lib/sailthru.rb in sailthru-client-3.0.0 vs lib/sailthru.rb in sailthru-client-4.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,973 +1,31 @@
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'net/https'
-require 'net/http'
-require 'uri'
-require 'cgi'
-require 'json'
-require 'digest/md5'
-require 'net/http/post/multipart'
+require 'sailthru/version'
+require 'sailthru/client'
module Sailthru
+ class ClientError < StandardError
+ end
- Version = VERSION = '3.0.0'
- class SailthruClientException < Exception
+ class UnavailableError < StandardError
- class SailthruUnavailableException < Exception
+ # Provides a global place to configure the credentials for an application.
+ # For instance, in your Rails app, create +config/initializers/sailthru.rb+
+ # and place this line in it:
+ #
+ # Sailthru.credentials('apikey', 'secret')
+ #
+ # Now you can create a client instance easily via
+ #
+ def self.credentials(api_key, secret)
+ @api_key = api_key
+ @secret = secret
- module Helpers
- # params:
- # params, Hash
- # returns:
- # Array, values of each item in the Hash (and nested hashes)
- #
- # Extracts the values of a set of parameters, recursing into nested assoc arrays.
- def extract_param_values(params)
- values = []
- params.each do |k, v|
- if v.class == Hash
- values.concat extract_param_values(v)
- elsif v.class == Array
- temp_hash =
- v.each_with_index do |v_,i_|
- temp_hash[i_.to_s] = v_
- end
- values.concat extract_param_values(temp_hash)
- else
- values.push v.to_s
- end
- end
- return values
- end
- # params:
- # params, Hash
- # secret, String
- # returns:
- # String
- #
- # Returns the unhashed signature string (secret + sorted list of param values) for an API call.
- def get_signature_string(params, secret)
- return secret + extract_param_values(params).sort.join("")
- end
- # params:
- # params, Hash
- # secret, String
- # returns:
- # String
- #
- # Returns an MD5 hash of the signature string for an API call.
- def get_signature_hash(params, secret)
- Digest::MD5.hexdigest(get_signature_string(params, secret)).to_s
- end
- # Flatten nested hash for GET / POST request.
- def flatten_nested_hash(hash, brackets = true)
- f = {}
- hash.each do |key, value|
- _key = brackets ? "[#{key}]" : key.to_s
- if value.class == Hash
- flatten_nested_hash(value).each do |k, v|
- f["#{_key}#{k}"] = v
- end
- elsif value.class == Array
- temp_hash =
- value.each_with_index do |v, i|
- temp_hash[i.to_s] = v
- end
- flatten_nested_hash(temp_hash).each do |k, v|
- f["#{_key}#{k}"] = v
- end
- else
- f[_key] = value
- end
- end
- return f
- end
+ def self.api_key
+ @api_key
- class SailthruClient
- include Helpers
- attr_accessor :verify_ssl
- # params:
- # api_key, String
- # secret, String
- # api_uri, String
- #
- # Instantiate a new client; constructor optionally takes overrides for key/secret/uri and proxy server settings.
- def initialize(api_key, secret, api_uri=nil, proxy_host=nil, proxy_port=nil, opts={})
- @api_key = api_key
- @secret = secret
- @api_uri = if api_uri.nil? then '' else api_uri end
- @proxy_host = proxy_host
- @proxy_port = proxy_port
- @verify_ssl = true
- @opts = opts
- end
- # params:
- # template_name, String
- # email, String
- # replacements, Hash
- # options, Hash
- # replyto: override Reply-To header
- # test: send as test email (subject line will be marked, will not count towards stats)
- # schedule_time, Date
- # returns:
- # Hash, response data from server
- #
- # Send a transactional email, or schedule one for the near future
- #
- def send(template_name, email, vars={}, options = {}, schedule_time = nil)
- warn "[DEPRECATION] `send` is deprecated. Please use `send_email` instead."
