lib/scrivito/attribute_content.rb in scrivito_sdk-0.41.1 vs lib/scrivito/attribute_content.rb in scrivito_sdk-0.42.0
- old
+ new
@@ -264,9 +264,113 @@
.map { |obj_class_name| type_computer.compute_type(obj_class_name) }
+ #
+ # Defines an attribute.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # In order to be able to persist model data in CMS you have to define its attributes.
+ # By defining an attribute you tell Scrivito under which name its value should be persisted,
+ # which type of content it will contain etc, which values are allowed etc.
+ #
+ # Attributes are inherited, e.g. if a model +Page+ defines an attribute +title+ of type +string+
+ # and a model +SpecialPage+ inherits from +Page+, then the model +SpecialPage+ will also have
+ # the attribute +title+. Inherited attributes can be overridden, e.g. +SpecialPage+ can override
+ # the inherited attribute +title+ by defining its own +title+ with a different type for example.
+ #
+ # @param [Symbol, String] name name of the attribute.
+ # @param [Symbol, String] type type of the attribute. Scrivito supports following types: +string+,
+ # +html+, +enum+, +multienum+, +widget+, +reference+, +referencelist+ and +binary+.
+ # @param [Hash] options definition options.
+ #
+ # @option options [Symbol, String] :values allowed values for types +enum+ and +multienum+.
+ # If no values are given for that types, then an empty array will be assumed.
+ #
+ # @return nil
+ #
+ # @example Defining attributes
+ # class Page < ::Obj
+ # attribute :my_string, :string
+ # attribute 'my_html', 'my_html'
+ # attribute :my_enum, :enum, values: %w[a b c]
+ # attribute :my_multienum, :multienum
+ # end
+ #
+ # Page.attribute_definitions
+ # #=> #<Scrivito::AttributeDefinitionCollection>
+ #
+ # Page.attribute_definitions[:my_string]
+ # #=> #<Scrivito::AttributeDefinition>
+ #
+ # Page.attribute_definitions[:my_string].type
+ # #=> :string
+ #
+ # Page.attribute_definitions[:my_html].type
+ # #=> :html
+ #
+ # Page.attribute_definitions[:my_enum].type
+ # #=> :enum
+ # Page.attribute_definitions[:my_enum].values
+ # #=> ["a", "b", "c"]
+ #
+ # Page.attribute_definitions[:my_multienum].type
+ # #=> :multienum
+ # Page.attribute_definitions[:my_multienum].values
+ # #=> []
+ #
+ # @example Inheriting attributes
+ # class Page < ::Obj
+ # attributes :title, :string
+ # end
+ #
+ # class SpecialPage < Page
+ # end
+ #
+ # SpecialPage.attribute_definitions[:title].type
+ # #=> :string
+ #
+ # @example Overriding inherited attributes
+ # class Page < ::Obj
+ # attributes :title, :string
+ # end
+ #
+ # class SpecialPage < Page
+ # attribute :title, :html
+ # end
+ #
+ # Page.attribute_definitions[:title].type
+ # #=> :string
+ #
+ # SpecialPage.attribute_definitions[:title].type
+ # #=> :html
+ #
+ def attribute(name, type, options = {})
+ name, type, options = name.to_sym, type.to_sym, options.with_indifferent_access
+ own_attribute_definitions[name] =, type, options)
+ nil
+ end
+ def attribute_definitions
+ end
+ protected
+ def all_attribute_definitions
+ if superclass.respond_to?(:all_attribute_definitions, true)
+ superclass.all_attribute_definitions.merge(own_attribute_definitions)
+ else
+ own_attribute_definitions
+ end
+ end
+ def own_attribute_definitions
+ @own_attribute_definitions ||= {}
+ end