test/sass/engine_test.rb in sass-3.2.0.alpha.11 vs test/sass/engine_test.rb in sass-3.2.0.alpha.21
- old
+ new
@@ -37,12 +37,12 @@
"a\n :b:c d" => 'Invalid property: ":b:c d".',
"a\n :b c;" => 'Invalid CSS after "c": expected expression (e.g. 1px, bold), was ";"',
"a\n b: c;" => 'Invalid CSS after "c": expected expression (e.g. 1px, bold), was ";"',
".foo ^bar\n a: b" => ['Invalid CSS after ".foo ": expected selector, was "^bar"', 1],
"a\n @extend .foo ^bar" => 'Invalid CSS after ".foo ": expected selector, was "^bar"',
- "a: b" => 'Properties are only allowed within rules, directives, or other properties.',
- ":a b" => 'Properties are only allowed within rules, directives, or other properties.',
+ "a: b" => 'Properties are only allowed within rules, directives, mixin includes, or other properties.',
+ ":a b" => 'Properties are only allowed within rules, directives, mixin includes, or other properties.',
"$" => 'Invalid variable: "$".',
"$a" => 'Invalid variable: "$a".',
"$ a" => 'Invalid variable: "$ a".',
"$a b" => 'Invalid variable: "$a b".',
"$a: 1b + 2c" => "Incompatible units: 'c' and 'b'.",
@@ -60,17 +60,17 @@
"$a: b\n :c d\n" => "Illegal nesting: Nothing may be nested beneath variable declarations.",
"@import templates/basic\n foo" => "Illegal nesting: Nothing may be nested beneath import directives.",
"foo\n @import foo.css" => "CSS import directives may only be used at the root of a document.",
"@if true\n @import foo" => "Import directives may not be used within control directives or mixins.",
"@mixin foo\n @import foo" => "Import directives may not be used within control directives or mixins.",
+ "@import foo;" => "Invalid @import: expected end of line, was \";\".",
'$foo: "bar" "baz" !' => %Q{Invalid CSS after ""bar" "baz" ": expected expression (e.g. 1px, bold), was "!"},
'$foo: "bar" "baz" $' => %Q{Invalid CSS after ""bar" "baz" ": expected expression (e.g. 1px, bold), was "$"},
"=foo\n :color red\n.bar\n +bang" => "Undefined mixin 'bang'.",
"=foo\n :color red\n.bar\n +bang_bop" => "Undefined mixin 'bang_bop'.",
"=foo\n :color red\n.bar\n +bang-bop" => "Undefined mixin 'bang-bop'.",
".bar\n =foo\n :color red\n" => ["Mixins may only be defined at the root of a document.", 2],
- "=foo\n :color red\n.bar\n +foo\n :color red" => "Illegal nesting: Nothing may be nested beneath mixin directives.",
" a\n b: c" => ["Indenting at the beginning of the document is illegal.", 1],
" \n \n\t\n a\n b: c" => ["Indenting at the beginning of the document is illegal.", 4],
"a\n b: c\n b: c" => ["Inconsistent indentation: 1 space was used for indentation, but the rest of the document was indented using 2 spaces.", 3],
"a\n b: c\na\n b: c" => ["Inconsistent indentation: 1 space was used for indentation, but the rest of the document was indented using 2 spaces.", 4],
"a\n\t\tb: c\n\tb: c" => ["Inconsistent indentation: 1 tab was used for indentation, but the rest of the document was indented using 2 tabs.", 3],
@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@
"=a(" => 'Invalid CSS after "(": expected variable (e.g. $foo), was ""',
"=a(b)" => 'Invalid CSS after "(": expected variable (e.g. $foo), was "b)"',
"=a(,)" => 'Invalid CSS after "(": expected variable (e.g. $foo), was ",)"',
"=a($)" => 'Invalid CSS after "(": expected variable (e.g. $foo), was "$)"',
"=a($foo bar)" => 'Invalid CSS after "($foo ": expected ")", was "bar)"',
- "=foo\n bar: baz\n+foo" => ["Properties are only allowed within rules, directives, or other properties.", 2],
+ "=foo\n bar: baz\n+foo" => ["Properties are only allowed within rules, directives, mixin includes, or other properties.", 2],
"a-\#{$b\n c: d" => ['Invalid CSS after "a-#{$b": expected "}", was ""', 1],
"=a($b: 1, $c)" => "Required argument $c must come before any optional arguments.",
"=a($b: 1)\n a: $b\ndiv\n +a(1,2)" => "Mixin a takes 1 argument but 2 were passed.",
"=a($b: 1)\n a: $b\ndiv\n +a(1,$c: 3)" => "Mixin a doesn't have an argument named $c",
"=a($b)\n a: $b\ndiv\n +a" => "Mixin a is missing parameter $b.",
@@ -137,10 +137,17 @@
"a\n b: foo($var_var: a, $var-var: b)" => 'Keyword argument "$var_var" passed more than once',
"@if foo\n @extend .bar" => ["Extend directives may only be used within rules.", 2],
"$var: true\n@while $var\n @extend .bar\n $var: false" => ["Extend directives may only be used within rules.", 3],
"@for $i from 0 to 1\n @extend .bar" => ["Extend directives may only be used within rules.", 2],
