test/test_sanitize.rb in sanitize-5.0.0 vs test/test_sanitize.rb in sanitize-5.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -35,10 +35,48 @@
it 'should not choke on frozen documents' do
@s.document('<!doctype html><html><b>foo</b>'.freeze).must_equal "<html>foo</html>"
+ it 'should normalize newlines' do
+ @s.document("a\r\n\n\r\r\r\nz").must_equal "<html>a\n\n\n\n\nz</html>"
+ end
+ it 'should strip control characters (except ASCII whitespace)' do
+ sample_control_chars = "\u0001\u0008\u000b\u000e\u001f\u007f\u009f"
+ whitespace = "\t\n\f\u0020"
+ @s.document("a#{sample_control_chars}#{whitespace}z").must_equal "<html>a#{whitespace}z</html>"
+ end
+ it 'should strip non-characters' do
+ sample_non_chars = "\ufdd0\ufdef\ufffe\uffff\u{1fffe}\u{1ffff}\u{2fffe}\u{2ffff}\u{3fffe}\u{3ffff}\u{4fffe}\u{4ffff}\u{5fffe}\u{5ffff}\u{6fffe}\u{6ffff}\u{7fffe}\u{7ffff}\u{8fffe}\u{8ffff}\u{9fffe}\u{9ffff}\u{afffe}\u{affff}\u{bfffe}\u{bffff}\u{cfffe}\u{cffff}\u{dfffe}\u{dffff}\u{efffe}\u{effff}\u{ffffe}\u{fffff}\u{10fffe}\u{10ffff}"
+ @s.document("a#{sample_non_chars}z").must_equal "<html>az</html>"
+ end
+ describe 'when html body exceeds Nokogumbo::DEFAULT_MAX_TREE_DEPTH' do
+ let(:content) do
+ content = nest_html_content('<b>foo</b>', Nokogumbo::DEFAULT_MAX_TREE_DEPTH)
+ "<html>#{content}</html>"
+ end
+ it 'raises an ArgumentError exception' do
+ assert_raises ArgumentError do
+ @s.document(content)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'and :max_tree_depth of -1 is supplied in :parser_options' do
+ before do
+ @s = Sanitize.new(elements: ['html'], parser_options: { max_tree_depth: -1 })
+ end
+ it 'does not raise an ArgumentError exception' do
+ @s.document(content).must_equal '<html>foo</html>'
+ end
+ end
+ end
describe '#fragment' do
it 'should sanitize an HTML fragment' do
@s.fragment('<b>Lo<!-- comment -->rem</b> <a href="pants" title="foo">ipsum</a> <a href="http://foo.com/"><strong>dolor</strong></a> sit<br/>amet <script>alert("hello world");</script>')
@@ -59,10 +97,48 @@
it 'should not choke on frozen fragments' do
@s.fragment('<b>foo</b>'.freeze).must_equal 'foo'
+ it 'should normalize newlines' do
+ @s.fragment("a\r\n\n\r\r\r\nz").must_equal "a\n\n\n\n\nz"
+ end
+ it 'should strip control characters (except ASCII whitespace)' do
+ sample_control_chars = "\u0001\u0008\u000b\u000e\u001f\u007f\u009f"
+ whitespace = "\t\n\f\u0020"
+ @s.fragment("a#{sample_control_chars}#{whitespace}z").must_equal "a#{whitespace}z"
+ end
+ it 'should strip non-characters' do
+ sample_non_chars = "\ufdd0\ufdef\ufffe\uffff\u{1fffe}\u{1ffff}\u{2fffe}\u{2ffff}\u{3fffe}\u{3ffff}\u{4fffe}\u{4ffff}\u{5fffe}\u{5ffff}\u{6fffe}\u{6ffff}\u{7fffe}\u{7ffff}\u{8fffe}\u{8ffff}\u{9fffe}\u{9ffff}\u{afffe}\u{affff}\u{bfffe}\u{bffff}\u{cfffe}\u{cffff}\u{dfffe}\u{dffff}\u{efffe}\u{effff}\u{ffffe}\u{fffff}\u{10fffe}\u{10ffff}"
+ @s.fragment("a#{sample_non_chars}z").must_equal "az"
+ end
+ describe 'when html body exceeds Nokogumbo::DEFAULT_MAX_TREE_DEPTH' do
+ let(:content) do
+ content = nest_html_content('<b>foo</b>', Nokogumbo::DEFAULT_MAX_TREE_DEPTH)
+ "<body>#{content}</body>"
+ end
+ it 'raises an ArgumentError exception' do
+ assert_raises ArgumentError do
+ @s.fragment(content)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'and :max_tree_depth of -1 is supplied in :parser_options' do
+ before do
+ @s = Sanitize.new(parser_options: { max_tree_depth: -1 })
+ end
+ it 'does not raise an ArgumentError exception' do
+ @s.fragment(content).must_equal 'foo'
+ end
+ end
+ end
describe '#node!' do
it 'should sanitize a Nokogiri::XML::Node' do
doc = Nokogiri::HTML5.parse('<b>Lo<!-- comment -->rem</b> <a href="pants" title="foo">ipsum</a> <a href="http://foo.com/"><strong>dolor</strong></a> sit<br/>amet <script>alert("hello world");</script>')
@@ -83,30 +159,39 @@
describe 'class methods' do
describe '.document' do
- it 'should call #document' do
- Sanitize.stub_instance(:document, proc {|html| html + ' called' }) do
- Sanitize.document('<html>foo</html>')
- .must_equal '<html>foo</html> called'
- end
+ it 'should sanitize an HTML document with the given config' do
+ html = '<!doctype html><html><b>Lo<!-- comment -->rem</b> <a href="pants" title="foo">ipsum</a> <a href="http://foo.com/"><strong>dolor</strong></a> sit<br/>amet <script>alert("hello world");</script></html>'
+ Sanitize.document(html, :elements => ['html'])
+ .must_equal "<html>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet </html>"
describe '.fragment' do
- it 'should call #fragment' do
- Sanitize.stub_instance(:fragment, proc {|html| html + ' called' }) do
- Sanitize.fragment('<b>foo</b>').must_equal '<b>foo</b> called'
- end
+ it 'should sanitize an HTML fragment with the given config' do
+ html = '<b>Lo<!-- comment -->rem</b> <a href="pants" title="foo">ipsum</a> <a href="http://foo.com/"><strong>dolor</strong></a> sit<br/>amet <script>alert("hello world");</script>'
+ Sanitize.fragment(html, :elements => ['strong'])
+ .must_equal 'Lorem ipsum <strong>dolor</strong> sit amet '
describe '.node!' do
- it 'should call #node!' do
- Sanitize.stub_instance(:node!, proc {|input| input + ' called' }) do
- Sanitize.node!('not really a node').must_equal 'not really a node called'
- end
+ it 'should sanitize a Nokogiri::XML::Node with the given config' do
+ doc = Nokogiri::HTML5.parse('<b>Lo<!-- comment -->rem</b> <a href="pants" title="foo">ipsum</a> <a href="http://foo.com/"><strong>dolor</strong></a> sit<br/>amet <script>alert("hello world");</script>')
+ frag = doc.fragment
+ doc.xpath('/html/body/node()').each {|node| frag << node }
+ Sanitize.node!(frag, :elements => ['strong'])
+ frag.to_html.must_equal 'Lorem ipsum <strong>dolor</strong> sit amet '
+ end
+ private
+ def nest_html_content(html_content, depth)
+ "#{'<span>' * depth}#{html_content}#{'</span>' * depth}"