test/unit/server_tests.rb in sanford-0.10.1 vs test/unit/server_tests.rb in sanford-0.11.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,48 +1,529 @@
require 'assert'
require 'sanford/server'
-class Sanford::Server
+require 'dat-tcp/server_spy'
+require 'ns-options/assert_macros'
+require 'sanford/route'
+require 'sanford-protocol/fake_connection'
+require 'test/support/fake_server_connection'
+module Sanford::Server
class UnitTests < Assert::Context
desc "Sanford::Server"
setup do
- @server = Sanford::Server.new(TestHost, :keep_alive => true)
+ @server_class = Class.new do
+ include Sanford::Server
+ end
+ subject{ @server_class }
+ should have_imeths :configuration
+ should have_imeths :name, :ip, :port, :pid_file
+ should have_imeths :receives_keep_alive
+ should have_imeths :verbose_logging, :logger
+ should have_imeths :init, :error
+ should have_imeths :router
+ should have_imeths :template_source, :build_template_source
+ should "know its configuration" do
+ config = subject.configuration
+ assert_instance_of Configuration, config
+ assert_same config, subject.configuration
+ end
+ should "allow reading/writing its configuration name" do
+ new_name = Factory.string
+ subject.name(new_name)
+ assert_equal new_name, subject.configuration.name
+ assert_equal new_name, subject.name
+ end
+ should "allow reading/writing its configuration ip" do
+ new_ip = Factory.string
+ subject.ip(new_ip)
+ assert_equal new_ip, subject.configuration.ip
+ assert_equal new_ip, subject.ip
+ end
+ should "allow reading/writing its configuration port" do
+ new_port = Factory.integer
+ subject.port(new_port)
+ assert_equal new_port, subject.configuration.port
+ assert_equal new_port, subject.port
+ end
+ should "allow reading/writing its configuration pid file" do
+ new_pid_file = Factory.string
+ subject.pid_file(new_pid_file)
+ expected = Pathname.new(new_pid_file)
+ assert_equal expected, subject.configuration.pid_file
+ assert_equal expected, subject.pid_file
+ end
+ should "allow reading/writing its configuration receives keep alive" do
+ new_keep_alive = Factory.boolean
+ subject.receives_keep_alive(new_keep_alive)
+ assert_equal new_keep_alive, subject.configuration.receives_keep_alive
+ assert_equal new_keep_alive, subject.receives_keep_alive
+ end
+ should "allow reading/writing its configuration verbose logging" do
+ new_verbose = Factory.boolean
+ subject.verbose_logging(new_verbose)
+ assert_equal new_verbose, subject.configuration.verbose_logging
+ assert_equal new_verbose, subject.verbose_logging
+ end
+ should "allow reading/writing its configuration logger" do
+ new_logger = Factory.string
+ subject.logger(new_logger)
+ assert_equal new_logger, subject.configuration.logger
+ assert_equal new_logger, subject.logger
+ end
+ should "allow adding init procs to its configuration" do
+ new_init_proc = proc{ Factory.string }
+ subject.init(&new_init_proc)
+ assert_includes new_init_proc, subject.configuration.init_procs
+ end
+ should "allow adding error procs to its configuration" do
+ new_error_proc = proc{ Factory.string }
+ subject.error(&new_error_proc)
+ assert_includes new_error_proc, subject.configuration.error_procs
+ end
+ should "allow reading/writing its configuration router" do
+ new_router = Factory.string
+ subject.router(new_router)
+ assert_equal new_router, subject.configuration.router
+ assert_equal new_router, subject.router
+ end
+ should "allow configuring the router by passing a block to `router`" do
+ new_router = Factory.string
+ block_scope = nil
+ subject.router(new_router){ block_scope = self }
+ assert_equal new_router, subject.router
+ assert_equal new_router, block_scope
+ end
+ should "allow setting the configuration template source" do
+ new_template_source = Factory.string
+ subject.template_source(new_template_source)
+ assert_equal new_template_source, subject.configuration.template_source
+ assert_equal new_template_source, subject.template_source
+ end
+ should "allow setting its template source with a path and block" do
+ new_path = Factory.string
+ yielded = nil
+ subject.build_template_source(new_path){ |s| yielded = s }
+ assert_equal new_path, subject.configuration.template_source.path
+ assert_equal subject.configuration.template_source, yielded
+ end
+ should "allow setting its template source with only a path" do
+ new_path = Factory.string
+ subject.build_template_source(new_path)
+ assert_equal new_path, subject.configuration.template_source.path
+ end
+ end
+ class InitTests < UnitTests
+ desc "when init"
+ setup do
+ @server_class.name Factory.string
+ @server_class.ip Factory.string
+ @server_class.port Factory.integer
+ @server_class.error{ Factory.string }
+ @server_class.router do
+ service Factory.string, TestHandler.to_s
+ end
+ @dat_tcp_server_spy = DatTCP::ServerSpy.new
+ Assert.stub(DatTCP::Server, :new) do |&block|
+ @dat_tcp_server_spy.serve_proc = block
+ @dat_tcp_server_spy
+ end
+ @server = @server_class.new
+ end
subject{ @server }
- should have_readers :sanford_host, :sanford_host_data, :sanford_host_options
- should have_imeths :on_run
+ should have_readers :server_data, :dat_tcp_server
+ should have_imeths :name, :ip, :port
+ should have_imeths :file_descriptor, :client_file_descriptors
+ should have_imeths :listen, :start, :pause, :stop, :halt
+ should have_imeths :paused?
