lib/scrivito/attribute_content.rb in scrivito_sdk-1.1.1 vs lib/scrivito/attribute_content.rb in scrivito_sdk-1.2.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -198,15 +198,10 @@
- def contained_widgets
- referenced = referenced_widgets
- referenced + { |widget| widget.contained_widgets }.flatten
- end
def update_data(data)
self.data_from_cms = data
@attribute_cache = {}
@@ -340,19 +335,28 @@
# +multienum+ attributes. If no values are provided for attributes of these types, the
# resulting array of selectable values is empty. Empty string is not allowed as value.
# @option options [Symbol, String] :default custom default value.
# See {Scrivito::AttributeContent::DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES} for factory defaults.
# See {Scrivito::AttributeContent::ClassMethods#default_for} for more advanced defaults.
+ # @option options [Class, Array<Class>] :only specifies (for use in the UI) the valid classes
+ # _of_ _the_ _values_ in a +reference+ or a +referencelist+ attribute, e.g. +Image+ or +Video+.
+ # Raises an error if the attribute type is neither +reference+ nor +referencelist+. If not
+ # specified, the UI assumes that any class is valid.
# @return nil
+ #
# @raise [Scrivito::ScrivitoError] if the +type+ is unknown
# @raise [Scrivito::ScrivitoError] if the +values+ include an empty string
+ # @raise [Scrivito::ScrivitoError] if the +only+ option is specified, but the +type+ is neither
+ # +reference+ nor +referencelist+
+ # @raise [Scrivito::ScrivitoError] if the +only+ option includes invalid value(s)
+ #
# @see Scrivito::AttributeContent::DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES
# @see Scrivito::AttributeContent::ClassMethods#default_for
# @example Defining attributes:
- # class Page < ::Obj
+ # class Page < Obj
# attribute :my_string, :string
# attribute 'my_html', 'my_html'
# attribute :my_enum, :enum, values: %w[a b c], default: 'a'
# attribute :my_multienum, :multienum
# end
@@ -378,22 +382,22 @@
# #=> "multienum"
# Page.attribute_definitions[:my_multienum].values
# #=> []
# @example Inheriting attributes:
- # class Page < ::Obj
+ # class Page < Obj
# attribute :title, :string
# end
# class SpecialPage < Page
# end
# SpecialPage.attribute_definitions[:title].type
# #=> "string"
# @example Overriding inherited attributes:
- # class Page < ::Obj
+ # class Page < Obj
# attribute :title, :string
# end
# class SpecialPage < Page
# attribute :title, :html
@@ -403,10 +407,22 @@
# #=> "string"
# SpecialPage.attribute_definitions[:title].type
# #=> "html"
+ # @example Specifying valid classes for +reference+ attributes:
+ # class Page < Obj
+ # attribute :my_reference1, :reference, only: Image
+ # attribute :my_reference2, :reference, only: [Image, Video]
+ # end
+ #
+ # ImageWidget.attribute_definitions[:my_reference1].valid_classes
+ # #=> [Image]
+ #
+ # ImageWidget.attribute_definitions[:my_reference2].valid_classes
+ # #=> [Image, Video]
+ #
# @see Specifying default attribute values
def attribute(name, type, options = {})
name, type, options = name.to_s, type.to_s, options
@@ -419,11 +435,12 @@
own_attribute_definitions[name] =, type, options)
- # Sets the default value of an attribute.
+ # Sets the default value of an attribute defined by
+ # {Scrivito::AttributeContent::ClassMethods#attribute}.
# @api public
# If {Scrivito::BasicObj.create Obj.create} or {} are called
# without providing a value for a specific custom attribute, the +block+ is called, and its
@@ -522,22 +539,26 @@
raise ScrivitoError, 'No block given' unless block_given?
attribute_defaults[attribute_name] = block
+ #
+ # Short description of a CMS object or widget type for the UI.
+ #
# @api public
- # Short description of a CMS object or widget type for the UI. The description is displayed
- # when adding new pages or widgets, for example. As a general rule, it is used whenever no
- # widget or object instance is available. If there is, the {Scrivito::BasicObj#description_for_editor}
- # and, respectively, {Scrivito::BasicWidget#description_for_editor} instance methods are used instead.
+ # The description is displayed when adding new pages or widgets, for example. As a general rule,
+ # it is used whenever no widget or object instance is available. If there is, the
+ # {Scrivito::BasicObj#description_for_editor} and, respectively,
+ # {Scrivito::BasicWidget#description_for_editor} instance methods are used instead.
# This method can be overridden to customize the description displayed to editors.
- # @return [String] the +Class+ name
+ # @return [String] short description of a CMS object or widget type for the UI
+ #
def description_for_editor
- name
+ name.titleize
# Returns the attribute definitions.
@@ -618,9 +639,17 @@
missing_attributes.each do |attribute_name|
attributes[attribute_name] = nil
+ end
+ def as_json
+ {
+ name: name,
+ descriptionForEditor: description_for_editor,
+ attributes:,
+ }
def assert_valid_attribute_name(name)