ev/ruby.rb in rwdschedule-0.93 vs ev/ruby.rb in rwdschedule-0.94
- old
+ new
@@ -1,819 +1,819 @@
-require "cgi"
-require "rbconfig"
-require "thread"
-Thread.abort_on_exception = true
-$DEBUG = ($DEBUG or ENV["RUBYDEBUG"] or false)
-#tekens = '\w\~\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\-\+'
-tekens = '^\s\r\n\`\!\(\)\[\]\{\}\<\>\,\.\/\?\\\|\=\;\:\"'
-#tekens11 = '\w'
-tekens11 = tekens + "'"
-tekens21 = tekens + "'"
-tekens22 = tekens
-tekens23 = tekens + "'"
-tekens31 = '\w\s\r\n'
-RegExpStringWord = "([#{tekens11}]+)" ; RegExpWord = Regexp.new(RegExpStringWord)
-RegExpStringWord2 = "([#{tekens21}]([#{tekens22}]*[#{tekens23}])?)" ; RegExpWord2 = Regexp.new(RegExpStringWord2)
-RegExpStringText = "([#{tekens31}]+)" ; RegExpText = Regexp.new(RegExpStringText)
-RegExpStringFile = '(\w[\w\.\-]*)' ; RegExpFile = Regexp.new(RegExpStringFile)
-RegExpStringEmail = '([\w\-\.]+@[\w\-\.]+)' ; RegExpEmail = Regexp.new(RegExpStringEmail)
-RegExpStringURL = '(\w+:\/\/[\w\.\-]+(:\d*)?\/[\w\.\-\/\#\?\=\%]*)' ; RegExpURL = Regexp.new(RegExpStringURL)
-RegExpStringPrint = '([\w \t\r\n\`\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\-\+\=\[\]\{\}\;\:\'\"\,\.\/\<\>\?\\\|]+)' ; RegExpPrint = Regexp.new(RegExpStringPrint)
-RegExpStringDiff = '(^[\-\+]([^\-\+].*)?)' ; RegExpDiff = Regexp.new(RegExpStringDiff)
-module Enumerable
- def deep_dup
- Marshal::load(Marshal::dump(dup))
- end
- def deep_clone
- Marshal::load(Marshal::dump(clone))
- end
-class Thread
- def self.background(*args)
- new(*args) do |*args|
- Thread.pass
- yield(*args)
- end
- end
-class Object
- alias deep_dup :dup
- alias deep_clone :clone
- def to_fs
- to_s
- end
- def ids
- id
- end
-class Numeric
- def to_fs
- to_f
- end
-class Integer
- def oct
- n = self
- res = []
- while n > 8
- n, x = n.divmod(8)
- res << x
- end
- res << n
- res.reverse.join("")
- end
-class String
- def chomp!(dummy=nil)
- self.gsub!(/[\r\n]*\z/, "")
- end
- def chomp(dummy=nil)
- self.gsub(/[\r\n]*\z/, "")
- end
- def lf
- self.gsub(/\r*\n/, "\n").gsub(/\n\z/, "") + "\n"
- end
- def crlf
- self.gsub(/\r*\n/, "\r\n").gsub(/\r\n\z/, "") + "\r\n"
- end
- def strip
- self.stripbefore.stripafter
- end
- def stripbefore
- self.gsub(/\A[[:blank:]\r\n]*/, "")
- end
- def stripafter
- self.gsub(/[[:blank:]\r\n]*\z/, "")
- end
- def compress
- self.gsub(/[[:blank:]\r\n]+/, " ").strip
- end
- def compressspaces
- self.gsub(/[[:blank:]]+/, " ")
- end
- def compressperline
- res = self.split(/\n/)
- res.collect!{|line| line.compress}
- res.delete_if{|line| line.empty?}
- res.join("\n")
- end
- def numeric?
- d, a, n = [self].to_par
- not n.empty?
- end
- def exec(input=nil, output=true)
- res = []
- IO.popen(self, "w+") do |f|
- f.puts input unless input.nil?
