lib/screwcap/task.rb in screwcap-0.3.5 vs lib/screwcap/task.rb in screwcap-0.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,25 +1,15 @@
class Task < Screwcap::Base
include MessageLogger
def initialize(opts = {}, &block)
- self.__name = opts[:name]
+ self.__name = opts.delete(:name)
self.__options = opts
self.__commands = []
- self.__command_sets = opts[:command_sets] || []
- self.__server_names = []
- self.__block = block if opts[:command_set] == true
- if opts[:server] and opts[:servers].nil?
- self.__server_names << opts[:server]
- else
- self.__server_names = opts[:servers]
- end
- validate(opts[:deployment_servers]) unless opts[:validate] == false or opts[:local] == true
+ self.__servers = opts.delete(:servers)
+ self.__block = block
# Run a command. This can either be a string, or a symbol that is the name of a command set to run.
@@ -43,12 +33,12 @@
# end
# task_for :item, :servers => :server do
# run "ls -l", :onfailure => :rollback
# end
def run arg, options = {}
if arg.class == Symbol
self.__commands << options.merge({:command => self.send(arg), :type => :remote, :from => self.__name})
self.__commands << options.merge({:command => arg, :type => :remote, :from => self.__name})
@@ -56,10 +46,11 @@
# SCP a file from your local drive to a remote machine.
# task_for :item, :servers => :server do
# scp :local => "/tmp/pirate_booty", :remote => "/mnt/app/config/booty.yml"
# end
def scp options = {}
self.__commands << options.merge({:type => :scp})
# Run a command locally. This can either be a string, or a symbol that is the name of a command set to run.
@@ -76,56 +67,70 @@
# end
# task_for :item, :servers => :server do
# local "herd_cats", :onfailure => :rollback
# end
def local arg, options = {}
if arg.class == Symbol
self.__commands << options.merge({:command => self.send(arg), :type => :local, :from => self.__name})
self.__commands << options.merge({:command => arg, :type => :local, :from => self.__name})
- if failure_cmd = self.__commands.last[:onfailure]
- unless self.__command_sets.find {|cs| cs.__name == failure_cmd }
- raise ScrewCap::ConfigurationError, "Could not find failure command set named '#{failure_cmd}' for task '#{self.__name}'"
- end
- end
- protected
+ def __build_commands(command_sets = [])
+ commands = []
- def method_missing(m, *args) # :nodoc
- if m.to_s[0..1] == "__" or [:run].include?(m) or m.to_s.reverse[0..0] == "="
- super(m, args.first)
- else
- if cs = self.__command_sets.find {|cs| cs.__name == m }
- # eval what is in the block
- clone_table_for(cs)
- cs.__commands = []
- cs.instance_eval(&cs.__block)
- self.__commands += cs.__commands
+ self.instance_eval(&self.__block)
+ # :before for before_ callback
+ if before = command_sets.find {|cs| cs.__name.to_s == "before_#{self.__name}" or cs.__name == self.__options[:before] } and before != self
+ before.clone_from(self)
+ commands << before.__build_commands(command_sets)
+ end
+ self.__commands.each do |command|
+ if command[:type] == :unknown
+ if cs = command_sets.find {|cs| cs.__name == command[:command] }
+ cs.clone_from(self)
+ commands << cs.__build_commands(command_sets)
+ else
+ raise(NoMethodError, "Cannot find task, command set, or other method named '#{command[:command]}'")
+ end
- raise NoMethodError, "Undefined method '#{m.to_s}' for task :#{}"
+ commands << command
- end
- private
- def clone_table_for(object)
- self.table.each do |k,v|
- object.set(k, v) unless [:__block, :__tasks, :__name, :__command_sets, :__commands, :__options].include?(k)
+ # :after for after_ callback
+ if after = command_sets.find {|cs| cs.__name.to_s == "after_#{self.__name}" or cs.__name == self.__options[:after] } and after != self
+ after.clone_from(self)
+ commands << after.__build_commands(command_sets)
+ commands.flatten
def validate(servers)
- raise Screwcap::ConfigurationError, "Could not find a server to run this task on. Please specify :server => :servername or :servers => [:server1, :server2] in the task_for directive." if self.__server_names.nil? or self.__server_names == []
+ raise Screwcap::ConfigurationError, "Could not find a server to run this task on. Please specify :server => :servername or :servers => [:server1, :server2] in the task_for directive." if servers == [] or servers.nil?
- self.__server_names.each do |server_name|
- raise Screwcap::ConfigurationError, "Could not find a server to run this task on. Please specify :server => :servername or :servers => [:server1, :server2] in the task_for directive." unless
- end
+ # marshal :server into :servers
+ self.__servers = [self.__options.delete(:server)] if self.__options[:server]
+ self.__servers = [self.__servers] if self.__servers.class != Array
- # finally map the actual server objects via name
- self.__servers = {|name| servers.find {|s| == name } }
+ server_names = {|s| s.__name }
+ self.__servers.each do |server_name|
+ raise Screwcap::ConfigurationError, "Could not find a server to run this task on. Please specify :server => :servername or :servers => [:server1, :server2] in the task_for directive." unless server_names.include?(server_name)
+ end
+ private
+ def method_missing(m, *args) # :nodoc
+ if m.to_s[0..1] == "__" or [:run].include?(m) or m.to_s.reverse[0..0] == "="
+ super(m, args.first)
+ else
+ self.__commands << {:command => m, :type => :unknown, :from => self.__name}
+ end
+ end