \"mkdir /home/frs/project/s/se/sensible-cinema/#{cur_ver}\"'"
- p 'copying into sf'
+ p 'copying into sf from ilab'
sys "ssh rdp@ilab1.cs.byu.edu 'scp ~/incoming/#{name} rogerdpack,sensible-cinema@frs.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/s/se/sensible-cinema/#{cur_ver}/#{name}'"
p 'successfully deployed to sf only! ' + cur_ver
task 'gem_release' do