vendor/scs/src/rw.o in scs-0.2.2 vs vendor/scs/src/rw.o in scs-0.2.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,24 +1,26 @@
- ( # H # __text __TEXT H () Z __cstring __TEXT - __debug_str __DWARF ~ $ __debug_loc __DWARF Z g __debug_abbrev __DWARF W __debug_info __DWARF ` + __debug_macinfo __DWARF ! __apple_names __DWARF 8 " __apple_objc __DWARF $ Z __apple_namespac__DWARF 6 $ ~ __apple_types __DWARF Z __compact_unwind__LD x @ # P, __eh_frame __TEXT x $ h __debug_line __DWARF 0 x$ `, 2
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+ X :$ :$
__text __TEXT 8) Z __cstring __TEXT - __debug_loc __DWARF
__debug_abbrev __DWARF __debug_info __DWARF N F , __debug_str __DWARF h ` __apple_names __DWARF + 8 # __apple_objc __DWARF c $ [ __apple_namespac__DWARF $ __apple_types __DWARF __compact_unwind__LD @ # x, __eh_frame __TEXT x $ h __debug_line __DWARF x$ , 2 , - P P UHAWAVATSHIIHG HxHH5 IE E IF HpHH=i 1 H}ؾ L H}ܾ L LL I L I L IIcW L I L IIcW L I$ L I( L I8 L I0IcW8 L LL I~ L I~Ic L I~IcV L I^ E HL H{ L H{ L H{ L H{ L H{( L H{0 L H{8 L H}Ծ L H@ HL I^HCL{HcKLc4H{ L LL H{HcSH¾ L H; LL H{ LL L H[A\A^A_]f. fUHAWAVAUATSH(IIHH5u H IH=w H1 H}о L H}Ծ L uH uH @ Iľ HL I|$ L I|$ L Ic\$ H ID$ HHL I|$ L Ic\$ H ID$ HHL I|$$ L I|$( L I|$8 L Ic\$8 H ID$0 HHL M' ( Hþ HL H{ L Hc;H}Ⱦ IHCLuLcs L IHCH] LHUL LLL P Iľ HL I|$ L I|$ L I|$ L I|$ L I|$( L I|$0 L I|$8 L I|$< L I|$@ L Lc IHx L I|$ L Mc|$Mw L HID$ HLL Jc H II$ H IID$ LHL LHL HMLaHEHL 1AH=c H1 )H=} H= 1 L H([A\A]A^A_]wb writing data to %s
rb Error reading file %s
Reading data from %s
Error, sizeof(file int) is %lu, but scs expects sizeof(int) %lu, scs should be recompiled with correct flags.
Error, sizeof(file float) is %lu, but scs expects sizeof(float) %lu, scs should be recompiled with the correct flags.
- Apple clang version 11.0.3 (clang-1103.0.32.62) src/rw.c /Users/andrew/open_source/scs/vendor/scs uint32_t unsigned int long unsigned int ScsCone SCS_CONE f scs_int int l q qsize s ssize ep ed p scs_float double psize ScsData SCS_PROBLEM_DATA m n A ScsMatrix SCS_A_DATA_MATRIX x i b c stgs ScsSettings SCS_SETTINGS normalize scale rho_x max_iters eps alpha cg_rate verbose warm_start acceleration_lookback write_data_filename char write_scs_cone k fout FILE __sFILE _p unsigned char _r _w _flags short _file _bf __sbuf _base _size _lbfsize _cookie _close _read _seek fpos_t __darwin_off_t __int64_t long long int _write _ub _extra __sFILEX _ur _ubuf __ARRAY_SIZE_TYPE__ _nbuf _lb _blksize _offset write_scs_data d write_scs_stgs write_amatrix Anz scs_write_data read_scs_cone fin read_scs_data read_scs_stgs read_amatrix scs_read_data scs_int_sz scs_float_sz filename file_int_sz file_float_sz U ^ T _ , $ 4 , \ , \ , \ , \ , \ 3 $ 8 | _ T ^ | S S 0 J UJ S_ S 0 G TG D ^D P vP [ P_ ^ 0 D QD X __ _ b ] b ] b ] b ] b _ ]r ] < \ S H v@H [ R \ _ \ % I:; $ > I :;
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