- f.close_write
- res = f.readlines if output
- end
- res.join("")
- end
- def eval
- Kernel::eval(self)
- end
- def speak
- require "drb"
- DRb.start_service
- DRbObject.new(nil, "druby://localhost:3100").speak(self)
- end
- def splitblocks(*delimiters)
- begindelimiters = []
- enddelimiters = []
- delimiters.each do |k, v|
- begindelimiters << k.downcase
- enddelimiters << v.downcase
- end
- bd = begindelimiters.collect {|s| Regexp.escape(s)}
- ed = enddelimiters.collect {|s| Regexp.escape(s)}
- be = bd.join("|")
- ee = ed.join("|")
- res = []
- type = 0
- tmp = ""
- bs = ""
- es = ""
- self.split(/(#{ee}|#{be})/i).each do |s|
- if type == 0
- if begindelimiters.include?(s.downcase)
- i = begindelimiters.index(s.downcase)
- type = i+1
- tmp = s
- bs = s.downcase
- es = enddelimiters[i]
- else
- res << [0, s] unless s.empty?
- end
- else
- if s.downcase == es
- res << [type, tmp + s]
- type = 0
- tmp = ""
- bs = ""
- es = ""
- else
- if s.downcase == bs
- res << [0, tmp]
- tmp = s
- else
- tmp = tmp + s
- end
- end
- end
- end
- res << [0, tmp] unless tmp.empty?
- return res
- end
- def splitwords(tokens=[])
- tokens = [tokens] unless tokens.kind_of?(Array)
- res = []
- self.splitblocks(["'", "'"], ['"', '"']).each do |type, s|
- case type
- when 0
- tokens.each do |token|
- token2 = token
- token2 = Regexp.escape(token2) if token2.kind_of?(String)
- s.gsub!(/#{token2}/, " #{token} ")
- end
- s.split().each do |w|
- res << w
- end
- when 1, 2
- res << s[1..-2]
- end
- end
- return res
- end
- def uncomment
- res = []
- self.splitblocks(["'", "'"], ['"', '"'], ["#", "\n"]).each do |type, s|
- case type
- when 0, 1, 2 then res << s
- when 3 then res << "\n"
- end
- end
- res.join("")
- end
- def noquotes
- self.sub(/\A['"]/, "").sub(/['"]\z/, "")
- end
- def to_html(eolconversion=true)
- s = CGI.escapeHTML(self)
- s.gsub!(/\"/, "\"")
- s.gsub!(/\'/, "\´")
- if eolconversion
- s.gsub!(/\n/ , "<br>")
- end
- s
- end
- def from_html(eolconversion=true)
- s = self
- s.gsub!(/"/ , "\"")
- s.gsub!(/´/, "\'")
- s = CGI.unescapeHTML(self)
- if eolconversion
- s.gsub!(/<br>/, "\n")
- end
- s
- end
- def to_fs
- if numeric?
- to_f
- else
- to_s
- end
- end
-class Array
- def chomp!
- self.collect!{|s| s.chomp}
- end
- def chomp
- self.collect{|s| s.chomp}
- end
- def compress
- self.collect{|s| s.compress}
- end
- def uncomment
- self.join("\0").uncomment.split("\0")
- end
- def strip
- self.collect{|s| s.strip}
- end
- def sum
- res = 0
- self.each do |n|
- res += n
- end
- res
- end
- def product
- res = 1
- self.each do |n|
- res *= n
- end
- res
- end
- def joinwords(sep=" ", quote='"')
- self.collect do |s|
- s = quote + s + quote if s =~ /[[:blank:]]/
- s
- end.join(sep)
- end
- def domino(tabellen, kolom=nil, onlymatchinglines=false)
- links = self
- res = []
- res = self.dup unless onlymatchinglines
- tabellen.each do |rechts|
- tmp = []
- links.each do |l|
- if kolom.nil? or l.length == kolom
- rechts.each do |r|
- tmp << l + r[1..-1] if l[-1] == r[0]
- end
- end
- end
- links = tmp
- res.concat(tmp)
- end
- res = res.sort.uniq
- end
- def dominoloop(tabellen)
- lres = []
- res = self.dup
- kolom = 2
- while lres.length != res.length do
- lres = res.dup
- res = res.domino(tabellen, kolom)
- res.each do |line|
- line << "*" if (line.length != line.uniq.length and line[-1] != "*")
- end
- $stderr.print "#{100*(res.length)/(lres.length)}% "
- kolom += 1
- end
- $stderr.puts ""
- return res
- end
- def buildtree
- self.dominoloop([self])
- end
- def subset(fields, values, results, exact=true, emptyline=nil, joinwith=nil)
- fields = [fields] unless fields.kind_of? Array
- values = [values] unless values.kind_of? Array
- results = [results] unless results.kind_of? Array
- emptyline = emptyline.downcase unless emptyline.nil?