- send_email(template_name, email, vars, options, schedule_time)
- end
- # params:
- # template_name, String
- # email, String
- # vars, Hash
- # options, Hash
- # replyto: override Reply-To header
- # test: send as test email (subject line will be marked, will not count towards stats)
- # returns:
- # Hash, response data from server
- def send_email(template_name, email, vars={}, options = {}, schedule_time = nil, limit = {})
- post = {}
- post[:template] = template_name
- post[:email] = email
- post[:vars] = vars if vars.length >= 1
- post[:options] = options if options.length >= 1
- post[:schedule_time] = schedule_time if !schedule_time.nil?
- post[:limit] = limit if limit.length >= 1
- return self.api_post(:send, post)
- end
- def multi_send(template_name, emails, vars={}, options = {}, schedule_time = nil, evars = {})
- post = {}
- post[:template] = template_name
- post[:email] = emails
- post[:vars] = vars if vars.length >= 1
- post[:options] = options if options.length >= 1
- post[:schedule_time] = schedule_time if !schedule_time.nil?
- post[:evars] = evars if evars.length >= 1
- return self.api_post(:send, post)
- end
- # params:
- # send_id, Fixnum
- # returns:
- # Hash, response data from server
- #
- # Get the status of a send.
- def get_send(send_id)
- self.api_get(:send, {:send_id => send_id.to_s})
- end
- def cancel_send(send_id)
- self.api_delete(:send, {:send_id => send_id.to_s})
- end
- # params:
- # name, String
- # list, String
- # schedule_time, String
- # from_name, String
- # from_email, String
- # subject, String
- # content_html, String
- # content_text, String
- # options, Hash
- # returns:
- # Hash, response data from server
- #
- # Schedule a mass mail blast
- def schedule_blast(name, list, schedule_time, from_name, from_email, subject, content_html, content_text, options = {})
- post = options ? options : {}
- post[:name] = name
- post[:list] = list
- post[:schedule_time] = schedule_time
- post[:from_name] = from_name
- post[:from_email] = from_email
- post[:subject] = subject
- post[:content_html] = content_html
- post[:content_text] = content_text
- api_post(:blast, post)
- end
- # Schedule a mass mail blast from template
- def schedule_blast_from_template(template, list, schedule_time, options={})
- post = options ? options : {}
- post[:copy_template] = template
- post[:list] = list
- post[:schedule_time] = schedule_time
- api_post(:blast, post)
- end
- # Schedule a mass mail blast from previous blast
- def schedule_blast_from_blast(blast_id, schedule_time, options={})
- post = options ? options : {}
- post[:copy_blast] = blast_id
- #post[:name] = name
- post[:schedule_time] = schedule_time
- api_post(:blast, post)
- end
- # params
- # blast_id, Fixnum | String
- # name, String
- # list, String
- # schedule_time, String
- # from_name, String
- # from_email, String
- # subject, String
- # content_html, String
- # content_text, String
- # options, hash
- #
- # updates existing blast
- def update_blast(blast_id, name = nil, list = nil, schedule_time = nil, from_name = nil, from_email = nil, subject = nil, content_html = nil, content_text = nil, options = {})
- data = options ? options : {}
- data[:blast_id] = blast_id
- if name != nil
- data[:name] = name
- end
- if list != nil
- data[:list] = list
- end
- if schedule_time != nil
- data[:schedule_time] = schedule_time
- end
- if from_name != nil
- data[:from_name] = from_name
- end
- if from_email != nil
- data[:from_email] = from_email
- end
- if subject != nil
- data[:subject] = subject
- end
- if content_html != nil
- data[:content_html] = content_html
- end
- if content_text != nil
- data[:content_text] = content_text
- end
- api_post(:blast, data)
- end
- # params:
- # blast_id, Fixnum | String
- # options, hash
- # returns:
- # Hash, response data from server
- #
- # Get information on a previously scheduled email blast
- def get_blast(blast_id, options={})
- options[:blast_id] = blast_id.to_s
- api_get(:blast, options)
- end
- # params:
- # blast_id, Fixnum | String
- #
- # Cancel a scheduled Blast
- def cancel_blast(blast_id)
- api_post(:blast, {:blast_id => blast_id, :schedule_time => ''})
- end
- # params:
- # blast_id, Fixnum | String
- #
- # Delete a Blast
- def delete_blast(blast_id)
- api_delete(:blast, {:blast_id => blast_id})
- end
- # params:
- # email, String
- # returns:
- # Hash, response data from server
- #
- # Return information about an email address, including replacement vars and lists.