- should "include DatTCP::Server" do
- assert_includes DatTCP::Server, subject.class
+ should "have validated its configuration" do
+ assert_true subject.class.configuration.valid?
- should "save its host and host options but not initialize a host data yet" do
- assert_equal TestHost, subject.sanford_host
- assert_equal true, subject.sanford_host_options[:receives_keep_alive]
- assert_nil subject.sanford_host_data
+ should "know its server data" do
+ configuration = subject.class.configuration
+ sd = subject.server_data
+ assert_instance_of Sanford::ServerData, sd
+ assert_equal configuration.name, sd.name
+ assert_equal configuration.ip, sd.ip
+ assert_equal configuration.port, sd.port
+ assert_equal configuration.verbose_logging, sd.verbose_logging
+ assert_equal configuration.receives_keep_alive, sd.receives_keep_alive
+ assert_equal configuration.error_procs, sd.error_procs
+ assert_equal configuration.routes, sd.routes.values
+ assert_instance_of configuration.logger.class, sd.logger
+ should "know its dat tcp server" do
+ assert_equal @dat_tcp_server_spy, subject.dat_tcp_server
+ assert_not_nil @dat_tcp_server_spy.serve_proc
+ end
+ should "know its name, pid file and logger" do
+ assert_equal subject.server_data.name, subject.name
+ assert_equal subject.server_data.pid_file, subject.pid_file
+ assert_equal subject.server_data.logger, subject.logger
+ end
+ should "call listen on its dat tcp server using `listen`" do
+ subject.listen
+ assert_true @dat_tcp_server_spy.listen_called
+ end
+ should "use its configured ip and port by default when listening" do
+ subject.listen
+ assert_equal subject.server_data.ip, @dat_tcp_server_spy.ip
+ assert_equal subject.server_data.port, @dat_tcp_server_spy.port
+ end
+ should "pass any args to its dat tcp server using `listen`" do
+ ip, port = Factory.string, Factory.integer
+ subject.listen(ip, port)
+ assert_equal ip, @dat_tcp_server_spy.ip
+ assert_equal port, @dat_tcp_server_spy.port
+ file_descriptor = Factory.integer
+ subject.listen(file_descriptor)
+ assert_equal file_descriptor, @dat_tcp_server_spy.file_descriptor
+ end
+ should "know its ip, port and file descriptor" do
+ assert_equal @dat_tcp_server_spy.ip, subject.ip
+ assert_equal @dat_tcp_server_spy.port, subject.port
+ subject.listen
+ assert_equal @dat_tcp_server_spy.ip, subject.ip
+ assert_equal @dat_tcp_server_spy.port, subject.port
+ assert_equal @dat_tcp_server_spy.file_descriptor, subject.file_descriptor
+ subject.listen(Factory.integer)
+ assert_equal @dat_tcp_server_spy.file_descriptor, subject.file_descriptor
+ end
+ should "call start on its dat tcp server using `start`" do
+ client_fds = [ Factory.integer ]
+ subject.start(client_fds)
+ assert_true @dat_tcp_server_spy.start_called
+ assert_equal client_fds, @dat_tcp_server_spy.client_file_descriptors
+ end
+ should "know its client file descriptors" do
+ expected = @dat_tcp_server_spy.client_file_descriptors
+ assert_equal expected, subject.client_file_descriptors
+ subject.start([ Factory.integer ])
+ expected = @dat_tcp_server_spy.client_file_descriptors
+ assert_equal expected, subject.client_file_descriptors
+ end
+ should "call pause on its dat tcp server using `pause`" do
+ wait = Factory.boolean
+ subject.pause(wait)
+ assert_true @dat_tcp_server_spy.pause_called
+ assert_equal wait, @dat_tcp_server_spy.waiting_for_pause
+ end
+ should "call stop on its dat tcp server using `stop`" do
+ wait = Factory.boolean
+ subject.stop(wait)
+ assert_true @dat_tcp_server_spy.stop_called
+ assert_equal wait, @dat_tcp_server_spy.waiting_for_stop
+ end
+ should "call halt on its dat tcp server using `halt`" do
+ wait = Factory.boolean
+ subject.halt(wait)
+ assert_true @dat_tcp_server_spy.halt_called
+ assert_equal wait, @dat_tcp_server_spy.waiting_for_halt
+ end
+ should "know if its been paused" do
+ assert_false subject.paused?
