lib/sct/commands/cluster.rb in sct-0.1.13 vs lib/sct/commands/cluster.rb in sct-0.1.14
- old
+ new
@@ -3,57 +3,116 @@
module Sct
class ClusterCommand
- SYNTAX = 'sct cluster up | sct cluster down | sct cluster update-config'
- SUMMARY = 'Starts/stops or updates the config of the minikube cluster'
- EXAMPLE = 'sct cluster up | sct cluster down | sct cluster update-config'
- EXAMPLE_DESCRIPTION = 'Starts/stops or updates the config of the minikube cluster'
- DESCRIPTION = "Sct cluster allows you to start, stop or update the config of the Spend Cloud minikube cluster"
+ SYNTAX = 'sct cluster up | sct cluster down | sct cluster reset | sct cluster update-config'
+ SUMMARY = 'Starts/stops/resets or updates the config of the minikube cluster.'
+ EXAMPLE = 'sct cluster up | sct cluster down | sct cluster reset | sct cluster update-config'
+ EXAMPLE_DESCRIPTION = 'Starts/stops/resets or updates the config of the minikube cluster.'
+ DESCRIPTION = "sct cluster allows you to start, stop, reset or update the config of the Spend Cloud minikube cluster."
def execute(args, options)
return puts "SCT has not been initialized. Run 'sct init' first.".red unless Sct::Config.exists
- if Sct::Helpers.operatingSystem == Sct::Helpers::WINDOWS
- minikube = "minikube.exe"
- else
- minikube = "minikube"
- end
case args[0]
when "up"
- system("#{minikube} start")
- system("#{minikube} ssh -- 'sudo su -c \"echo 10048576 > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches\"'")
- update_config
- system("kubectl config use-context minikube")
- system("kubectl delete pod -n kube-system $(kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep registry-creds | awk '{print $1}')")
- system("sudo sct hostfile")
- puts "\nāļø You can now visit your environment at š š"
+ up
when "down"
- system("#{minikube} stop")
+ down
when "update-config"
+ when "reset"
+ reset
puts "Unknown or missing argument. Please run 'sct cluster up','sct cluster down' or 'sct cluster update-config'".red
+ def up
+ start
+ system "kubectl delete pod -n kube-system $(kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep registry-creds | awk '{print $1}')"
+ system "kubectl rollout status -n kube-system deployment/registry-creds"
+ post_start
+ end
+ def down
+ system "#{minikube} stop"
+ end
def update_config
- return puts "Skipping minikube config (only needed for Windows)".yellow unless Sct::Helpers.operatingSystem == Sct::Helpers::WINDOWS
+ if Sct::Helpers.operatingSystem == Sct::Helpers::WINDOWS
+ windows_home_path = Sct::Helpers.windowsHomePath
+ kube_file_path = windows_home_path+"/.kube/config"
- windows_home_path = Sct::Helpers.windowsHomePath
- kube_file_path = windows_home_path+"/.kube/config"
+ if !File.exists?(kube_file_path)
+ return puts "#{kube_file_path} doesn't exist".red
+ end
- if !File.exists?(kube_file_path)
- return puts "#{kube_file_path} doesn't exist".red
+ system("sed -e 's~\\\\~/~g' -e 's~C:~/mnt/c~g' < #{kube_file_path} > ~/.kube/minikube-config")
+ puts "#{kube_file_path} copied to ~/.kube/minikube-config".green
- system("sed -e 's~\\\\~/~g' -e 's~C:~/mnt/c~g' < #{kube_file_path} > ~/.kube/minikube-config")
+ system "kubectl config use-context minikube"
+ end
- return puts "Windows minikube config copied to ~/.kube/minikube-config".green
+ def reset
+ system "#{minikube} delete"
+ start
+ system "kubectl create secret generic gcloud-credentials --from-file=\"$(echo ~)/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json\""
+ system "kubectl create secret generic -n kube-system registry-creds-dpr --from-literal DOCKER_PRIVATE_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=changeme --from-literal DOCKER_PRIVATE_REGISTRY_SERVER=changeme --from-literal DOCKER_PRIVATE_REGISTRY_USER=changeme"
+ system "kubectl patch secret -n kube-system registry-creds-dpr -p='{\"metadata\": {\"labels\": { \"app\": \"registry-creds\", \"cloud\": \"dpr\", \"\": \"registry-creds\"}}}'"
+ system "kubectl create secret generic -n kube-system registry-creds-ecr --from-literal AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=changeme --from-literal AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=changeme --from-literal AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=\"\" --from-literal aws-account=changeme --from-literal aws-assume-role=changeme --from-literal aws-region=changeme"
+ system "kubectl patch secret -n kube-system registry-creds-ecr -p='{\"metadata\": {\"labels\": { \"app\": \"registry-creds\", \"cloud\": \"ecr\", \"\": \"registry-creds\"}}}'"
+ system "kubectl create secret generic -n kube-system registry-creds-gcr --from-file=\"$(echo ~)/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json\" --from-literal=gcrurl=\"\""
+ system "kubectl patch secret -n kube-system registry-creds-gcr -p='{\"metadata\": {\"labels\": { \"app\": \"registry-creds\", \"cloud\": \"gcr\", \"\": \"registry-creds\"}}}'"
+ system "kubectl create secret generic -n kube-system registry-creds-acr --from-literal ACR_PASSWORD=changeme --from-literal ACR_CLIENT_ID=changeme --from-literal ACR_URL=changeme"
+ system "kubectl patch secret -n kube-system registry-creds-acr -p='{\"metadata\": {\"labels\": { \"app\": \"registry-creds\", \"cloud\": \"acr\", \"\": \"registry-creds\"}}}'"
+ system "#{minikube} addons enable registry-creds"
+ system "#{minikube} addons enable ingress"
+ system "kubectl rollout status -n kube-system deployment/registry-creds"
+ system "kubectl rollout status -n kube-system deployment/nginx-ingress-controller"
+ wait_for_gcr_secret
+ system "kubectl apply -f ~/development/spend-cloud/k8s/"
+ post_start
+ end
+ def start
+ system "#{minikube} start --cpus=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l) --memory=16G"
+ system "#{minikube} ssh -- 'sudo su -c \"echo 10048576 > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches\"'"
+ update_config
+ end
+ def post_start
+ system "kubectl rollout status deployment/spend-cloud-api"
+ system "sudo sct hostfile"
+ puts "\nāļø You can visit your environment at š š (might still take a few minutes)"
+ end
+ def wait_for_gcr_secret
+ puts "Waiting for Google Cloud Registry secret to become available...".yellow
+ while true
+ secrets = `kubectl get secrets`
+ if secrets.include? "gcr-secret"
+ puts "Google Cloud Registry secret is now available.".green
+ break
+ else
+ sleep 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def minikube
+ if Sct::Helpers.operatingSystem == Sct::Helpers::WINDOWS
+ return "minikube.exe"
+ else
+ return "minikube"
+ end
implements CommandInterface