in sapluuna-0.1.7 vs in sapluuna-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
Silly little template based configuration maker
* Anything outside {{{ ... }}} is comment and won't be in generated file
* Inside {{{ }}} you can have <% foo %> which is just ruby
- * For method_missing in <% foo %> we try variable[name] hash, given to constrcutor, i.e. variables: {replace_this: 'with_this'} .... <% replace_this %> works
+ * For method_missing in <% foo %> we try variable[name] hash, given to constructor, i.e. variables: {replace_this: 'with_this'} .... <% replace_this %> works
* {{{ can be followed by negative or positive labels, if labels match to those given to constructor {{{ }}} is evaluated, otherwise ignored
* rationale for labels is {{{ PE ..... }}} or {{{ Finland Sweden ..... }}} to conditionally evaluate blocks
* You can query the instance on what variables are needed when labels X are set, use-case is in say in webUI to automatically generate form with all variables template needs