- def get_email(email)
- api_get(:email, {:email => email})
- end
- # params:
- # email, String
- # vars, Hash
- # lists, Hash mapping list name => 1 for subscribed, 0 for unsubscribed
- # options, Hash mapping optional parameters
- # returns:
- # Hash, response data from server
- #
- # Set replacement vars and/or list subscriptions for an email address.
- def set_email(email, vars = {}, lists = {}, templates = {}, options = {})
- data = options
- data[:email] = email
- data[:vars] = vars unless vars.empty?
- data[:lists] = lists unless lists.empty?
- data[:templates] = templates unless templates.empty?
- self.api_post(:email, data)
- end
- # params:
- # new_email, String
- # old_email, String
- # options, Hash mapping optional parameters
- # returns:
- # Hash of response data.
- #
- # change a user's email address.
- def change_email(new_email, old_email, options = {})
- data = options
- data[:email] = new_email
- data[:change_email] = old_email
- self.api_post(:email, data)
- end
- # params:
- # template_name, String
- # returns:
- # Hash of response data.
- #
- # Get a template.
- def get_template(template_name)
- self.api_get(:template, {:template => template_name})
- end
- # params:
- # template_name, String
- # template_fields, Hash
- # returns:
- # Hash containg response from the server.
- #
- # Save a template.
- def save_template(template_name, template_fields)
- data = template_fields
- data[:template] = template_name
- self.api_post(:template, data)
- end
- # params:
- # template_name, String
- # returns:
- # Hash of response data.
- #
- # Delete a template.
- def delete_template(template_name)
- self.api_delete(:template, {:template => template_name})
- end
- # params:
- # params, Hash
- # request, String
- # returns:
- # TrueClass or FalseClass, Returns true if the incoming request is an authenticated verify post.
- def receive_verify_post(params, request)
- if
- [:action, :email, :send_id, :sig].each { |key| return false unless params.has_key?(key) }
- return false unless params[:action] == :verify
- sig = params.delete(:sig)
- sig = sig.delete_if {|key, value| key == :controller}
- return false unless sig == get_signature_hash(params, @secret)
- _send = self.get_send(params[:send_id])
- return false unless _send.has_key?(:email)
- return false unless _send[:email] == params[:email]
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- # params:
- # params, Hash
- # request, String
- # returns:
- # TrueClass or FalseClass, Returns true if the incoming request is an authenticated optout post.
- def receive_optout_post(params, request)
- if
- [:action, :email, :sig].each { |key| return false unless params.has_key?(key) }
- return false unless params[:action] == 'optout'
- sig = params.delete(:sig)
- sig = sig.delete_if {|key, value| key == :controller}
- return false unless sig == get_signature_hash(params, @secret)
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- # params:
- # params, Hash
- # request, String
- # returns:
- # TrueClass or FalseClass, Returns true if the incoming request is an authenticated hardbounce post.
- def receive_hardbounce_post(params, request)
- if
- [:action, :email, :sig].each { |key| return false unless params.has_key?(key) }
- return false unless params[:action] == 'hardbounce'
- sig = params.delete(:sig)
- sig = sig.delete_if {|key, value| key == :controller}
- return false unless sig == get_signature_hash(params, @secret)
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- # params:
- # email, String
- # items, String
- # incomplete, Integer
- # message_id, String
- # options, Hash
- # returns:
- # hash, response from server
- #
- # Record that a user has made a purchase, or has added items to their purchase total.