- res = self.dup
- res.delete_if {true}
- self.each do |l|
- ok = true
- case l.class.to_s
- when "String"
- c = l.splitwords
- correction = 1
- joinwith = " " if joinwith.nil?
- when "Array"
- c = l
- correction = 0
- end
- #catch :stop do
- values2 = values.dup
- fields.each do |f|
- v = values2.shift
- v = v.downcase unless v.nil?
- if emptyline.nil? or (not v == emptyline)
- if exact
- unless (v.nil? or c[f-correction].downcase == v)
- ok = false
- #throw :stop
- end
- else
- unless (v.nil? or c[f-correction].downcase.include?(v))
- ok = false
- #throw :stop
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #end
- if ok
- res2 = []
- results.each do |n|
- res2 << c[n-1]
- end
- res2 = res2.join(joinwith) unless joinwith.nil?
- res << res2
- end
- end
- return res
- end
- def format(format)
- res = []
- [format.length, self.length].min.times do |n|
- case format[n].chr
- when "i" then res << self[n].to_i
- when "s" then res << self[n].to_s
- when "x" then res << self[n]
- end
- end
- res
- end
- def to_i
- collect{|c| c.to_i}
- end
- def to_par
- dash = self.dup
- alpha = self.dup
- numeric = self.dup
- dash.delete_if do |s|
- not (s =~ /\A-/) or
- (s =~ /\A-?[[:digit:]\.]+\z/) or
- (s =~ /^-+$/)
- end
- alpha.delete_if do |s|
- ((s =~ /\A-/) or
- (s =~ /\A-?[[:digit:]\.]+\z/)) and
- not ((s =~ /^\.+$/) or (s =~ /^-+$/))
- end
- numeric.delete_if do |s|
- not (s =~ /\A-?[[:digit:]\.]+\z/) or
- (s =~ /^\.+$/)
- end
- raise "Oops!" if dash.length + alpha.length + numeric.length != length
- return dash, alpha, numeric
- end
- def self.file(file)
- res = new
- File.open(file) do |f|
- f.readlines.uncomment.chomp.each do |line|
- res << line
- end
- end
- res
- end
- def numsort
- sort do |a, b|
- a2 = a.to_fs
- b2 = b.to_fs
- if a2.class != b2.class
- a2 = a
- b2 = b
- end
- a2 <=> b2
- end
- end
- def to_fs
- collect{|s| s.to_fs}
- end
- def chaos
- res = self.dup
- (length^2).times do
- a = rand(length)
- b = rand(length)
- res[a], res[b] = res[b], res[a]
- end
- res
- end
- def any
- if empty?
- nil
- else
- self[rand(self.length)]
- end
- end
- def minmax
- min, value, max = self
- [min, [value, max].min].max
- end
- def ids
- collect{|e| e.ids}
- end
-class Hash
- def save(file, append=false)
- org = {}
- org = Hash.file(file) if (append and File.file?(file))
- self.sort.each do |k, v|
- org[k] = v
- end
- File.open(file, "w") do |f|
- org.sort.each do |k, v|
- f.puts "%s\t= %s" % [k, v]
- end
- end
- end
- def subset(fields, values, results=nil, exact=true, emptyline=nil, joinwith=nil)
- fields = [fields] unless fields.kind_of? Array
- values = [values] unless values.kind_of? Array
- results = [results] unless results.kind_of? Array
- emptyline = emptyline.downcase unless emptyline.nil?
