lib/semantic_logger/appender/base.rb in semantic_logger-2.2.0 vs lib/semantic_logger/appender/base.rb in semantic_logger-2.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -6,10 +6,25 @@
# Note: Do not create instances of this class directly
module SemanticLogger
module Appender
+ # Formatting & colors used by optional colorized_formatter
+ module AnsiColors
+ CLEAR = "\e[0m"
+ BOLD = "\e[1m"
+ BLACK = "\e[30m"
+ RED = "\e[31m"
+ GREEN = "\e[32m"
+ YELLOW = "\e[33m"
+ BLUE = "\e[34m"
+ MAGENTA = "\e[35m"
+ CYAN = "\e[36m"
+ WHITE = "\e[37m"
+ end
class Base < SemanticLogger::Base
attr_accessor :formatter
# Default log formatter
# Replace this formatter by supplying a Block to the initializer
@@ -24,9 +39,42 @@
message << " -- " << "#{log.exception.class}: #{log.exception.message}\n#{(log.exception.backtrace || []).join("\n")}" if log.exception
duration_str = log.duration ? "(#{'%.1f' % log.duration}ms) " : ''
"#{SemanticLogger::Appender::Base.formatted_time(log.time)} #{log.level.to_s[0..0].upcase} [#{$$}:#{log.thread_name}] #{tags}#{duration_str}#{} -- #{message}"
+ end
+ end
+ # Optional log formatter to colorize log output
+ # To use this formatter
+ # SemanticLogger.add_appender($stdout, nil, &SemanticLogger::Logger.colorized_formatter)
+ #
+ # 2011-07-19 14:36:15.660 D [1149:ScriptThreadProcess] Rails -- Hello World
+ def self.colorized_formatter
+ do |log|
+ colors = SemanticLogger::Appender::AnsiColors
+ tags = log.tags.collect { |tag| "[#{colors::CYAN}#{tag}#{colors::CLEAR}]" }.join(' ') + ' ' if log.tags && (log.tags.size > 0)
+ message = log.message.to_s.dup
+ message << " -- " << log.payload.inspect if log.payload
+ message << " -- " << "#{colors::BOLD}#{log.exception.class}: #{log.exception.message}#{colors::CLEAR}\n#{(log.exception.backtrace || []).join("\n")}" if log.exception
+ duration_str = log.duration ? "(#{colors::BOLD}#{'%.1f' % log.duration}ms#{colors::CLEAR}) " : ''
+ level_color = case log.level
+ when :trace
+ colors::MAGENTA
+ when :debug
+ colors::CYAN
+ when :info
+ colors::GREEN
+ when :warn
+ colors::YELLOW
+ when :error, :fatal
+ colors::RED
+ end
+ "#{SemanticLogger::Appender::Base.formatted_time(log.time)} #{level_color}#{colors::BOLD}#{log.level.to_s[0..0].upcase}#{colors::CLEAR} [#{$$}:#{log.thread_name}] #{tags}#{duration_str}#{level_color}#{}#{colors::CLEAR} -- #{message}"
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