app/helpers/scrivito_helper.rb in scrivito_sdk-0.65.2 vs app/helpers/scrivito_helper.rb in scrivito_sdk-0.66.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -29,38 +29,45 @@
# the widgets are rendered within block tags.
# @param obj_or_widget [Scrivito::BasicObj, Scrivito::BasicWidget] A {Scrivito::BasicObj}
# or {Scrivito::BasicWidget} from which the +field_name+ is read.
# @param field_name [String, Symbol] Which field of the Obj should be rendered.
# @param html_options [Hash] HTML options to be passed to +content_tag+.
+ # @param editing_options [Hash] Additional editing options for widgets (e.g. +:inner_tag+)
+ # @option editing_options [Symbol] :inner_tag Wraps widgets inside specified tag
# @param block [Proc] Optional block to render inner HTML. If none given the value of attribute
# will be rendered instead. +block+ is not allowed for fields of type +widget+.
# @raise ArgumentError if the field behind +field_name+ is of type +widget+ and a +block+ is given.
# @return [String] The rendered HTML tag.
# @example Renders an <h2> tag containing the text of the +headline+ attribute of +@obj+ and assigns the tag a css class called +very_important+
- # <%= scrivito_tag :h2, @obj, :headline, class: "very_important" %>
+ # scrivito_tag(:h2, @obj, :headline, class: "very_important")
# @example Renders an <h2> tag containing a truncated +headline+ of the +widget+
- # <%= scrivito_tag :h2, widget, :headline do %>
- # <%= truncate widget.headline %>
- # <% end %>
+ # scrivito_tag(:h2, widget, :headline) do
+ # truncate(widget.headline)
+ # end
# @example Render a download link for a PDF document
- # <%= scrivito_tag :div, @obj, :pdf do %>
- # <% if @obj.pdf %>
- # Download: <%= link_to @obj.pdf.filename, @obj.pdf.url %>
- # <% elsif scrivito_user %>
- # Drop PDF here to upload
- # <% end %>
- # <% end %>
+ # scrivito_tag(:div, @obj, :pdf) do
+ # if @obj.pdf
+ # "Download: #{link_to(@obj.pdf.filename, @obj.pdf.url)}"
+ # elsif scrivito_user
+ # "Drop PDF here to upload"
+ # end
+ # end
- def scrivito_tag(tag_name, obj_or_widget, field_name, html_options = {}, &block)
- self, tag_name, obj_or_widget, field_name.to_s, @scrivito_default_widget_template || :show
- ).render(html_options, &block)
+ # @example Render widgetlist inside an +ul+ tag with the individual widgets inside of +li+ tags.
+ # scrivito_tag(:ul, @obj, :body, {}, inner_tag: :li)
+ #
+ def scrivito_tag(tag_name, obj_or_widget, field_name,
+ html_options = {}, editing_options = {}, &block)
+, tag_name, obj_or_widget, editing_options.merge(
+ widget_template_name: @scrivito_default_widget_template || :show,
+ field_name: field_name.to_s
+ )).render(html_options, &block)
# @api public
@@ -75,64 +82,65 @@
# @yieldparam [Scrivito::BasicObj] child Each child of +toclist+
# @return [String] The rendered html tag
# @example
- # <%= scrivito_tag_list :div, @obj, :toclist, class: "very_important" do |list, child| %>
- # <%= list.tag :div, class: "also_important" do %>
- # <%= link_to scrivito_path(child) do %>
- # <%= scrivito_tag :span, child, :title %>
- # <% end %>
- # <% end %>
- # <% end %>
+ # scrivito_tag_list(:div, @obj, :toclist, class: "very_important") do |list, child|
+ # list.tag(:div, class: "also_important") do
+ # link_to(scrivito_path(child)) do
+ # scrivito_tag(:span, child, :title)
+ # end
+ # end
+ # end
- # # results for an obj with two children in
+ # # result for an obj with two children:
+ # #
+ # # <div class="very_important">
+ # # <div class="also_important"><a href="/child1"><span>Child 1</span></a></div>
+ # # <div class="also_important"><a href="/child2"><span>Child 2</span></a></div>
+ # # </div>
- # <div class="very_important">
- # <div class="also_important"><a href="/child1"><span>Child 1</span></a></div>
- # <div class="also_important"><a href="/child2"><span>Child 2</span></a></div>
- # </div>
- #
def scrivito_tag_list(tag_name, obj, field_name, options = {}, &block), obj, field_name.to_s, self).render(options, &block)
