in savio-0.1.1 vs in savio-0.1.2
- old
+ new
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# | *Sav***IO**
+[![Gem Version](](
## What is it?
SavIO is an input/output library created to be used with **Ruby2D**. It adds multiple ways for the user to interact with your application, including :
- Sliders
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myAwesomeOBJECT =
### Params:
-all SavIO object's parameters are optional, if it is not defined then it will use the deafult.
+all SavIO object's parameters are optional, if it is not defined then it will use the default.
| Variable | Description | Default |
| x | The x position | 0
| y | The y Position | 0
| z | The z Position | 1
| size | The scaling value | 10
-| enabled | If the slider slides | true
-| displayName | The label on top | "Default"
+| enabled | If the object can be interacted with by the user | true
+| displayName | The name of the object | "Default"
| draggingEnabled | If the object itself can be moved around the window | false
| dragType | "move" or "duplicate" If draggingEnabled is true, this is what happens when it drags | "move"
| shown | If the object is shown or not | true
### Example:
@@ -83,13 +84,13 @@
|length | How long the slider is | 100
|min | The minimum value of the slider | 0
|max | The maximum value of the slider | 100
|value| The value of the slider | Random between min and max
-|showValue| If the value should be shown| true
+|showValue| If the value label should be shown| true
|labelColor| The color of the labels| '#F5F5F5'
-|sliderColor|Color of the slider line | '#757575'
+|sliderColor| Color of the slider line | '#757575'
|knobColor| Color of the sliders knob | '#5BB36A'
### Example:
slippyTheSlider = 830, y: 40, length: 220, draggingEnabled: true, dragType: "duplicate")
@@ -97,11 +98,12 @@
### Methods:
| Method | Description |
|.moveKnob(**x**) | Moves the knob to that **x** pixel location on the screen and finds and sets equivalent value for the slider |
-| .setValue(**value**) | Sets the sliders value to that **value** and moves the knob there |
+|.setValue(**value**)|Sets the sliders value to that value and moves the knob there (same as .value=)|
+| .value = **value** | Sets the sliders value to that **value** and moves the knob there (same as .setValue)|
### Basic Usage:
if slippyTheSlider.value == 69
puts "nice"
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### Params:
| Variable | Description | Default |
|value | Anything you want to be tied to the button | 0
|selected | Whether the button is selected or not | false
+|type | Whether the button will act normally('toggle') or instantly deselect itself('clicker') | 'toggle'
+|style|'box' or 'badge'. Determines the style the button should be rendered with| 'badge'
+|length|Only used for the 'box' style. Determines the length of the button| @size * 10
+|height|Only used for the 'box' style. Determines the height of the button| @size * 1.2
+|cooldownTime|Time needed to wait in seconds until the button may be clicked again| 0.0
|buttonManager | The manager that controls this button | nil
|enforceManager| When a manager is defined, whether the manager should force this button to follow its rule | true
-|baseColor| The color of the labels| '#F5F5F5'
-|selectedColor|Color of the slider line | '#00B3EC'
-|labelColor| Color of the sliders knob | '#F5F5F5'
+|baseColor| Color shown when the button is deselected| '#F5F5F5'
+|selectedColor|Color shown when the button is selected | '#00B3EC'
+|labelColor| Color of the buttons displayName label | '#F5F5F5'
### Example:
- buttonBob =
+ clickyBob =
x: 830, y: 90,
displayName: "Enable Bob?",
- selectedColor: "purple"
+ selectedColor: "purple",
+ type : 'clicker'
+ anotherButton =
+ x: 830, y: 150,
+ displayName: "Enable flux capacitors?",
+ )
### Methods:
| Method | Description |
|.select(*enforce*) | Selects the button. if left empty *enforce* will be the buttons **@enforceManager** state. when true the manager will enforce its rule on the button. when false, the button will perform as if it were not controlled. |
-| .deslect(*enforce*) | Deselects the button. *enforce* works the same as .select() *(see above)* |
+|.deselect(*enforce*) | Deselects the button. *enforce* works the same as .select() *(see above)* |
|.toggle(*enforce*) | Toggles the buttons Selection state. *enforce* works the same as .select() *(see above)*
+|.selected = **bool** | Selects or deselects the button whether given true or false |
+|.timeLastClicked| returns the unix time of the last click
+| .onClick | Takes in a proc that will be ran every time the button gets selected (See example and basic usage)|
### Basic Usage:
- if buttonBob.selected == true
+ clickyBob.onClick do
puts "Bob is now enabled! Hi Bob!"
+ if anotherButton.selected == true do
+ puts "Flux capacitors now enabled"
+ end
# | ButtonManager:
Now I'm sure after reading how a **button** works you're saying, "What in the hell is a **manager**?"
## Let me explain, it's **very simple**.
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|.addKey(**key**) | Simulates a key input of given **key** |
| .updateDisplay() | Adds the line follower marker to the text box |
|.select() | Focuses the text box and lets you type in it |
|.deselect() | Loses focus of the text box and finalizes value|
|.toggle() | Toggles the selection value of the text box |
+|.selected=(**bool**) | Selects or deselects the text box based on the **bool** |
### Basic Usage:
if askMeAnything.value == "Favorite Color?"
puts "Purple"