- def purchase(email, items, incomplete = nil, message_id = nil, options = {})
- data = options
- data[:email] = email
- data[:items] = items
- if incomplete != nil
- data[:incomplete] = incomplete.to_i
- end
- if message_id != nil
- data[:message_id] = message_id
- end
- api_post(:purchase, data)
- end
- # <b>DEPRECATED:</b> Please use either stats_list or stats_blast
- # params:
- # stat, String
- #
- # returns:
- # hash, response from server
- # Request various stats from Sailthru.
- def get_stats(stat)
- warn "[DEPRECATION] `get_stats` is deprecated. Please use `stats_list` and `stats_blast` instead"
- api_get(:stats, {:stat => stat})
- end
- # params
- # list, String
- # date, String
- #
- # returns:
- # hash, response from server
- # Retrieve information about your subscriber counts on a particular list, on a particular day.
- def stats_list(list = nil, date = nil)
- data = {}
- if list != nil
- data[:list] = list
- end
- if date != nil
- data[:date] = date
- end
- data[:stat] = 'list'
- stats(data)
- end
- # params
- # blast_id, String
- # start_date, String
- # end_date, String
- # options, Hash
- #
- # returns:
- # hash, response from server
- # Retrieve information about a particular blast or aggregated information from all of blasts over a specified date range
- def stats_blast(blast_id = nil, start_date = nil, end_date = nil, options = {})
- data = options
- if blast_id != nil
- data[:blast_id] = blast_id
- end
- if start_date != nil
- data[:start_date] = start_date
- end
- if end_date != nil
- data[:end_date] = end_date
- end
- data[:stat] = 'blast'
- stats(data)
- end
- # params
- # template, String
- # start_date, String
- # end_date, String
- # options, Hash
- #
- # returns:
- # hash, response from server
- # Retrieve information about a particular blast or aggregated information from all of blasts over a specified date range
- def stats_send(template = nil, start_date = nil, end_date = nil, options = {})
- data = options
- if template != nil
- data[:template] = template
- end
- if start_date != nil
- data[:start_date] = start_date
- end
- if end_date != nil
- data[:end_date] = end_date
- end
- data[:stat] = 'send'
- stats(data)
- end
- # params
- # title, String
- # url, String
- # date, String
- # tags, Array or Comma separated string
- # vars, Hash
- # options, Hash
- #
- # Push a new piece of content to Sailthru, triggering any applicable alerts.
- #
- def push_content(title, url, date = nil, tags = nil, vars = {}, options = {})
- data = options
- data[:title] = title
- data[:url] = url
- if date != nil
- data[:date] = date
- end
- if tags != nil
- if tags.class == Array
- tags = tags.join(',')
- end
- data[:tags] = tags
- end
- if vars.length > 0
- data[:vars] = vars
- end
- api_post(:content, data)
- end
- # params
- # list, String
- #
- # Get information about a list.
- def get_list(list)
- return api_get(:list, {:list => list})
- end
- # params
- #
- # Get information about all lists
- def get_lists()
- return api_get(:list, {})
- end
- # params
- # list, String
- # options, Hash
- # Create a list, or update a list.
- def save_list(list, options = {})
- data = options
- data[:list] = list
- return api_post(:list, data)
- end
- # params
- # list, String
- #
- # Deletes a list
- def delete_list(list)
- api_delete(:list, {:list => list})
- end
- # params
- # email, String
- #
- # get user alert data
- def get_alert(email)
- api_get(:alert, {:email => email})
- end
- # params
- # email, String
- # type, String
- # template, String
- # _when, String
- # options, hash
- #
- # Add a new alert to a user. You can add either a realtime or a summary alert (daily/weekly).
- # _when is only required when alert type is weekly or daily
- def save_alert(email, type, template, _when = nil, options = {})
- data = options
- data[:email] = email
- data[:type] = type
- data[:template] = template
- if (type == 'weekly' || type == 'daily')
- data[:when] = _when
- end
- api_post(:alert, data)
- end
- # params
- # email, String
- # alert_id, String
- #
- # delete user alert
- def delete_alert(email, alert_id)
- data = {:email => email, :alert_id => alert_id}
- api_delete(:alert, data)
- end
- # Make Stats API Request
- def stats(data)
- api_get(:stats, data)
- end
- # params
- # job, String
- # options, hash
- # report_email, String
- # postback_url, String
- # binary_key, String
- #
- # interface for making request to job call
- def process_job(job, options = {}, report_email = nil, postback_url = nil, binary_key = nil)
- data = options
- data['job'] = job
- if !report_email.nil?