# Calculates an HTML image tag of an image stored in the CMS for inplace editing.
# @api public
# @note If you do not specify an HTML +alt+ attribute, the helper method will use
- # +display_title+ of the target object
+ # {Scrivito::BasicObj#alt_description Obj#alt_description} of the target object.
# @param [Obj] obj Obj with a +link_list+, +reference+, +link+ or +binary+ attribute
# @param [String, Symbol, Hash] field_name_or_tag_options Name of +link_list+, +reference+, +link+, or +binary+
# attribute, which contains the image or additional HTML attributes for the tag.
# The +field_name+ can be omitted for binary Objs and +blob+ will be used as default.
# @param [Hash] tag_or_editing_options Additional HTML attributes for the tag or
# the editing options if no +field_name+ was given
# @param [Hash] editing_options Additional options for inplace editing
+ #
# @option editing_options [String] :placeholder ('/assets/scrivito/image_placeholder.png') URL
# or path to image to be displayed if target is missing
# @example
- # scrivito_image_tag @obj, :my_linklist
- # scrivito_image_tag @obj, :my_linklist, alt: 'Interesting picture', class: 'my_image'
- # scrivito_image_tag @obj, :my_linklist, {}, placeholder: image_path('my_placeholder.png')
- # scrivito_image_tag @obj, :my_linklist, {class: 'my_image'}, placeholder: ''
+ # scrivito_image_tag(@obj, :my_linklist)
+ # scrivito_image_tag(@obj, :my_linklist, alt: 'Interesting picture', class: 'my_image')
+ # scrivito_image_tag(@obj, :my_linklist, {}, placeholder: image_path('my_placeholder.png'))
+ # scrivito_image_tag(@obj, :my_linklist, {class: 'my_image'}, placeholder: '')
- # @example Create image tag for a reference attribute.
- # scrivito_image_tag @obj, :my_reference
+ # @example Render an image tag for a reference attribute.
+ # scrivito_image_tag(@obj, :my_reference)
- # @example Create image tag for a link attribute.
- # scrivito_image_tag @obj, :my_link
+ # @example Render an image tag for a link attribute.
+ # scrivito_image_tag(@obj, :my_link)
- # @example Create image tag for a binary attribute
- # scrivito_image_tag @obj, :my_binary
+ # @example Render an image tag for a binary attribute
+ # scrivito_image_tag(@obj, :my_binary)
- # @example Create image tag for a binary Obj
- # scrivito_image_tag @image
+ # @example Render an image tag for a binary Obj
+ # scrivito_image_tag(@image)
# @return [String] HTML image tag
# @raise [ScrivitoError] if +field_name+ is not set and Obj is not binary
@@ -152,19 +160,19 @@
raise Scrivito::ScrivitoError,
"when omitting `field_name' you have to pass a binary obj"
- options =, field_name,
+ options =, field_name,
tag_options.with_indifferent_access, editing_options.with_indifferent_access)
scrivito_tag('img', obj, field_name, options)
# Renders an attribute <em>value</em> of a CMS model.
- # <%= scrivito_value @obj.title %>
+ # scrivito_value(@obj.title)
# Renders the value, taking its type into account.
# * An HtmlString will be exported by converting its links
# * A Time will be exported in an international form: Year-Month-Day Hour:Minutes
# * A non-HTML String will be quoted
# * other values will be rendered unchanged
@@ -176,11 +184,11 @@
# @api public
def scrivito_value(value)
case value
when Scrivito::HtmlString
-, main_app).convert_links(value).html_safe
+, main_app, scrivito_engine).convert_links(value).html_safe
when String then h(value)
when Time then h(l(value))
when Scrivito::BasicWidget
render(template: value.to_show_view_path, locals: {widget: value})
