test/scout_test.rb in scout-5.4.6.alpha vs test/scout_test.rb in scout-5.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -407,21 +407,25 @@
plugins << create_plugin(@client, "XYZ Plugin", PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:xyz][:code], PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:xyz][:sig])
plugins << create_plugin(@client, "AclPlugin_2", PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:acl][:code], PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:acl][:sig])
scout(@client.key) # to write the initial history file. Sinatra MUST be running
$continue_streaming = true # so the streamer will run once
- streamer=Scout::Streamer.new("http://none", "bogus_client_key", PATH_TO_DATA_FILE, [@client.plugins.first.id]+plugins.map(&:id), "bogus_streaming_key",nil) # for debugging, make last arg Logger.new(STDOUT)
- res = Pusher::Channel.streamer_data # via the mock_streamer call
+ # for debugging, make last arg Logger.new(STDOUT)
+ Scout::Streamer.new(PATH_TO_DATA_FILE,"bogus_streaming_key","a","b","c",[@client.plugins.first.id]+plugins.map(&:id),nil)
+ end
- assert res.is_a?(Hash)
- assert res[:plugins].is_a?(Array)
- assert_equal 4, res[:plugins].size
- assert_equal 2, res[:plugins][0][:fields][:load]
- assert_equal 1, res[:plugins][1][:fields][:value]
- assert_equal 2, res[:plugins][2][:fields][:value]
- assert_equal 1, res[:plugins][3][:fields][:value]
- end # end of mock_pusher
+ streams = Pusher::Channel.streamer_data # set by the mock_pusher call
+ assert streams.is_a?(Array)
+ assert_equal 1, streams.size
+ res=streams.first
+ assert res.is_a?(Hash)
+ assert res[:plugins].is_a?(Array)
+ assert_equal 4, res[:plugins].size
+ assert_equal 2, res[:plugins][0][:fields][:load]
+ assert_equal 1, res[:plugins][1][:fields][:value]
+ assert_equal 2, res[:plugins][2][:fields][:value]
+ assert_equal 1, res[:plugins][3][:fields][:value]
# the local plugin shouldn't report
def test_streamer_with_local_plugin
@@ -433,30 +437,35 @@
mock_pusher do
$continue_streaming = true # so the streamer will run once
- streamer=Scout::Streamer.new("http://none", "bogus_client_key", PATH_TO_DATA_FILE, [@client.plugins.first.id], "bogus_streaming_key",nil) # for debugging, make last arg Logger.new(STDOUT)
- res = Pusher::Channel.streamer_data # Pusher::Channel.streamer_data via the mock_streamer call
+ # for debugging, make last arg Logger.new(STDOUT)
+ Scout::Streamer.new(PATH_TO_DATA_FILE,"bogus_streaming_key","a","b","c",[@client.plugins.first.id],nil)
+ end
+ streams = Pusher::Channel.streamer_data # set by the mock_pusher call
+ assert streams.is_a?(Array)
+ assert_equal 1, streams.size
+ res=streams.first
- assert res.is_a?(Hash)
- assert res[:plugins].is_a?(Array)
- assert_equal 1, res[:plugins].size # this is NOT the local plugin, it's a regular plugin that's already there
- assert_equal 2, res[:plugins][0][:fields][:load]
- end # end of mock_pusher
+ assert res.is_a?(Hash)
+ assert res[:plugins].is_a?(Array)
+ assert_equal 1, res[:plugins].size # this is NOT the local plugin, it's a regular plugin that's already there
+ assert_equal 2, res[:plugins][0][:fields][:load]
# test streamer starting and stopping
def test_streamer_process_management
streamer_pid_file = File.join(AGENT_DIR, "scout_streamer.pid")
+ File.unlink(streamer_pid_file) if File.exist?(streamer_pid_file)
assert !File.exist?(streamer_pid_file)
- assert @client.update_attribute(:streamer_command, "start,A0000000000123,1,3")
+ assert @client.update_attribute(:streamer_command, "start,A0000000000123,a,b,c,1,3")
assert File.exist?(streamer_pid_file)
process_id = File.read(streamer_pid_file).to_i
assert process_running?(process_id)
assert_nil @client.reload.streamer_command
@@ -473,20 +482,39 @@
def test_streamer_with_memory
mock_pusher(3) do
plugin = create_plugin(@client, "memory plugin", PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:memory][:code], PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:memory][:sig])
#puts YAML.load(File.read(PATH_TO_DATA_FILE))['memory'].to_yaml
- $continue_streaming = true # so the streamer will start running
# for debugging, make last arg Logger.new(STDOUT)
- streamer=Scout::Streamer.new("http://none", "bogus_client_key", PATH_TO_DATA_FILE, [plugin.id], "bogus_streaming_key",nil)
- res = Pusher::Channel.streamer_data # Pusher::Channel.streamer_data via the mock_pusher call
- assert_equal 3, res[:plugins][0][:fields][:v], "after the two streamer runs, this plugin should report v=3 -- it increments each run"
+ Scout::Streamer.new(PATH_TO_DATA_FILE,"bogus_streaming_key","a","b","c",[plugin.id],nil)
+ streams = Pusher::Channel.streamer_data # set by the mock_pusher call
+ assert streams.is_a?(Array)
+ assert_equal 3, streams.size
+ res=streams.last
+ assert_equal 3, res[:plugins][0][:fields][:v], "after the two streamer runs, this plugin should report v=3 -- it increments each run"
+ def test_new_plugin_instance_every_streamer_run
+ mock_pusher(2) do
+ plugin = create_plugin(@client, "caching plugin", PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:caching][:code], PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:caching][:sig])
+ scout(@client.key)
+ # for debugging, make last arg Logger.new(STDOUT)
+ Scout::Streamer.new(PATH_TO_DATA_FILE,"bogus_streaming_key","a","b","c",[plugin.id],nil)
+ end
+ streams = Pusher::Channel.streamer_data # set by the mock_pusher call
+ assert streams.is_a?(Array)
+ assert_equal 2, streams.size
+ # the plugin sets :v to be the current time, and caches it in a class variable. we're checking that they are NOT equal
+ assert_in_delta Time.now.to_i, streams.last[:plugins][0][:fields][:v], 5, "should be within a few seconds of now"
+ assert_in_delta Time.now.to_i, streams.first[:plugins][0][:fields][:v], 5, "should be within a few seconds of now"
+ assert_not_equal streams.first[:plugins][0][:fields][:v], streams.last[:plugins][0][:fields][:v]
+ end
### Helper Methods ###
# Runs the scout command with the given +key+ and +opts+ string (ex: '-F').
@@ -610,14 +638,17 @@
alias orig_trigger! trigger!
def self.streamer_data;@@streamer_data;end # for getting the data back out
def trigger!(event_name, data, socket=nil)
@num_run_for_tests = @num_run_for_tests ? @num_run_for_tests+1 : 1
# puts "in mock pusher trigger! This is run #{@num_run_for_tests} of #{$num_runs_for_mock_pusher}"
- @@streamer_data = data
+ @@streamer_data_temp ||= Array.new
+ @@streamer_data_temp << data
if @num_run_for_tests >= $num_runs_for_mock_pusher
- $continue_streaming=false
+ Scout::Streamer.continue_streaming=false
+ @@streamer_data = @@streamer_data_temp.clone
+ @@streamer_data_temp = nil
yield # must be called with a block
Pusher::Channel.module_eval do
@@ -654,9 +685,19 @@
+ },
+ :caching=>{:code=>"class CachingPlugin < Scout::Plugin;def build_report; @v||= Time.now.to_i; report(:v=>@v);end;end",
+ :sig=><<EOS