in scoby-0.0.1 vs in scoby-0.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -12,5 +12,52 @@
Then run:
scoby projectname
This will create a Rails app in `projectname` using the latest version of Rails.
+## Gemfile
+The gems listed in [Gemfile](templates/Gemfile.erb), will be appended to the default
+generated projectname/Gemfile.
+### Application gems:
+* [pg]( for our Postgres Database
+* [sass-rails]( for SCSS stylesheets
+* [uglifier]( for JS compression
+* [jquery-rails]( for jQuery
+* [lodash-rails]( for lodash
+* [Flutie]( for `page_title` and `body_class` view helpers
+* [New Relic RPM]( for monitoring performance
+* [therubyracer]( eval Javascript within Ruby
+* [react-rails]( for React
+* [jbuilder]( for declaring JSON structures
+### Development Gems:
+* [Annotate]( for annotating models
+### Testing Gems:
+* [shoulda-matchers](
+ [database_cleaner](
+* [spring-commands-rspec](
+* [recursive-open-struct](
+* [webmock](
+* [vcr](
+* [fuubar](
+* [factory-girl-rails](
+* [faker](
+* [simplecov](
+### Development & Test:
+* [rspec-rails](
+* [dotenv-rails](
+* [spring](
+* [byebug](
+* [timecop](
+* [rubocop](
+* [pronto](
+* [pronto-rubocop](
+* [brakeman](
+* [pronto-brakeman](
+### Production:
+* [puma](
+* [rails_12factor](