in ryan-0.1.0 vs in ryan-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,3 +1,100 @@
# Ryan
-Reviews and rewrites rspec files using the style I like
+A wrapper around the awesome [RubyParser]( gem that provides an OO interface for
+reading Ruby code.
+## Installation
+gem 'ryan'
+## Usage
+Give Ryan a Ruby file to play with. Test it out in an IRB session with `bin/console`
+ryan = FIXTURE_ROOT.join('report.rb')
+#=> "Report"
+#=> true
+#=> false
+#=> [:message]
+#=> 12
+#=> 10
+#=> :enqueue
+### Assignments
+func = ryan.func_by_name(:call)
+#=> #<Ryan::InstanceFunc:0x007fd49c10d8d0 @sexp=...>
+#=> 1
+#=> :@duder
+### Conditions
+#=> "assigns @duder"
+#=> 3
+condition = func.conditions.last
+#=> #<Ryan::Condition:0x007fd49c10d8d0 @sexp=...>
+#=> ""
+#=> "if then\n UserMailer.spam(user).deliver_now if user.wants_mail?\n report.perform\nelse\n ..."
+#=> s(:call, s(:call, nil, :report), :perform)
+#=> "returns report.perform"
+#=> ""
+### Condition Parts
+# Get the parts of the current condition, which will be the any elsif's
+#=> 1
+part =
+#=> #<Ryan::Condition:0x007fd49ca5a028 @sexp=...>
+#=> "returns report.force_perform"
+#=> "returns report.failure"
+### Nested Conditions
+# Find conditions nested inside this condition
+#=> 1
+nested_condition = condition.nested_conditions.last
+#=> #<Ryan::Condition:0x007fd49ca8bbf0 @sexp=...>
+#=> s(:call, s(:call, s(:const, :UserMailer), :spam, s(:call, nil, :user)), :deliver_now)
+#=> "returns UserMailer.spam(user).deliver_now"
+## Development
+After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake` to run the tests.
+You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
+## Contributing
+Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at