lib/semantic_logger/utils.rb in semantic_logger-4.2.0 vs lib/semantic_logger/utils.rb in semantic_logger-4.2.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
-module SemanticLogger::Utils
- def self.constantize_symbol(symbol, namespace = 'SemanticLogger::Appender')
- klass = "#{namespace}::#{camelize(symbol.to_s)}"
- begin
- if RUBY_VERSION.to_i >= 2
- Object.const_get(klass)
- else
- klass.split('::').inject(Object) { |o, name| o.const_get(name) }
+module SemanticLogger
+ module Utils
+ def self.constantize_symbol(symbol, namespace = 'SemanticLogger::Appender')
+ klass = "#{namespace}::#{camelize(symbol.to_s)}"
+ begin
+ if RUBY_VERSION.to_i >= 2
+ Object.const_get(klass)
+ else
+ klass.split('::').inject(Object) { |o, name| o.const_get(name) }
+ end
+ rescue NameError
+ raise(ArgumentError, "Could not convert symbol: #{symbol.inspect} to a class in: #{namespace}. Looking for: #{klass}")
- rescue NameError
- raise(ArgumentError, "Could not convert symbol: #{symbol.inspect} to a class in: #{namespace}. Looking for: #{klass}")
- end
- # Borrow from Rails, when not running Rails
- def self.camelize(term)
- string = term.to_s
- string = string.sub(/^[a-z\d]*/) { |match| match.capitalize }
- string.gsub!(/(?:_|(\/))([a-z\d]*)/i) { "#{$1}#{$2.capitalize}" }
- string.gsub!('/'.freeze, '::'.freeze)
- string
- end
+ # Borrow from Rails, when not running Rails
+ def self.camelize(term)
+ string = term.to_s
+ string = string.sub(/^[a-z\d]*/, &:capitalize)
+ string.gsub!(/(?:_|(\/))([a-z\d]*)/i) { "#{Regexp.last_match(1)}#{Regexp.last_match(2).capitalize}" }
+ string.gsub!('/'.freeze, '::'.freeze)
+ string
+ end
- # Returns the visibility for an instance method
- def self.method_visibility(mod, method_name)
- method_name = method_name.to_sym
- if mod.instance_methods.include?(method_name)
- :public
- elsif mod.private_instance_methods.include?(method_name)
- :private
- elsif mod.protected_instance_methods.include?(method_name)
- :protected
+ # Returns the visibility for an instance method
+ def self.method_visibility(mod, method_name)
+ method_name = method_name.to_sym
+ if mod.instance_methods.include?(method_name)
+ :public
+ elsif mod.private_instance_methods.include?(method_name)
+ :private
+ elsif mod.protected_instance_methods.include?(method_name)
+ :protected
+ end
- end
- SELF_PATTERN = File.join('lib', 'semantic_logger')
+ SELF_PATTERN = File.join('lib', 'semantic_logger')
- # Extract the backtrace leaving out the last few Semantic Logger lines.
- def self.cleanse_backtrace(stack = caller)
- while (first = stack.first) && first.include?(SELF_PATTERN)
- stack.shift
+ # Extract the backtrace leaving out the last few Semantic Logger lines.
+ def self.cleanse_backtrace(stack = caller)
+ while (first = stack.first) && first.include?(SELF_PATTERN)
+ stack.shift
+ end
+ stack
- stack