lib/sdl4r/sdl4r.rb in sdl4r-0.9.8 vs lib/sdl4r/sdl4r.rb in sdl4r-0.9.9
- old
+ new
@@ -43,50 +43,44 @@
# +add_quotes+:: indicates whether quotes will be added to Strings and characters (true by default)
# +line_prefix+:: the line prefix to use ("" by default)
# +indent+:: the indent string to use ("\t" by default)
def self.format(o, add_quotes = true, line_prefix = "", indent = "\t")
- if o.is_a?(String)
- if add_quotes
- o_length = 0
- o.scan(/./m) { o_length += 1 } # counts the number of chars (as opposed of bytes)
- if o_length == 1
- return "'" + escape(o, "'") + "'"
- else
- return '"' + escape(o, '"') + '"'
- end
- else
- return escape(o)
- end
+ case o
+ when String
+ return format_string(o)
- elsif o.is_a?(Bignum)
+ when Symbol
+ return format_string(o.to_s)
+ when Bignum
return o.to_s + "BD"
- elsif o.is_a?(Integer)
+ when Integer
if MIN_INTEGER_32 <= o and o <= MAX_INTEGER_32
return o.to_s
elsif MIN_INTEGER_64 <= o and o <= MAX_INTEGER_64
return o.to_s + "L"
return o.to_s + "BD"
- elsif o.is_a?(Float)
+ when Float
return (o.to_s + "F")
- elsif o.is_a?(Rational)
+ when Rational
return o.to_f.to_s + "F"
- elsif o.is_a?(BigDecimal)
+ when BigDecimal
s = o.to_s('F')
s.sub!(/\.0$/, "")
return "#{s}BD"
- elsif o.nil?
+ when NilClass
return "null"
- elsif o.is_a?(SdlBinary)
+ when SdlBinary
encoded_o = Base64.encode64(o.bytes)
encoded_o.gsub!(/[\r\n]/m, "") # Remove the EOL inserted every 60 chars
if add_quotes
if encoded_o.length > BASE64_WRAP_LINE_LENGTH
@@ -102,11 +96,11 @@
return encoded_o
# Below, we use "#{o.year}" instead of "%Y" because "%Y" always emit 4 chars at least even if
# the date is before 1000.
- elsif o.is_a?(DateTime) || o.is_a?(Time)
+ when DateTime, Time
milliseconds = get_datetime_milliseconds(o)
if milliseconds == 0
zone_part = o.strftime("%:z")
if zone_part and zone_part != "+00:00"
@@ -121,11 +115,11 @@
return o.strftime("#{o.year}/%m/%d %H:%M:%S." + ms_part)
- elsif o.is_a?(Date)
+ when Date
return o.strftime("#{o.year}/%m/%d")
return o.to_s
@@ -150,17 +144,21 @@
# Returns +o+ if of the following classes:
# NilClass, String, Numeric, Float, TrueClass, FalseClass, Date, DateTime, Time,
# SdlTimeSpan, SdlBinary,
# Rationals are turned into Floats using Rational#to_f.
+ # Symbols are turned into Strings using Symbol#to_s.
def self.coerce_or_fail(o)
case o
when Rational
return o.to_f
+ when Symbol
+ return o.to_s
when NilClass,
@@ -174,10 +172,23 @@
raise ArgumentError, "#{} is not coercible to an SDL type"
+ # Indicates whether 'o' is coercible to a SDL litteral type.
+ # See #coerce_or_fail
+ #
+ def self.is_coercible?(o)
+ begin
+ coerce_or_fail(o)
+ true
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ false
+ end
+ end
# Validates an SDL identifier String. SDL Identifiers must start with a
# Unicode letter or underscore (_) and contain only unicode letters,
# digits, underscores (_), dashes(-), periods (.) and dollar signs ($).
@@ -270,18 +281,35 @@
# hash = SDL4R.to_attribute_hash("value=1 debugging=on time=12:24:01");
# # { "value" => 1, "debugging" => true, "time" =>, 24, 01) }
- def self.to_attribute_map(s)
+ def self.to_attribute_hash(s)
raise ArgumentError, "'s' cannot be null" if s.nil?
return read("atts " + s).child.attributes
# The following is a not so readable way to implement module private methods in Ruby: we add
# private methods to the singleton class of +self+ i.e. the SDL4R module.
class << self
+ # Returns the specified string 's' formatted as a SDL string.
+ # See SDL4R#format.
+ #
+ def format_string(s, add_quotes = true)
+ if add_quotes
+ s_length = 0
+ s.scan(/./m) { s_length += 1 } # counts the number of chars (as opposed to bytes)
+ if s_length == 1
+ return "'" + escape(s, "'") + "'"
+ else
+ return '"' + escape(s, '"') + '"'
+ end
+ else
+ return escape(s)
+ end
+ end
# Wraps lines in "s" (by modifying it). This method only supports 1-byte character strings.
def wrap_lines_in_ascii(s, line_length, line_prefix = nil)
# We could use such code if it supported any value for "line_prefix": unfortunately it is capped
\ No newline at end of file