spec/travis_spec.rb in schema_dev-3.12.0 vs spec/travis_spec.rb in schema_dev-3.12.1
- old
+ new
@@ -48,9 +48,37 @@
env: POSTGRESQL_DB_USER=postgres
+ context 'when only using postgresql and not overriding the version' do
+ it "creates travis file using the default PG version" do
+ config = get_config(ruby: %W[2.4.0],
+ activerecord: %W[4.1],
+ db: %W[postgresql])
+ in_tmpdir do
+ SchemaDev::Travis.update(config)
+ expect(Pathname.new(".travis.yml").read).to eq <<ENDTRAVIS
+# This file was auto-generated by the schema_dev tool, based on the data in
+# ./schema_dev.yml
+# Please do not edit this file; any changes will be overwritten next time
+# schema_dev gets run.
+- 2.4.0
+- gemfiles/activerecord-4.1/Gemfile.postgresql
+env: POSTGRESQL_DB_USER=postgres
+ postgresql: '9.4'
+before_script: bundle exec rake create_databases
+after_script: bundle exec rake drop_databases
+script: bundle exec rake travis
+ end
+ end
+ end
context 'when specifying a single postgresql version' do
it "creates travis file using that as the PG version" do
config = get_config(ruby: %W[2.4.0],
activerecord: %W[4.1],
db: %W[mysql2 postgresql],