lib/seed-fu/writer.rb in seed-fu-1.2.3 vs lib/seed-fu/writer.rb in seed-fu-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,3 +1,132 @@
-require File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), 'writer', 'abstract' )
-require File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), 'writer', 'seed' )
-require File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), 'writer', 'seed_many' )
+module SeedFu
+ # {Writer} is used to programmatically generated seed files. For example, you might want to write
+ # a script which converts data in a CSV file to a valid Seed Fu seed file, which can then be
+ # imported.
+ #
+ # @example Basic usage
+ # SeedFu::Writer.write('path/to/file.rb', :class_name => 'Person', :constraints => [:first_name, :last_name]) do |writer|
+ # writer.write(:first_name => 'Jon', :last_name => 'Smith', :age => 21)
+ # writer.write(:first_name => 'Emily', :last_name => 'McDonald', :age => 24)
+ # end
+ #
+ # # Writes the following to the file:
+ # #
+ # # Person.seed(:first_name, :last_name,
+ # # {:first_name=>"Jon", :last_name=>"Smith", :age=>21},
+ # # {:first_name=>"Emily", :last_name=>"McDonald", :age=>24}
+ # # )
+ class Writer
+ cattr_accessor :default_options
+ @@default_options = {
+ :chunk_size => 100,
+ :constraints => [:id],
+ :seed_type => :seed
+ }
+ # @param [Hash] options
+ # @option options [String] :class_name *Required* The name of the Active Record model to
+ # generate seeds for
+ # @option options [Fixnum] :chunk_size (100) The number of seeds to write before generating a
+ # `# BREAK EVAL` line. (Chunking reduces memory usage when loading seeds.)
+ # @option options [:seed, :seed_once] :seed_type (:seed) The method to use when generating
+ # seeds. See {ActiveRecordExtension} for details.
+ # @option options [Array<Symbol>] :constraints ([:id]) The constraining attributes for the seeds
+ def initialize(options = {})
+ @options = self.class.default_options.merge(options)
+ raise ArgumentError, "missing option :class_name" unless @options[:class_name]
+ end
+ # Creates a new instance of {Writer} with the `options`, and then calls {#write} with the
+ # `io_or_filename` and `block`
+ def self.write(io_or_filename, options = {}, &block)
+ new(options).write(io_or_filename, &block)
+ end
+ # Writes the necessary headers and footers, and yields to a block within which the actual
+ # seed data should be writting using the `#<<` method.
+ #
+ # @param [IO] io_or_filename The IO to which writes will be made. (If an `IO` is given, it is
+ # your responsibility to close it after writing.)
+ # @param [String] io_or_filename The filename of a file to make writes to. (Will be opened and
+ # closed automatically.)
+ # @yield [self] make calls to `#<<` within the block
+ def write(io_or_filename, &block)
+ raise ArgumentError, "missing block" unless block_given?
+ if io_or_filename.respond_to?(:write)
+ write_to_io(io_or_filename, &block)
+ else
+, 'w') do |file|
+ write_to_io(file, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Add a seed. Must be called within a block passed to {#write}.
+ # @param [Hash] seed The attributes for the seed
+ def <<(seed)
+ raise "You must add seeds inside a SeedFu::Writer#write block" unless @io
+ buffer = ''
+ if chunk_this_seed?
+ buffer << seed_footer
+ buffer << "# BREAK EVAL\n"
+ buffer << seed_header
+ end
+ buffer << ",\n"
+ buffer << ' ' + seed.inspect
+ @io.write(buffer)
+ @count += 1
+ end
+ alias_method :add, :<<
+ private
+ def write_to_io(io)
+ @io, @count = io, 0
+ @io.write(file_header)
+ @io.write(seed_header)
+ yield(self)
+ @io.write(seed_footer)
+ @io.write(file_footer)
+ ensure
+ @io, @count = nil, nil
+ end
+ def file_header
+ <<-END
+# DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE, it was auto-generated.
+# Date: #{}
+# Seeding #{@options[:class_name]}
+# Written with the command:
+# #{$0} #{$*.join}
+ end
+ def file_footer
+ <<-END
+# End auto-generated file.
+ end
+ def seed_header
+ constraints = @options[:constraints] && @options[:constraints].map(&:inspect).join(', ')
+ "#{@options[:class_name]}.#{@options[:seed_type]}(#{constraints}"
+ end
+ def seed_footer
+ "\n)\n"
+ end
+ def chunk_this_seed?
+ @count != 0 && (@count % @options[:chunk_size]) == 0
+ end
+ end