"@mixin foo\n @extend .bar\n@include foo" => ["Extend directives may only be used within rules.", 2],
+ "foo\n &a\n b: c" => ["Invalid CSS after \"&\": expected \"{\", was \"a\"\n\n\"a\" may only be used at the beginning of a selector.", 2],
+ "foo\n &1\n b: c" => ["Invalid CSS after \"&\": expected \"{\", was \"1\"\n\n\"1\" may only be used at the beginning of a selector.", 2],
+ "=foo\n @content error" => "Invalid content directive. Trailing characters found: \"error\".",
+ "=foo\n @content\n b: c" => "Illegal nesting: Nothing may be nested beneath @content directives.",
+ "@content" => '@content may only be used within a mixin.',
+ "=simple\n .simple\n color: red\n+simple\n color: blue" => ['Mixin "simple" does not accept a content block.', 4],
+ "=foo\n @content\n+foo" => ["No @content passed.", 2],
# Regression tests
"a\n b:\n c\n d" => ["Illegal nesting: Only properties may be nested beneath properties.", 3],
"& foo\n bar: baz\n blat: bang" => ["Base-level rules cannot contain the parent-selector-referencing character '&'.", 1],
"a\n b: c\n& foo\n bar: baz\n blat: bang" => ["Base-level rules cannot contain the parent-selector-referencing character '&'.", 3],
@@ -303,10 +310,27 @@
assert(false, "Exception not raised for imported template: bork#{i}")
+ def test_selector_tracing
+ actual_css = render(<<-SCSS, :syntax => :scss, :trace_selectors => true)
+ @mixin mixed {
+ .mixed { color: red; }
+ }
+ .context {
+ @include mixed;
+ }
+ assert_equal(<<CSS,actual_css)
+/* on line 2 of test_selector_tracing_inline.scss, in `mixed'
+ from line 5 of test_selector_tracing_inline.scss */
+.context .mixed {
+ color: red; }
+ end
def test_mixin_exception
color: $a * 1em * 1px
@@ -521,11 +545,11 @@
a: b
rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e
assert_equal(<<CSS, Sass::SyntaxError.exception_to_css(e, opts).split("\n")[0..11].join("\n"))
-Syntax error: Properties are only allowed within rules, directives, or other properties.
+Syntax error: Properties are only allowed within rules, directives, mixin includes, or other properties.
on line 4 of test_cssize_exception_css_inline.sass
1: .filler
2: stuff: "stuff!"
@@ -1774,26 +1798,26 @@
def test_interpolation_doesnt_deep_unquote_strings
assert_equal(<<CSS, render(<<SASS))
-.foo- "bar" "baz" {
- a: b; }
+.foo {
+ a: "bar" "baz"; }
-.foo-\#{"bar" "baz"}
- a: b
+ a: \#{"bar" "baz"}
def test_warn_directive
expected_warning = <<EXPECTATION
WARNING: this is a warning
- on line 4 of test_warn_directive_inline.sass
+ on line 4 of test_warn_directive_inline.sass
WARNING: this is a mixin warning
- on line 2 of test_warn_directive_inline.sass, in `foo'
- from line 7 of test_warn_directive_inline.sass
+ on line 2 of test_warn_directive_inline.sass, in `foo'
+ from line 7 of test_warn_directive_inline.sass
assert_warning expected_warning do
assert_equal <<CSS, render(<<SASS)
bar {
c: d; }
@@ -1819,19 +1843,19 @@
def test_warn_with_imports
expected_warning = <<WARN
WARNING: In the main file
- on line 1 of #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/warn.sass
+ on line 1 of #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/warn.sass
WARNING: Imported
- on line 1 of #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/warn_imported.sass
- from line 2 of #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/warn.sass
+ on line 1 of #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/warn_imported.sass
+ from line 2 of #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/warn.sass
WARNING: In an imported mixin
- on line 4 of #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/warn_imported.sass, in `emits-a-warning'
- from line 3 of #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/warn.sass
+ on line 4 of #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/warn_imported.sass, in `emits-a-warning'
+ from line 3 of #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/warn.sass
assert_warning expected_warning do
renders_correctly "warn", :style => :compact, :load_paths => [File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/templates"]
@@ -2432,9 +2456,216 @@
assert_equal original_filename, engine.options[:original_filename]
assert_equal original_filename, importer.engine("imported").options[:original_filename]
+ def test_deprecated_PRECISION
+ assert_warning(<<END) {assert_equal 1000.0, Sass::Script::Number::PRECISION}
+Sass::Script::Number::PRECISION is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use Sass::Script::Number.precision_factor instead.