- res = self.dup
- res.delete_if {true}
- self.each do |k, l|
- ok = true
- case l.class.to_s
- when "String"
- c = l.splitwords
- correction = 1
- joinwith = " " if joinwith.nil?
- when "Array"
- c = l
- correction = 0
- end
- #catch :stop do
- values2 = values.dup
- fields.each do |f|
- v = values2.shift
- v = v.downcase unless v.nil?
- if emptyline.nil? or (not v == emptyline)
- if exact
- unless (v.nil? or c[f-correction].downcase == v)
- ok = false
- #throw :stop
- end
- else
- unless (v.nil? or c[f-correction].downcase.include?(v))
- ok = false
- #throw :stop
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #end
- if ok
- res2 = []
- if results == [nil]
- res2 = c
- else
- results.each do |n|
- res2 << c[n-correction]
- end
- end
- res2 = res2.join(joinwith) unless joinwith.nil?
- res[k] = res2
- end
- end
- return res
- end
- def to_i
- collect{|k, v| v.to_i}
- end
- def self.file(file)
- res = new
- File.open(file) do |f|
- #f.readlines.chomp.each do |line|
- while line = f.gets do
- line.chomp!
- unless line.empty?
- k, v = line.split(/\s*=\s*/, 2)
- res[k] = v
- end
- end
- end
- res
- end
- def ids
- collect{|k, v| [k, v].ids}
- end
-def id2ref(id)
- ObjectSpace._id2ref(id)
-def after(seconds, *args)
- if not seconds.nil? and not seconds.zero?
- Thread.new(*args) do |*args2|
- sleep seconds
- yield(*args2)
- end
- end
-def every(seconds, *args)
- if not seconds.nil? and not seconds.zero?
- Thread.new(*args) do |*args2|
- loop do
- sleep seconds
- yield(*args2)
- end
- end
- end
-def evtimeout(seconds)
- begin
- timeout(seconds) do
- yield
- end
- rescue TimeoutError
- end
-def evtimeoutretry(seconds)
- ok = false
- while not ok
- evtimeout(seconds) do
- yield
- ok = true
- end
- end
-def trap(signal)
- Kernel::trap(signal) do
- yield
- end
- # Seems pointless, but it's for catching ^C under Windows...
- every(1) {} if windows?
-def linux?
- not windows? and not cygwin?
-def windows?
- not (target_os.downcase =~ /32/).nil?
-def cygwin?
- not (target_os.downcase =~ /cyg/).nil?
-def target_os
- Config::CONFIG["target_os"] or ""
-def user
-def home
- (ENV["HOME"] or ENV["USERPROFILE"] or (File.directory?("h:/") ? "h:" : "c:")).gsub(/\\/, "/")
-def temp
- (ENV["TMPDIR"] or ENV["TMP"] or ENV["TEMP"] or "/tmp").gsub(/\\/, "/")
-def stdtmp
- $stderr = $stdout = File.new("#{temp}/ruby.#{Process.pid}.log", "a") unless ARGV.include?("--rwd-exit")
-$nobm = false
-def nobm
- $nobm = true
-def bm(label="")
- if $nobm
- if block_given?
- return yield
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- label = label.to_s
- res = nil
- $bm_mutex = ($bm_mutex or Mutex.new)
- $bm_mutex.synchronize do
- if $bm.nil?
- require "ev/bm"
- $bm = {}
- at_exit do
- format1 = "%10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s"
- format2 = "%10s %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10d"
- $stderr.puts format1 % ["LABEL", "USERCPU", "SYSCPU", "CUSERCPU", "CSYSCPU", "ELAPSED", "TIMES"]
- $bm.sort{|a, b| [a[1], a[0]] <=> [b[1], b[0]]}.each do |k, v|
- $stderr.puts format2 % [k, *v]
- end
- end
- end
- $bm[label] = [0.0]*5 + [0] unless $bm.include?(label)
- end
- if block_given?
