lib/screwcap/runner.rb in screwcap-0.3.5 vs lib/screwcap/runner.rb in screwcap-0.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,65 +1,78 @@
class Runner
include MessageLogger
+ @@silent = false
- def self.execute! task, options
- @task = task; @options = options
- threads = []
- if @task.__options[:local] == true
- log "\n*** BEGIN executing local task #{@task.__name}\n", :color => :blue
- @task.__commands.each do |command|
- ret = `#{command[:command]}`
- if $?.to_i == 0
- log " I: (local): #{command[:command]}\n", :color => :blue
- log(" O: (local): #{ret}\n", :color => :blue) unless ret.nil? or ret == ""
- else
- log " I: (local): #{command[:command]}\n", :color => :blue
- errorlog(" O: (local): #{ret}\n", :color => :red) unless ret.nil? or ret == ""
- errorlog(" E: (local): #{command[:command]} return exit code: #{$?}\n", :color => :red) if $? != 0
+ def self.execute! options
+ @@silent = options[:silent]
+ begin
+ _log "\n*** BEGIN executing task #{options[:name]} on #{options[:server].name} with address #{options[:address]}\n", :color => :blue unless options[:silent] == true
+ options[:server].__with_connection_for(options[:address]) do |ssh|
+ options[:commands].each do |command|
+ ret = run_command(command, ssh, options)
+ break if ret != 0 and command[:abort_on_fail] == true
- log "\n*** END executing local task #{@task.__name}\n", :color => :blue
- else
- @task.__servers.each do |_server|
- _server.__addresses.each do |_address|
- if task.__options[:parallel] == false
- execute_on(_server, _address)
- else
- threads <<, _address) { |server, address| execute_on(server, address) }
- end
- end
+ rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed => e
+ raise Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed, "Authentication failed for server named #{}. Please check your authentication credentials."
+ #rescue Exception => e
+ # _errorlog " F: (#{options[:address]}): #{e}", :color => :red
+ ensure
+ _log "*** END executing task #{options[:name]} on #{options[:server].name} with address #{options[:address]}\n\n", :color => :blue
+ end
+ options[:commands] # for tests
+ end
+ def self.execute_locally! options
+ @@silent = options[:silent]
+ _log "\n*** BEGIN executing local task #{options[:name]}\n", :color => :blue
+ options[:commands].each do |command|
+ command[:stdout] = ret = `#{command[:command]}`
+ if $?.to_i == 0
+ _log " I: (local): #{command[:command]}\n", :color => :blue
+ _log(" O: (local): #{ret}\n", :color => :blue) unless ret.nil? or ret == ""
+ else
+ _log " I: (local): #{command[:command]}\n", :color => :blue
+ _errorlog(" O: (local): #{ret}\n", :color => :red) unless ret.nil? or ret == ""
+ _errorlog(" E: (local): #{command[:command]} return exit code: #{$?}\n", :color => :red) if $? != 0
- threads.each {|t| t.join }
+ _log "\n*** END executing local task #{options[:name]}\n", :color => :blue
+ options[:commands]
- def self.execute_on(server, address)
- begin
- log "\n*** BEGIN executing task #{@task.__name} on #{} with address #{address}\n", :color => :blue
- server.__with_connection_for(address) do |ssh|
- failed_command = nil
- @task.__commands.each do |command|
- if run_command(ssh, address, server, command) != 0 and command[:onfailure]
- failed_command = command
- break
- end
- end
- if failed_command
- @task.__commands = []
- @task.send(failed_command[:onfailure])
- @task.__commands.each { |command| run_command(ssh, address, server, command) }
- end
+ def self.run_command(command, ssh, options)
+ if command[:type] == :remote
+ _log " I: (#{options[:address]}): #{command[:command]}\n", :color => :green
+ stdout, stderr, exit_code, exit_signal = ssh_exec! ssh, command[:command]
+ command[:stdout] = stdout
+ command[:stderr] = stderr
+ _log(" O: (#{options[:address]}): #{stdout}", :color => :green) unless stdout.nil? or stdout == ""
+ _errorlog(" O: (#{options[:address]}): #{stderr}", :color => :red) unless stderr.nil? or stderr == ""
+ _errorlog(" E: (#{options[:address]}): #{command[:command]} return exit code: #{exit_code}\n", :color => :red) if exit_code != 0
+ return exit_code
+ elsif command[:type] == :local
+ ret = `#{command[:command]}`
+ command[:stdout] = ret
+ if $?.to_i == 0
+ _log " I: (local): #{command[:command]}\n", :color => :blue
+ _log " O: (local): #{ret}\n", :color => :blue
+ else
+ _log " I: (local): #{command[:command]}\n", :color => :blue
+ _errorlog " O: (local): #{ret}\n", :color => :red
+ _errorlog(" E: (local): #{command[:command]} return exit code: #{$?}\n", :color => :red) if $? != 0
- rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed => e
- raise Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed, "Authentication failed for server named #{}. Please check your authentication credentials."
- rescue Exception => e
- errorlog " F: (#{address}): #{e}", :color => :red
- ensure
- log "*** END executing task #{@task.__name} on #{} with address #{address}\n\n", :color => :blue
+ return $?
+ elsif command[:type] == :scp
+ _log " I: (#{options[:address]}): SCP #{command[:local]} to #{options[:server].__user}@#{options[:address]}:#{command[:remote]}\n", :color => :green
+ options[:server].__upload_to!(options[:address], command[:local], command[:remote])
+ # this will need to be improved to allow for :onfailure
+ return 0
# courtesy of flitzwald on stackoverflow
@@ -89,35 +102,15 @@
[stdout_data, stderr_data, exit_code, exit_signal]
+ def self._log(message, options)
+ return if @@silent == true
+ log(message, options)
+ end
- def self.run_command(ssh, address, server, command)
- if command[:type] == :remote
- log " I: (#{address}): #{command[:command]}\n", :color => :green
- stdout, stderr, exit_code, exit_signal = ssh_exec! ssh, command[:command]
- log(" O: (#{address}): #{stdout}", :color => :green) unless stdout.nil? or stdout == ""
- errorlog(" O: (#{address}): #{stderr}", :color => :red) unless stderr.nil? or stderr == ""
- errorlog(" E: (#{address}): #{command[:command]} return exit code: #{exit_code}\n", :color => :red) if exit_code != 0
- return exit_code
- elsif command[:type] == :local
- ret = `#{command[:command]}`
- if $?.to_i == 0
- log " I: (local): #{command[:command]}\n", :color => :blue
- log " O: (local): #{ret}\n", :color => :blue
- else
- log " I: (local): #{command[:command]}\n", :color => :blue
- errorlog " O: (local): #{ret}\n", :color => :red
- errorlog(" E: (local): #{command[:command]} return exit code: #{$?}\n", :color => :red) if $? != 0
- end
- return $?
- elsif command[:type] == :scp
- log " I: (#{address}): SCP #{command[:local]} to #{server.__user}@#{address}:#{command[:remote]}\n", :color => :green
- server.__upload_to!(address, command[:local], command[:remote])
- # this will need to be improved to allow for :onfailure
- return 0
- end
+ def self._errorlog(message, options)
+ return if @@silent == true
+ errorlog(message, options)