- data['report_email'] = report_email
- end
- if !postback_url.nil?
- data['postback_url'] = postback_url
- end
- api_post(:job, data, binary_key)
- end
- # params
- # emails, String | Array
- # implementation for import_job
- def process_import_job(list, emails, report_email = nil, postback_url = nil, options = {})
- data = options
- data['list'] = list
- data['emails'] = Array(emails).join(',')
- process_job(:import, data, report_email, postback_url)
- end
- # implementation for import job using file upload
- def process_import_job_from_file(list, file_path, report_email = nil, postback_url = nil, options = {})
- data = options
- data['list'] = list
- data['file'] = file_path
- process_job(:import, data, report_email, postback_url, 'file')
- end
- # implementation for update job using file upload
- def process_update_job_from_file(file_path, report_email = nil, postback_url = nil, options = {})
- data = options
- data['file'] = file_path
- process_job(:update, data, report_email, postback_url, 'file')
- end
- # implementation for snapshot job
- def process_snapshot_job(query = {}, report_email = nil, postback_url = nil, options = {})
- data = options
- data['query'] = query
- process_job(:snapshot, data, report_email, postback_url)
- end
- # implementation for export list job
- def process_export_list_job(list, report_email = nil, postback_url = nil, options = {})
- data = options
- data['list'] = list
- process_job(:export_list_data, data, report_email, postback_url)
- end
- # get status of a job
- def get_job_status(job_id)
- api_get(:job, {'job_id' => job_id})
- end
- # Get user by Sailthru ID
- def get_user_by_sid(id, fields = {})
- api_get(:user, {'id' => id, 'fields' => fields})
- end
- # Get user by specified key
- def get_user_by_key(id, key, fields = {})
- data = {
- 'id' => id,
- 'key' => key,
- 'fields' => fields
- }
- api_get(:user, data)
- end
- # Create new user, or update existing user
- def save_user(id, options = {})
- data = options
- data['id'] = id
- api_post(:user, data)
- end
- # params
- # Get an existing trigger
- def get_triggers()
- api_get(:trigger, {})
- end
- # params
- # template, String
- # trigger_id, String
- # Get an existing trigger
- def get_trigger_by_template(template, trigger_id = nil)
- data = {}
- data['template'] = template
- if trigger_id != nil then data['trigger_id'] = trigger_id end
- api_get(:trigger, data)
- end
- # params
- # event, String
- # Get an existing trigger
- def get_trigger_by_event(event)
- data = {}
- data['event'] = event
- api_get(:trigger, data)
- end
- # params
- # template, String
- # time, String
- # time_unit, String
- # event, String
- # zephyr, String
- # Create or update a trigger
- def post_template_trigger(template, time, time_unit, event, zephyr)
- data = {}
- data['template'] = template
- data['time'] = time
- data['time_unit'] = time_unit
- data['event'] = event
- data['zephyr'] = zephyr
- api_post(:trigger, data)
- end
- # params
- # template, String
- # time, String
- # time_unit, String
- # zephyr, String
- # Create or update a trigger
- def post_event_trigger(event, time, time_unit, zephyr)
- data = {}
- data['time'] = time
- data['time_unit'] = time_unit
- data['event'] = event
- data['zephyr'] = zephyr
- api_post(:trigger, data)
- end
- # params
- # id, String
- # event, String
- # options, Hash (Can contain vars, Hash and/or key)
- # Notify Sailthru of an Event
- def post_event(id, event, options = {})
- data = options
- data['id'] = id
- data['event'] = event
- api_post(:event, data)
- end
- # Perform API GET request
- def api_get(action, data)
- api_request(action, data, 'GET')
- end
- # Perform API POST request
- def api_post(action, data, binary_key = nil)
- api_request(action, data, 'POST', binary_key)
- end
- #Perform API DELETE request
- def api_delete(action, data)
- api_request(action, data, 'DELETE')
- end
- protected
- # params:
- # action, String
- # data, Hash
- # request, String "GET" or "POST"
- # returns:
- # Hash
- #
- # Perform an API request, using the shared-secret auth hash.