- bm = Benchmark.measure{res = yield}
- bma = bm.to_a # [dummy label, user CPU time, system CPU time, childrens user CPU time, childrens system CPU time, elapsed real time]
- $bm_mutex.synchronize do
- 0.upto(4) do |n|
- $bm[label][n] += bma[n+1]
- end
- $bm[label][5] += 1
- end
- end
- res
-def trace
- res =nil
- set_trace_func lambda { |event, file, line, id, binding, classname|
- $stderr.printf "%8s %s:%-2d %10s %8s\n", event, file, line, id, classname
- }
- if block_given?
- res = yield
- notrace
- end
- res
-def notrace
- set_trace_func nil
-def lambda_cached(&block)
- hash = {}
- lambda do |*args|
- res = hash[args]
- if res.nil?
- res = block.call(*args)
- hash[args] = res
- end
- res
- end
+require "cgi"
+require "rbconfig"
+require "thread"
+Thread.abort_on_exception = true
+$DEBUG = ($DEBUG or ENV["RUBYDEBUG"] or false)
+#tekens = '\w\~\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\-\+'
+tekens = '^\s\r\n\`\!\(\)\[\]\{\}\<\>\,\.\/\?\\\|\=\;\:\"'
+#tekens11 = '\w'
+tekens11 = tekens + "'"
+tekens21 = tekens + "'"
+tekens22 = tekens
+tekens23 = tekens + "'"
+tekens31 = '\w\s\r\n'
+RegExpStringWord = "([#{tekens11}]+)" ; RegExpWord = Regexp.new(RegExpStringWord)
+RegExpStringWord2 = "([#{tekens21}]([#{tekens22}]*[#{tekens23}])?)" ; RegExpWord2 = Regexp.new(RegExpStringWord2)
+RegExpStringText = "([#{tekens31}]+)" ; RegExpText = Regexp.new(RegExpStringText)
+RegExpStringFile = '(\w[\w\.\-]*)' ; RegExpFile = Regexp.new(RegExpStringFile)
+RegExpStringEmail = '([\w\-\.]+@[\w\-\.]+)' ; RegExpEmail = Regexp.new(RegExpStringEmail)
+RegExpStringURL = '(\w+:\/\/[\w\.\-]+(:\d*)?\/[\w\.\-\/\#\?\=\%]*)' ; RegExpURL = Regexp.new(RegExpStringURL)
+RegExpStringPrint = '([\w \t\r\n\`\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\-\+\=\[\]\{\}\;\:\'\"\,\.\/\<\>\?\\\|]+)' ; RegExpPrint = Regexp.new(RegExpStringPrint)
+RegExpStringDiff = '(^[\-\+]([^\-\+].*)?)' ; RegExpDiff = Regexp.new(RegExpStringDiff)
+module Enumerable
+ def deep_dup
+ Marshal::load(Marshal::dump(dup))
+ end
+ def deep_clone
+ Marshal::load(Marshal::dump(clone))
+ end
+class Thread
+ def self.background(*args)
+ new(*args) do |*args|
+ Thread.pass
+ yield(*args)
+ end
+ end
+class Object
+ alias deep_dup :dup
+ alias deep_clone :clone
+ def to_fs
+ to_s
+ end
+ def ids
+ id
+ end
+class Numeric
+ def to_fs
+ to_f
+ end
+class Integer
+ def oct
+ n = self
+ res = []
+ while n > 8
+ n, x = n.divmod(8)
+ res << x
+ end
+ res << n
+ res.reverse.join("")
+ end
+class String
+ def chomp!(dummy=nil)
+ self.gsub!(/[\r\n]*\z/, "")
+ end
+ def chomp(dummy=nil)
+ self.gsub(/[\r\n]*\z/, "")
+ end
+ def lf
+ self.gsub(/\r*\n/, "\n").gsub(/\n\z/, "") + "\n"
+ end
+ def crlf
+ self.gsub(/\r*\n/, "\r\n").gsub(/\r\n\z/, "") + "\r\n"
+ end
+ def strip
+ self.stripbefore.stripafter
+ end
+ def stripbefore
+ self.gsub(/\A[[:blank:]\r\n]*/, "")
+ end
+ def stripafter
+ self.gsub(/[[:blank:]\r\n]*\z/, "")
+ end
+ def compress
+ self.gsub(/[[:blank:]\r\n]+/, " ").strip
+ end
+ def compressspaces
+ self.gsub(/[[:blank:]]+/, " ")
+ end
+ def compressperline
+ res = self.split(/\n/)
+ res.collect!{|line| line.compress}
+ res.delete_if{|line| line.empty?}
+ res.join("\n")
+ end
+ def numeric?
