henk/lib/henk/commands_generator.rb in sct-1.2.0 vs henk/lib/henk/commands_generator.rb in sct-1.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
options.verbose = $verbose
Henk::Runner.new.henk "create", options
Henk::Runner.new.encrypt_config_data options.domain
command :copy do |c|
c.syntax = 'sct henk copy'
c.description = 'Copy a client from another environment to your local environment'
c.required_option '--domain DOMAIN', 'The domain to copy.'
c.option '--source-environment SOURCE_ENVIRONMENT', 'The name of the source environment (currently only local allowed).'
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@
Henk::Runner.new.henk "copy", options
Henk::Runner.new.encrypt_config_data options.target_domain
Henk::Runner.new.synchronize_employees options.target_domain
command :remove do |c|
c.syntax = 'sct henk remove'
c.description = 'Remove a client from your local environment.'
c.required_option '--domain DOMAIN', 'The domain to remove.'
c.option '--user-email EMAIL', 'The email address of the user removing the customer'
@@ -100,9 +100,47 @@
c.syntax = 'sct henk list-clients'
c.description = 'List all clients that are available on the dev environment'
c.action do |args, options|
+ end
+ end
+ command :"list-dumps" do |c|
+ c.syntax = 'sct henk list-dumps'
+ c.description = 'List the customer dumps currently available for import.'
+ c.action do |args, options|
+ Henk::Runner.new.list_dumps args, options
+ end
+ end
+ command :"import" do |c|
+ c.syntax = 'sct henk import <URL>'
+ c.description = 'Import a customer dump from GCP.'
+ c.action do |args, options|
+ case args.length
+ when 0
+ puts "Loading available customer dumps...".blue
+ available_dumps = `sct henk list-dumps`.lines chomp: true
+ dump_url = choose do |menu|
+ menu.prompt = "Please choose a dump to import:"
+ for dump in available_dumps
+ menu.choice dump
+ end
+ end
+ when 1
+ dump_url = args.first
+ else
+ UI.error "Expected 0 or 1 arguments, received #{args.length}: #{args}"
+ exit 1
+ end
+ Henk::Runner.new.import args, options, dump_url