in scan-0.1.0 vs in scan-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@
`scan` uses the latest APIs and tools to make running tests plain simple and offer a great integration into your existing workflow, like [fastlane]( or Jenkins.
| scan Features
:checkered_flag: | Beautiful inline build output while running the tests
-:mountain_cableway: | Sensible defaults: Automatically detect the project, its schemes and more
+:mountain_cableway: | Sensible defaults: Automatically detect the project, schemes and more
:bar_chart: | Support for HTML, JSON and JUnit reports
:mag: | Xcode duplicated your simulators again? `scan` will handle this for you
:link: | Works perfectly with [fastlane]( and other tools
:bullettrain_side: | Don't remember any complicated build commands, just `scan`
:wrench: | Easy and dynamic configuration using parameters and environment variables