+ d, a, n = [self].to_par
+ not n.empty?
+ end
+ def exec(input=nil, output=true)
+ res = []
+ IO.popen(self, "w+") do |f|
+ f.puts input unless input.nil?
+ f.close_write
+ res = f.readlines if output
+ end
+ res.join("")
+ end
+ def eval
+ Kernel::eval(self)
+ end
+ def speak
+ require "drb"
+ DRb.start_service
+ DRbObject.new(nil, "druby://localhost:3100").speak(self)
+ end
+ def splitblocks(*delimiters)
+ begindelimiters = []
+ enddelimiters = []
+ delimiters.each do |k, v|
+ begindelimiters << k.downcase
+ enddelimiters << v.downcase
+ end
+ bd = begindelimiters.collect {|s| Regexp.escape(s)}
+ ed = enddelimiters.collect {|s| Regexp.escape(s)}
+ be = bd.join("|")
+ ee = ed.join("|")
+ res = []
+ type = 0
+ tmp = ""
+ bs = ""
+ es = ""
+ self.split(/(#{ee}|#{be})/i).each do |s|
+ if type == 0
+ if begindelimiters.include?(s.downcase)
+ i = begindelimiters.index(s.downcase)
+ type = i+1
+ tmp = s
+ bs = s.downcase
+ es = enddelimiters[i]
+ else
+ res << [0, s] unless s.empty?
+ end
+ else
+ if s.downcase == es
+ res << [type, tmp + s]
+ type = 0
+ tmp = ""
+ bs = ""
+ es = ""
+ else
+ if s.downcase == bs
+ res << [0, tmp]
+ tmp = s
+ else
+ tmp = tmp + s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ res << [0, tmp] unless tmp.empty?
+ return res
+ end
+ def splitwords(tokens=[])
+ tokens = [tokens] unless tokens.kind_of?(Array)
+ res = []
+ self.splitblocks(["'", "'"], ['"', '"']).each do |type, s|
+ case type
+ when 0
+ tokens.each do |token|
+ token2 = token
+ token2 = Regexp.escape(token2) if token2.kind_of?(String)
+ s.gsub!(/#{token2}/, " #{token} ")
+ end
+ s.split().each do |w|
+ res << w
+ end
+ when 1, 2
+ res << s[1..-2]
+ end
+ end
+ return res
+ end
+ def uncomment
+ res = []
+ self.splitblocks(["'", "'"], ['"', '"'], ["#", "\n"]).each do |type, s|
+ case type
+ when 0, 1, 2 then res << s
+ when 3 then res << "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ res.join("")
+ end
+ def noquotes
+ self.sub(/\A['"]/, "").sub(/['"]\z/, "")
+ end
+ def to_html(eolconversion=true)
+ s = CGI.escapeHTML(self)
+ s.gsub!(/\"/, "\"")
+ s.gsub!(/\'/, "\´")
+ if eolconversion
+ s.gsub!(/\n/ , "<br>")
+ end
+ s
+ end
+ def from_html(eolconversion=true)
+ s = self
+ s.gsub!(/"/ , "\"")
+ s.gsub!(/´/, "\'")
+ s = CGI.unescapeHTML(self)
+ if eolconversion
+ s.gsub!(/<br>/, "\n")
+ end
+ s
+ end
+ def to_fs
+ if numeric?
+ to_f
+ else
+ to_s
+ end
+ end
+class Array
+ def chomp!
