spec/project_spec.rb in scide-0.0.8 vs spec/project_spec.rb in scide-0.0.9
- old
+ new
@@ -70,20 +70,21 @@
pro.options.should == @options.merge(additional_options).merge(new_options)
describe 'Sample Configuration' do
before :each do
- contents = {
+ @contents = {
:windows => [
'window1 EDIT',
{ :name => 'window2', :command => 'SHOW', :contents => 'ssh example.com' },
'window3 TAIL file.txt',
{ :string => 'window4 RUN ls -la' },
- ]
+ ],
+ :default_window => :window4
- @project = Scide::Project.new @global, 'fubar', contents
+ @project = Scide::Project.new @global, 'fubar', @contents
it "should create five windows" do
@project.windows.length.should == 5
@project.windows.each{ |w| w.should be_a(Scide::Window) }
@@ -95,11 +96,59 @@
@project.windows[2].command.should be_a(Scide::Commands::Tail)
@project.windows[3].command.should be_a(Scide::Commands::Run)
@project.windows[4].command.should be_nil
- it "should create a GNU Screen configuration" do
+ it "should find the correct default window" do
+ @project.default_window.should == @project.windows[3]
+ end
+ it "should create the correct GNU Screen configuration" do
@project.to_screen.should == SpecHelper.result(:project1)
+ end
+ describe 'Default Window' do
+ before :each do
+ @default_window_contents = @contents.dup
+ end
+ it "should find the default window with a fixnum" do
+ @default_window_contents[:default_window] = 0
+ project = Scide::Project.new(@global, 'fubar', @default_window_contents)
+ project.default_window.should == project.windows[0]
+ end
+ it "should find the default window with a negative fixnum" do
+ @default_window_contents[:default_window] = -4
+ project = Scide::Project.new(@global, 'fubar', @default_window_contents)
+ project.default_window.should == project.windows[1]
+ end
+ it "should find the default window with a string" do
+ @default_window_contents[:default_window] = 'window3'
+ project = Scide::Project.new(@global, 'fubar', @default_window_contents)
+ project.default_window.should == project.windows[2]
+ end
+ it "should find the default window with a symbol" do
+ @default_window_contents[:default_window] = :window5
+ project = Scide::Project.new(@global, 'fubar', @default_window_contents)
+ project.default_window.should == project.windows[4]
+ end
+ it "should raise an error if the default window is not a fixnum, string or symbol" do
+ [ [], {}, 0.4 ].each do |invalid|
+ @default_window_contents[:default_window] = invalid
+ lambda{ Scide::Project.new @global, 'fubar', @default_window_contents }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ end
+ it "should raise an error if the default window is unknown" do
+ [ 'unknown', :unknown, -10, -6, 5, 10 ].each do |invalid|
+ @default_window_contents[:default_window] = invalid
+ lambda{ Scide::Project.new @global, 'fubar', @default_window_contents }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ end
it "should raise an error if the contents are not a hash" do
[ nil, ' ', [] ].each do |not_hash|