+ end
+ def test_changing_precision
+ begin
+ Sass::Script::Number.precision = 8
+ assert_equal <<CSS, render(<<SASS)
+div {
+ maximum: 1.00000001;
+ too-much: 1.0; }
+ maximum : 1.00000001
+ too-much: 1.000000001
+ ensure
+ Sass::Script::Number.precision = 3
+ end
+ end
+ def test_content
+ assert_equal <<CSS, render(<<SASS)
+.children {
+ background-color: red;
+ color: blue;
+ border-color: red; }
+$color: blue
+=context($class, $color: red)
+ .\#{$class}
+ background-color: $color
+ @content
+ border-color: $color
+ color: $color
+ end
+ def test_selector_in_content
+ assert_equal <<CSS, render(<<SASS)
+.parent {
+ background-color: red;
+ border-color: red; }
+ .parent .children {
+ color: blue; }
+$color: blue
+=context($class, $color: red)
+ .\#{$class}
+ background-color: $color
+ @content
+ border-color: $color
+ .children
+ color: $color
+ end
+ def test_using_parent_mixin_in_content
+ assert_equal <<CSS, render(<<SASS)
+.parent {
+ before-color: red;
+ after-color: red; }
+ .parent .sibling {
+ before-color: yellow;
+ after-color: yellow; }
+ .parent .sibling .child {
+ before-color: green;
+ color: blue;
+ after-color: green; }
+$color: blue
+=context($class, $color: red)
+ .\#{$class}
+ before-color: $color
+ @content
+ after-color: $color
+ +context(sibling, $color: yellow)
+ +context(child, $color: green)
+ color: $color
+ end
+ def test_content_more_than_once
+ assert_equal <<CSS, render(<<SASS)
+.once {
+ color: blue; }
+.twice {
+ color: blue; }
+$color: blue
+=context($class, $color: red)
+ .once
+ @content
+ .twice
+ @content
+ color: $color
+ end
+ def test_content_with_variable
+ assert_equal <<CSS, render(<<SASS)
+.foo {
+ a: 1px; }
+ .foo
+ @content
+ $a: 1px
+ a: $a
+ end
+ def test_nested_content_blocks
+ assert_equal <<CSS, render(<<SASS)
+.foo {
+ a: foo; }
+ .foo .bar {
+ a: bar; }
+ .foo .bar .baz {
+ a: baz; }
+ .foo .bar .baz .outside {
+ a: outside;
+ color: red; }
+$a: outside
+=baz($a: baz)
+ .baz
+ a: $a
+ @content
+=bar($a: bar)
+ .bar
+ a: $a
+ +baz
+ @content
+=foo($a: foo)
+ .foo
+ a: $a
+ +bar
+ @content
+ .outside
+ a: $a
+ color: red
+ end
+ def test_content_not_seen_through_mixin
+ render(<<SASS)
+ foo
+ @content
+ +bar
+ bar
+ @content
+ +foo
+ a: b
+ assert(false, "Expected exception")
+ rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e
+ assert_equal("No @content passed.", e.message)
+ assert_equal(7, e.sass_line)
+ end
+ def test_content_backtrace_for_perform
+ render(<<SASS)
+ @content
+ +foo
+ b: 1em + 2px
+ assert(false, "Expected exception")
+ rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e
+ assert_equal([
+ {:mixin => '@content', :line => 6, :filename => 'test_content_backtrace_for_perform_inline.sass'},
+ {:mixin => 'foo', :line => 2, :filename => 'test_content_backtrace_for_perform_inline.sass'},
+ {:line => 5, :filename => 'test_content_backtrace_for_perform_inline.sass'},
+ ], e.sass_backtrace)
+ end
+ def test_content_backtrace_for_cssize
+ render(<<SASS)
+ @content
+ +foo
+ @extend foo bar baz
+ assert(false, "Expected exception")
+ rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e
+ assert_equal([
+ {:mixin => '@content', :line => 6, :filename => 'test_content_backtrace_for_cssize_inline.sass'},
+ {:mixin => 'foo', :line => 2, :filename => 'test_content_backtrace_for_cssize_inline.sass'},
+ {:line => 5, :filename => 'test_content_backtrace_for_cssize_inline.sass'},
+ ], e.sass_backtrace)
+ end
def assert_hash_has(hash, expected)
expected.each {|k, v| assert_equal(v, hash[k])}