+ self.collect!{|s| s.chomp}
+ end
+ def chomp
+ self.collect{|s| s.chomp}
+ end
+ def compress
+ self.collect{|s| s.compress}
+ end
+ def uncomment
+ self.join("\0").uncomment.split("\0")
+ end
+ def strip
+ self.collect{|s| s.strip}
+ end
+ def sum
+ res = 0
+ self.each do |n|
+ res += n
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ def product
+ res = 1
+ self.each do |n|
+ res *= n
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ def joinwords(sep=" ", quote='"')
+ self.collect do |s|
+ s = quote + s + quote if s =~ /[[:blank:]]/
+ s
+ end.join(sep)
+ end
+ def domino(tabellen, kolom=nil, onlymatchinglines=false)
+ links = self
+ res = []
+ res = self.dup unless onlymatchinglines
+ tabellen.each do |rechts|
+ tmp = []
+ links.each do |l|
+ if kolom.nil? or l.length == kolom
+ rechts.each do |r|
+ tmp << l + r[1..-1] if l[-1] == r[0]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ links = tmp
+ res.concat(tmp)
+ end
+ res = res.sort.uniq
+ end
+ def dominoloop(tabellen)
+ lres = []
+ res = self.dup
+ kolom = 2
+ while lres.length != res.length do
+ lres = res.dup
+ res = res.domino(tabellen, kolom)
+ res.each do |line|
+ line << "*" if (line.length != line.uniq.length and line[-1] != "*")
+ end
+ $stderr.print "#{100*(res.length)/(lres.length)}% "
+ kolom += 1
+ end
+ $stderr.puts ""
+ return res
+ end
+ def buildtree
+ self.dominoloop([self])
+ end
+ def subset(fields, values, results, exact=true, emptyline=nil, joinwith=nil)
+ fields = [fields] unless fields.kind_of? Array
+ values = [values] unless values.kind_of? Array
+ results = [results] unless results.kind_of? Array
+ emptyline = emptyline.downcase unless emptyline.nil?
+ res = self.dup
+ res.delete_if {true}
+ self.each do |l|
+ ok = true
+ case l.class.to_s
+ when "String"
+ c = l.splitwords
+ correction = 1
+ joinwith = " " if joinwith.nil?
+ when "Array"
+ c = l
+ correction = 0
+ end
+ #catch :stop do
+ values2 = values.dup
+ fields.each do |f|
+ v = values2.shift
+ v = v.downcase unless v.nil?
+ if emptyline.nil? or (not v == emptyline)
+ if exact
+ unless (v.nil? or c[f-correction].downcase == v)
+ ok = false
+ #throw :stop
+ end
+ else
+ unless (v.nil? or c[f-correction].downcase.include?(v))
+ ok = false
+ #throw :stop
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #end
+ if ok
+ res2 = []
+ results.each do |n|
+ res2 << c[n-1]
+ end
+ res2 = res2.join(joinwith) unless joinwith.nil?
+ res << res2
+ end
+ end
+ return res
+ end
+ def format(format)
+ res = []
+ [format.length, self.length].min.times do |n|
+ case format[n].chr
+ when "i" then res << self[n].to_i
+ when "s" then res << self[n].to_s
+ when "x" then res << self[n]
+ end
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ def to_i
+ collect{|c| c.to_i}
+ end
+ def to_par
+ dash = self.dup
+ alpha = self.dup
+ numeric = self.dup
+ dash.delete_if do |s|
+ not (s =~ /\A-/) or
+ (s =~ /\A-?[[:digit:]\.]+\z/) or
+ (s =~ /^-+$/)
+ end
+ alpha.delete_if do |s|
+ ((s =~ /\A-/) or
+ (s =~ /\A-?[[:digit:]\.]+\z/)) and
+ not ((s =~ /^\.+$/) or (s =~ /^-+$/))
+ end
+ numeric.delete_if do |s|
+ not (s =~ /\A-?[[:digit:]\.]+\z/) or
+ (s =~ /^\.+$/)
+ end
+ raise "Oops!" if dash.length + alpha.length + numeric.length != length
+ return dash, alpha, numeric
+ end
+ def self.file(file)
+ res = new
+ File.open(file) do |f|
+ f.readlines.uncomment.chomp.each do |line|
+ res << line
+ end
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ def numsort
+ sort do |a, b|
+ a2 = a.to_fs
+ b2 = b.to_fs
+ if a2.class != b2.class
+ a2 = a
+ b2 = b
+ end
+ a2 <=> b2
+ end
+ end
+ def to_fs
+ collect{|s| s.to_fs}
+ end
+ def chaos
+ res = self.dup
+ (length^2).times do
+ a = rand(length)
+ b = rand(length)
+ res[a], res[b] = res[b], res[a]
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ def any
+ if empty?
