lib/scrivito/basic_widget.rb in scrivito_sdk-0.66.0 vs lib/scrivito/basic_widget.rb in scrivito_sdk-0.70.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
module Scrivito
-# The CMS widget class
+# The CMS widget class. Widget classes let you create widget types for the individual kinds
+# of content editors want to place on pages or into widgets. All widget classes are based on
+# subclasses of {Scrivito::BasicWidget Widget}. As with CMS objects, the content of a widget
+# is stored in its attributes.
+# @see Creating a page type with widgets
# @api public
class BasicWidget
extend AttributeContent::ClassMethods
include AttributeContent
@@ -65,17 +69,17 @@
# See {Scrivito::BasicObj.create Obj.create} for a detailed overview of how to set attributes.
# @api public
# @param [Hash] attributes
- # @example Create a widget using a subclass
- # # you can create widgets by explicitly providing the attribute `_obj_class`
+ # @example Create a widget using a subclass:
+ # # you can create widgets by explicitly providing the '_obj_class' attribute
# new_widget = "MyWidget")
# # but it is better to simply use the constructor of a subclass
# new_widget =
- # @example Create a widget and store it inside an Obj
+ # @example Create a widget and store it inside an Obj:
# # create the widget
# new_widget = "MyWidget")
# # store it inside an obj
# my_obj(my_widget_field: [new_widget])
@@ -83,16 +87,19 @@
@attributes_to_be_saved = self.class.prepare_attributes_for_instantiation(attributes)
@attribute_cache = {}
- # Creates a new {Scrivito::BasicWidget Widget}.
+ # Creates a new {Scrivito::BasicWidget Widget}. The defaults set via
+ # {Scrivito::AttributeContent::ClassMethods#default_for Widget.default_for}
+ # are taken into account.
# @api public
- # It also considers the defaults set via
- # {Scrivito::AttributeContent::ClassMethods#default_for Widget.default_for}.
+ # @note Note that creating a widget does not implicitly persist it. The widget is only persisted
+ # if its creation is part of the creation of the object containing it, or as the object or
+ # widget containing it is updated.
# @param [Hash] attributes for the new widget
# @param [Hash] context in which the object creating should happen
# @option context [Scrivito::User] :scrivito_user current visitor
# @return [Widget] the newly created {Scrivito::BasicWidget Widget}
@@ -110,21 +117,26 @@
def revision
- # Update the attributes of this Widget
+ # Updates the attributes of this {Scrivito::BasicWidget Widget}.
+ # See {Scrivito::BasicObj.create Obj.create} for a detailed overview of how to set attributes.
+ # @example Set the title of a specific widget contained in the 'main_content' attribute of an Obj:
+ # obj.main_content[4].update(title: "New Title")
- # See {Scrivito::BasicObj.create Obj.create} for a detailed overview of how to set attributes
+ # @example Add a widget to the 'main_content' widgetlist attribute:
+ # widgets = obj.main_content << "Fresh")
+ # obj.update(main_content: widgets)
# @api public
# @param [Hash] attributes
def update(attributes)
obj.update(_widget_pool: { self => attributes })
- # Destroys the {Scrivito::BasicWidget Widget} in the current {Workspace}
+ # Destroys the {Scrivito::BasicWidget Widget} in the current {Workspace}.
# @api public
def destroy
new_widget_list = container[container_attribute_name] - [self]
container.update(container_attribute_name => new_widget_list)
@@ -132,15 +144,15 @@
# Create a copy of a {Scrivito::BasicWidget Widget}.
# @api public
- # The copy will have all attributes of the original widget including its widgets.
- # Its attributes can be accessed only after it has been stored in a widget field of an
- # {Scrivito::BasicObj Obj}, since initially the copy is not stored in any widget field.
+ # The copy will have all the attributes of the original widget including its widgets.
+ # Its attributes can be accessed only after it has been stored in a +widgetlist+ field of an
+ # {Scrivito::BasicObj Obj}, since initially the copy is not stored in such a field.
- # @example Duplicate the first widget in field +my_widget+
+ # @example Duplicate the first widget contained in the +my_widget+ field.
# obj.update(my_widgets: obj.my_widgets.push(obj.my_widgets.first.copy))
def copy
attributes = {}
attribute_definitions.each do |attribute_definition|
@@ -195,13 +207,13 @@
# Reverts all changes made to the +Widget+ in the current workspace.
# @api public
- # @note This method does not support +Widget+s, which are +new+.
+ # @note This method does not support +new+ +Widget+s.
# Please use {Scrivito::BasicWidget#destroy Widget#destroy} to destroy them.
- # @note This method does not support +Widget+s, which are +deleted+.
+ # @note This method does not support +deleted+ +Widget+s.
# Please use {Scrivito::BasicObj#revert Obj#revert} to restore them.
# @raise [ScrivitoError] If the current workspace is +published+.
# @raise [ScrivitoError] If the +Widget+ is +new+.
# @raise [ScrivitoError] If the +Widget+ is +deleted+.
@@ -263,23 +275,23 @@
- # returns the entity ({Scrivito::BasicObj} or {Scrivito::BasicWidget}) that references this widget
+ # Returns the entity ({Scrivito::BasicObj} or {Scrivito::BasicWidget}) that references this widget.
# @api public
def container
@container || container_and_attribute_name.first
- # returns the name of the widget attribute that references this widget
+ # Returns the name of the +widgetlist+ attribute that references this widget.
# @api public
def container_attribute_name
@container_attribute_name || container_and_attribute_name.second
- # returns the name of the widget field that references this widget
+ # Returns the name of the 'widgetlist' field that references this widget.
# @api public
# @deprecated
def container_field_name
Scrivito::Deprecation.warn('Scrivito::BasicWidget#container_field_name is deprecated'\
' and will be removed in a future version.'\
@@ -326,10 +338,10 @@
update_proc = -> { obj.widget_data_from_pool(id) }
# @api public
- # This method determines the description to be shown in the widget tooltips. By default,
+ # This method determines the description to be shown as widget tooltips. By default,
# it uses the value of the +Widget.description_for_editor+ class method.
# This method can be overridden to customize the description displayed to the editor.
# @return [String] description for the editor