features/schools/schools.feature in scidea-schools-1.0.1 vs features/schools/schools.feature in scidea-schools-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -186,10 +186,18 @@
When I follow "Users"
When I fill in "search" with "bbb"
And I press "Search"
When I follow "Edit"
And I follow "Add a new one." after ".schools-found, .schools-not-found" loads
- Then I should be on the new admin school page
+ And I fill in "Name" with "My Favorite School" within "#new-school-form"
+ And I fill in "Address" with "400 Preston" within "#new-school-form"
+ And I fill in "Address 2" with "Ste 300" within "#new-school-form"
+ And I fill in "City" with "Cville" within "#new-school-form"
+ And I select "Virginia" from "State" within "#new-school-form"
+ And I fill in "Zipcode" with "22902" within "#new-school-form"
+ And I fill in "Phone" with "9876543210" within "#new-school-form"
+ And I press "Add Institution"
+ Then "My Favorite School" should be selected for "school-id"
Scenario: admin edits user and changes their school
Given there exists a menu element "Users" linking to "/admin/users" for menu "Admin Navigation: Secondary"
Given there exists a school "My New School" in zipcode "00000"