+ subject.listen
+ assert_true subject.paused?
+ subject.start
+ assert_false subject.paused?
+ subject.pause
+ assert_true subject.paused?
+ end
- class RunTests < UnitTests
- desc "run"
+ class ConfigureTCPServerTests < InitTests
+ desc "configuring its tcp server"
setup do
- @server.listen(TestHost.ip, TestHost.port)
- @server.run
+ @tcp_server = TCPServerSpy.new
+ Assert.stub(@dat_tcp_server_spy, :listen) do |*args, &block|
+ @configure_tcp_server_proc = block
+ end
+ @server.listen
+ @configure_tcp_server_proc.call(@tcp_server)
- teardown do
- @server.stop
+ subject{ @tcp_server }
+ should "set the TCP_NODELAY option" do
+ expected = [ ::Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, ::Socket::TCP_NODELAY, true ]
+ assert_includes expected, @tcp_server.set_socket_option_calls
- should "have initialized a host data instance" do
- assert_instance_of Sanford::HostData, subject.sanford_host_data
+ end
+ class ServeTests < InitTests
+ desc "serve"
+ setup do
+ @socket = Factory.binary
+ @connection = FakeServerConnection.new
+ Assert.stub(Connection, :new).with(@socket){ @connection }
+ @connection_handler_spy = ConnectionHandlerSpy.new
+ Assert.stub(Sanford::ConnectionHandler, :new).tap do |s|
+ s.with(@server.server_data, @connection){ @connection_handler_spy }
+ end
+ @serve_proc = @dat_tcp_server_spy.serve_proc
+ subject{ @serve_proc }
+ should "run a connection_handler when called with a socket" do
+ Assert.stub(@server.server_data, :receives_keep_alive){ false }
+ @connection.read_data = Factory.boolean
+ assert_false @connection_handler_spy.run_called
+ subject.call(@socket)
+ assert_true @connection_handler_spy.run_called
+ end
+ should "not run a keep-alive connection when configured to receive them" do
+ Assert.stub(@server.server_data, :receives_keep_alive){ true }
+ @connection.read_data = nil # nothing to read makes it a keep-alive
+ assert_false @connection_handler_spy.run_called
+ subject.call(@socket)
+ assert_false @connection_handler_spy.run_called
+ end
+ should "run a keep-alive connection when configured to receive them" do
+ Assert.stub(@server.server_data, :receives_keep_alive){ false }
+ @connection.read_data = nil # nothing to read makes it a keep-alive
+ assert_false @connection_handler_spy.run_called
+ subject.call(@socket)
+ assert_true @connection_handler_spy.run_called
+ end
- # Sanford::Server#serve is tested in test/system/request_handling_test.rb,
- # it requires multiple parts of Sanford and basically tests a large portion of
- # the entire system
+ class ConnectionTests < UnitTests
+ desc "Connection"
+ setup do
+ fake_socket = Factory.string
+ @protocol_conn = Sanford::Protocol::FakeConnection.new(Factory.binary)
+ Assert.stub(Sanford::Protocol::Connection, :new).with(fake_socket) do
+ @protocol_conn
+ end
+ @connection = Connection.new(fake_socket)
+ end
+ subject{ @connection }
+ should have_imeths :read_data, :write_data, :peek_data
+ should have_imeths :close_write
+ should "default its timeout" do
+ assert_equal 1.0, subject.timeout
+ end
+ should "allowing reading from the protocol connection" do
+ result = subject.read_data
+ assert_equal @protocol_conn.read_data, result
+ assert_equal @protocol_conn.read_timeout, subject.timeout
+ end
+ should "allowing writing to the protocol connection" do
+ data = Factory.binary
+ subject.write_data(data)
+ assert_equal @protocol_conn.write_data, data
+ end
+ should "allowing peeking from the protocol connection" do
+ result = subject.peek_data
+ assert_equal @protocol_conn.peek_data, result
+ assert_equal @protocol_conn.peek_timeout, subject.timeout
+ end
+ should "allow closing the write stream on the protocol connection" do
+ assert_false @protocol_conn.closed_write
