src/main/scala/s3/website/model/Config.scala in s3_website-2.15.0 vs src/main/scala/s3/website/model/Config.scala in s3_website-2.15.1
- old
+ new
@@ -129,15 +129,11 @@
yamlValue getOrElse Left(ErrorReport(s"The key $key has to have a string or (string -> string) value"))
def loadEndpoint(implicit unsafeYaml: UnsafeYaml): Either[ErrorReport, Option[S3Endpoint]] =
- loadOptionalString("s3_endpoint").right flatMap { endpointString =>
- match {
- case Some(Right(endpoint)) => Right(Some(endpoint))
- case Some(Left(endpointError)) => Left(endpointError)
- case None => Right(None)
- }
+ loadOptionalString("s3_endpoint").right map { endpointString =>
def loadRedirects(s3_key_prefix: Option[String])(implicit unsafeYaml: UnsafeYaml): Either[ErrorReport, Option[Map[S3Key, String]]] = {
val key = "redirects"
val yamlValue = for {
\ No newline at end of file