- #
- def api_request(action, data, request_type, binary_key = nil)
- if (!binary_key.nil?)
- binary_key_data = data[binary_key]
- data.delete(binary_key)
- end
- if data[:format].nil? or data[:format] == 'json'
- data = self.prepare_json_payload(data)
- else
- data[:api_key] = @api_key
- data[:format] ||= 'json'
- data[:sig] = get_signature_hash(data, @secret)
- end
- if (!binary_key.nil?)
- data[binary_key] = binary_key_data
- end
- _result = self.http_request("#{@api_uri}/#{action}", data, request_type, binary_key)
- # NOTE: don't do the unserialize here
- if data[:format] == 'json'
- begin
- unserialized = JSON.parse(_result)
- return unserialized ? unserialized : _result
- rescue JSON::JSONError => e
- return {'error' => e}
- end
- end
- return _result
- end
- # set up our post request
- def set_up_post_request(uri, data, headers, binary_key = nil)
- if (!binary_key.nil?)
- binary_data = data[binary_key]
- if binary_data.is_a?(StringIO)
- data[binary_key] =
- binary_data, "text/plain", "local.path"
- )
- else
- data[binary_key] =
-, "text/plain"
- )
- end
- req =, data)
- else
- req =, headers)
- req.set_form_data(data)
- end
- req
- end
- # params:
- # uri, String
- # data, Hash
- # method, String "GET" or "POST"
- # returns:
- # String, body of response
- def http_request(uri, data, method = 'POST', binary_key = nil)
- data = flatten_nested_hash(data, false)
- if method != 'POST'
- uri += "?" +{ |key, value| "#{CGI::escape(key.to_s)}=#{CGI::escape(value.to_s)}" }.join("&")
- end
- req = nil
- headers = {"User-Agent" => "Sailthru API Ruby Client #{VERSION}"}
- _uri = URI.parse(uri)
- if method == 'POST'
- req = self.set_up_post_request(
- _uri, data, headers, binary_key
- )
- else
- request_uri = "#{_uri.path}?#{_uri.query}"
- if method == 'DELETE'
- req =, headers)
- else
- req =, headers)
- end
- end
- begin
- http = Net::HTTP::Proxy(@proxy_host, @proxy_port).new(, _uri.port)
- if _uri.scheme == 'https'
- http.use_ssl = true
- http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if @verify_ssl != true # some openSSL client doesn't work without doing this
- http.ssl_timeout = @opts[:http_ssl_timeout] || 5
- end
- http.open_timeout = @opts[:http_open_timeout] || 5
- http.read_timeout = @opts[:http_read_timeout] || 10
- http.close_on_empty_response = @opts[:http_close_on_empty_response] || true
- response = http.start {
- http.request(req)
- }
- rescue Timeout::Error, Errno::ETIMEDOUT => e
- raise["Timed out: #{_uri}", e.inspect, e.backtrace].join("\n"));
- rescue Exception => e
- raise["Unable to open stream: #{_uri}", e.inspect, e.backtrace].join("\n"));
- end
- if response.body
- return response.body
- else
- raise"No response received from stream: #{_uri}")
- end
- end
- def http_multipart_request(uri, data)
- url.path,
- "file" =>['file'], "application/octet-stream")
- end
- def prepare_json_payload(data)
- payload = {
- :api_key => @api_key,
- :format => 'json', #<3 XML
- :json => data.to_json
- }
- payload[:sig] = get_signature_hash(payload, @secret)
- payload
- end
+ def self.secret
+ @secret