else value
@@ -197,12 +205,12 @@
# @param obj [Scrivito::BasicObj] an +Obj+, whose field should be rendered.
# @param field_name [String, Symbol] the field of +obj+ to be rendered.
# @example
- # <%= scrivito_field @obj, :title %>
- # <%= scrivito_field @obj, 'headline' %>
+ # scrivito_field(@obj, :title)
+ # scrivito_field(@obj, 'headline')
def scrivito_field(obj, field_name)
@@ -220,23 +228,23 @@
# If the name of the specyfied icon is unknown, then the default icon (+:scrivito+) will be displayed.
# If you are speifying your own HTML string, then make sure it is HTML safe.
# @param block [Proc] the description of the thumbnail.
# @example A simple thumbnail
- # <%= scrivito_thumbnail 'Content Page' do %>
- # A content page.
- # <% end %>
+ # scrivito_thumbnail('Content Page') do
+ # 'A content page.'
+ # end
# @example A thumbnail with a built-in icon
- # <%= scrivito_thumbnail 'Image Widget', :image do %>
- # An image widget.
- # <% end %>
+ # scrivito_thumbnail('Image Widget', :image) do
+ # 'An image widget.'
+ # end
# @example A thumbnail with custom icon HTML
- # <%= scrivito_thumbnail 'Blog', content_tag(:i, '', class: 'thumbnail-blog') do %>
- # A blog post.
- # <% end %>
+ # scrivito_thumbnail('Blog', content_tag(:i, '', class: 'thumbnail-blog')) do
+ # 'A blog post.'
+ # end
def scrivito_thumbnail(title, icon = :scrivito, &block)
if icon.is_a?(Symbol)
icon_code = {
content: '',
@@ -266,18 +274,18 @@
# @param title [String] title of the attribute group.
# @param block [Proc] content of the attribute group.
# @example
- # <%= scrivito_details_for 'Title and Category' do %>
- # <%= scrivito_tag :div, @obj, :title %>
- # <%= scrivito_tag :div, @obj, :category %>
- # <% end %>
+ # scrivito_details_for('Title and Category') do
+ # concat scrivito_tag(:div, @obj, :title)
+ # concat scrivito_tag(:div, @obj, :category)
+ # end
- # <%= scrivito_details_for do %>
- # <%= scrivito_tag :div, @obj, :abstract %>
- # <% end %>
+ # scrivito_details_for do
+ # scrivito_tag(:div, @obj, :abstract)
+ # end
def scrivito_details_for(title = nil, &block)
content_tag(:div, class: 'scrivito_content_group') do
capture do
if title
@@ -285,9 +293,52 @@
+ # @!group Details Dialog Size
+ # Set the size of the page and widget details dialog to +large+.
+ # @example
+ # scrivito_large_dialog do
+ # scrivito_details_for('Title and Category') do
+ # concat scrivito_tag(:div, @obj, :title)
+ # concat scrivito_tag(:div, @obj, :category)
+ # end
+ # end
+ # @param block [Proc] Block to render inner HTML.
+ # @return [String]
+ # @api public
+ def scrivito_large_dialog(&block)
+ Scrivito::DialogSizeHelper.render_dialog_with_size(self, 'large', &block)
+ end
+ # Set the size of the page and widget details dialog to +medium+ (default).
+ # @example
+ # scrivito_medium_dialog do
+ # # see scrivito_large_dialog example
+ # end
+ # @param block [Proc] Block to render inner HTML.
+ # @return [String]
+ # @api public
+ def scrivito_medium_dialog(&block)
+ Scrivito::DialogSizeHelper.render_dialog_with_size(self, 'medium', &block)
+ end
+ # Set the size of the page and widget details dialog to +small+.
+ # @example
+ # scrivito_small_dialog do
+ # # see scrivito_large_dialog example
+ # end
+ # @param block [Proc] Block to render inner HTML.
+ # @return [String]
+ # @api public
+ def scrivito_small_dialog(&block)
+ Scrivito::DialogSizeHelper.render_dialog_with_size(self, 'small', &block)
+ end
+ # @!endgroup
# Renders all tags needed in the HTML head.
# @api public