lib/couchrest.rb in samlown-couchrest-0.37.2 vs lib/couchrest.rb in samlown-couchrest-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -23,73 +23,36 @@
$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) unless
$:.include?(File.dirname(__FILE__)) ||
require 'couchrest/monkeypatches'
+require 'couchrest/rest_api'
# = CouchDB, close to the metal
module CouchRest
- VERSION = '0.37.2' unless self.const_defined?("VERSION")
+ VERSION = '1.0.0' unless self.const_defined?("VERSION")
- autoload :Server, 'couchrest/core/server'
- autoload :Database, 'couchrest/core/database'
- autoload :Response, 'couchrest/core/response'
- autoload :Document, 'couchrest/core/document'
- autoload :Design, 'couchrest/core/design'
- autoload :View, 'couchrest/core/view'
- autoload :Model, 'couchrest/core/model'
+ autoload :Server, 'couchrest/server'
+ autoload :Database, 'couchrest/database'
+ autoload :Response, 'couchrest/response'
+ autoload :Document, 'couchrest/document'
+ autoload :Design, 'couchrest/design'
+ autoload :Model, 'couchrest/model'
autoload :Pager, 'couchrest/helper/pager'
- autoload :FileManager, 'couchrest/helper/file_manager'
autoload :Streamer, 'couchrest/helper/streamer'
+ autoload :Attachments, 'couchrest/helper/attachments'
autoload :Upgrade, 'couchrest/helper/upgrade'
- autoload :ExtendedDocument, 'couchrest/more/extended_document'
- autoload :CastedModel, 'couchrest/more/casted_model'
- require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'couchrest', 'core', 'rest_api')
- require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'couchrest', 'core', 'http_abstraction')
- require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'couchrest', 'mixins')
- require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'couchrest', 'support', 'rails') if defined?(Rails)
# we extend CouchRest with the RestAPI module which gives us acess to
# the get, post, put, delete and copy
# The CouchRest module methods handle the basic JSON serialization
# and deserialization, as well as query parameters. The module also includes
# some helpers for tasks like instantiating a new Database or Server instance.
class << self
- # extracted from Extlib
- #
- # Constantize tries to find a declared constant with the name specified
- # in the string. It raises a NameError when the name is not in CamelCase
- # or is not initialized.
- #
- # @example
- # "Module".constantize #=> Module
- # "Class".constantize #=> Class
- def constantize(camel_cased_word)
- unless /\A(?:::)?([A-Z]\w*(?:::[A-Z]\w*)*)\z/ =~ camel_cased_word
- raise NameError, "#{camel_cased_word.inspect} is not a valid constant name!"
- end
- Object.module_eval("::#{$1}", __FILE__, __LINE__)
- end
- # extracted from Extlib
- #
- # Capitalizes the first word and turns underscores into spaces and strips _id.
- # Like titleize, this is meant for creating pretty output.
- #
- # @example
- # "employee_salary" #=> "Employee salary"
- # "author_id" #=> "Author"
- def humanize(lower_case_and_underscored_word)
- lower_case_and_underscored_word.to_s.gsub(/_id$/, "").gsub(/_/, " ").capitalize
- end
# todo, make this parse the url and instantiate a Server or Database instance
# depending on the specificity.
def new(*opts)*opts)
@@ -128,13 +91,13 @@
# set proxy to use
def proxy url
- HttpAbstraction.proxy = url
+ RestClient.proxy = url
# ensure that a database exists
# creates it if it isn't already there
# returns it after it's been created
def database! url
parsed = parse url
@@ -158,5 +121,20 @@
end # class << self
+# For the sake of backwards compatability, generate a dummy ExtendedDocument class
+# which should be replaced by real library: couchrest_extended_document.
+# Added 2010-05-10 by Sam Lown. Please remove at some point in the future.
+class CouchRest::ExtendedDocument < CouchRest::Document
+ def self.inherited(subclass)
+ raise "ExtendedDocument is no longer included in CouchRest base driver, see couchrest_extended_document gem"
+ end