+ subject.close_write
+ assert_true @protocol_conn.closed_write
+ end
+ end
+ class TCPCorkTests < UnitTests
+ desc "TCPCork"
+ subject{ TCPCork }
+ should have_imeths :apply, :remove
+ end
+ class ConfigurationTests < UnitTests
+ include NsOptions::AssertMacros
+ desc "Configuration"
+ setup do
+ @configuration = Configuration.new.tap do |c|
+ c.name Factory.string
+ c.ip Factory.string
+ c.port Factory.integer
+ end
+ end
+ subject{ @configuration }
+ should have_options :name, :ip, :port, :pid_file
+ should have_options :receives_keep_alive
+ should have_options :verbose_logging, :logger
+ should have_options :template_source
+ should have_accessors :init_procs, :error_procs
+ should have_accessors :router
+ should have_imeths :routes
+ should have_imeths :to_hash
+ should have_imeths :valid?, :validate!
+ should "be an ns-options proxy" do
+ assert_includes NsOptions::Proxy, subject.class
+ end
+ should "default its options" do
+ config = Configuration.new
+ assert_nil config.name
+ assert_equal '', config.ip
+ assert_nil config.port
+ assert_nil config.pid_file
+ assert_false config.receives_keep_alive
+ assert_true config.verbose_logging
+ assert_instance_of Sanford::NullLogger, config.logger
+ assert_instance_of Sanford::NullTemplateSource, config.template_source
+ assert_equal [], config.init_procs
+ assert_equal [], config.error_procs
+ assert_instance_of Sanford::Router, config.router
+ assert_empty config.router.routes
+ end
+ should "not be valid by default" do
+ assert_false subject.valid?
+ end
+ should "know its routes" do
+ assert_equal subject.router.routes, subject.routes
+ subject.router.service(Factory.string, TestHandler.to_s)
+ assert_equal subject.router.routes, subject.routes
+ end
+ should "include its routes, error procs and template source in its hash" do
+ config_hash = subject.to_hash
+ assert_equal subject.error_procs, config_hash[:error_procs]
+ assert_equal subject.routes, config_hash[:routes]
+ template_source = subject.template_source
+ assert_instance_of template_source.class, config_hash[:template_source]
+ assert_equal template_source.path, config_hash[:template_source].path
+ end
+ should "call its init procs when validated" do
+ called = false
+ subject.init_procs << proc{ called = true }
+ subject.validate!
+ assert_true called
+ end
+ should "ensure its required options have been set when validated" do
+ subject.name = nil
+ assert_raises(InvalidError){ subject.validate! }
+ subject.name = Factory.string
+ subject.ip = nil
+ assert_raises(InvalidError){ subject.validate! }
+ subject.ip = Factory.string
+ subject.port = nil
+ assert_raises(InvalidError){ subject.validate! }
+ subject.port = Factory.integer
+ assert_nothing_raised{ subject.validate! }
+ end
+ should "validate its routes when validated" do
+ subject.router.service(Factory.string, TestHandler.to_s)
+ subject.routes.each{ |route| assert_nil route.handler_class }
+ subject.validate!
+ subject.routes.each{ |route| assert_not_nil route.handler_class }
+ end
+ should "be valid after being validated" do
+ assert_false subject.valid?
+ subject.validate!
+ assert_true subject.valid?
+ end
+ should "only be able to be validated once" do
+ called = 0
+ subject.init_procs << proc{ called += 1 }
+ subject.validate!
+ assert_equal 1, called
+ subject.validate!
+ assert_equal 1, called
+ end
+ end
+ TestHandler = Class.new
+ class TCPServerSpy
+ attr_reader :set_socket_option_calls
+ def initialize
+ @set_socket_option_calls = []
+ end
+ def setsockopt(*args)
+ @set_socket_option_calls << args
+ end
+ end
+ class ConnectionHandlerSpy
+ attr_reader :run_called
+ def initialize
+ @run_called = false
+ end
+ def run
+ @run_called = true
+ end
+ end