+ nil
+ else
+ self[rand(self.length)]
+ end
+ end
+ def minmax
+ min, value, max = self
+ [min, [value, max].min].max
+ end
+ def ids
+ collect{|e| e.ids}
+ end
+class Hash
+ def save(file, append=false)
+ org = {}
+ org = Hash.file(file) if (append and File.file?(file))
+ self.sort.each do |k, v|
+ org[k] = v
+ end
+ File.open(file, "w") do |f|
+ org.sort.each do |k, v|
+ f.puts "%s\t= %s" % [k, v]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def subset(fields, values, results=nil, exact=true, emptyline=nil, joinwith=nil)
+ fields = [fields] unless fields.kind_of? Array
+ values = [values] unless values.kind_of? Array
+ results = [results] unless results.kind_of? Array
+ emptyline = emptyline.downcase unless emptyline.nil?
+ res = self.dup
+ res.delete_if {true}
+ self.each do |k, l|
+ ok = true
+ case l.class.to_s
+ when "String"
+ c = l.splitwords
+ correction = 1
+ joinwith = " " if joinwith.nil?
+ when "Array"
+ c = l
+ correction = 0
+ end
+ #catch :stop do
+ values2 = values.dup
+ fields.each do |f|
+ v = values2.shift
+ v = v.downcase unless v.nil?
+ if emptyline.nil? or (not v == emptyline)
+ if exact
+ unless (v.nil? or c[f-correction].downcase == v)
+ ok = false
+ #throw :stop
+ end
+ else
+ unless (v.nil? or c[f-correction].downcase.include?(v))
+ ok = false
+ #throw :stop
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #end
+ if ok
+ res2 = []
+ if results == [nil]
+ res2 = c
+ else
+ results.each do |n|
+ res2 << c[n-correction]
+ end
+ end
+ res2 = res2.join(joinwith) unless joinwith.nil?
+ res[k] = res2
+ end
+ end
+ return res
+ end
+ def to_i
+ collect{|k, v| v.to_i}
+ end
+ def self.file(file)
+ res = new
+ File.open(file) do |f|
+ #f.readlines.chomp.each do |line|
+ while line = f.gets do
+ line.chomp!
+ unless line.empty?
+ k, v = line.split(/\s*=\s*/, 2)
+ res[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ def ids
+ collect{|k, v| [k, v].ids}
+ end
+def id2ref(id)
+ ObjectSpace._id2ref(id)
+def after(seconds, *args)
+ if not seconds.nil? and not seconds.zero?
+ Thread.new(*args) do |*args2|
+ sleep seconds
+ yield(*args2)
+ end
+ end
+def every(seconds, *args)
+ if not seconds.nil? and not seconds.zero?
+ Thread.new(*args) do |*args2|
+ loop do
+ sleep seconds
+ yield(*args2)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+def evtimeout(seconds)
+ begin
+ timeout(seconds) do
+ yield
+ end
+ rescue TimeoutError
+ end
+def evtimeoutretry(seconds)
+ ok = false
+ while not ok
+ evtimeout(seconds) do
+ yield
+ ok = true
+ end
+ end
+def trap(signal)
+ Kernel::trap(signal) do
+ yield
+ end
+ # Seems pointless, but it's for catching ^C under Windows...
+ every(1) {} if windows?
+def linux?
+ not windows? and not cygwin?
+def windows?
+ not (target_os.downcase =~ /32/).nil?
+def cygwin?
+ not (target_os.downcase =~ /cyg/).nil?
+def target_os
+ Config::CONFIG["target_os"] or ""
+def user
+def home
+ (ENV["HOME"] or ENV["USERPROFILE"] or (File.directory?("h:/") ? "h:" : "c:")).gsub(/\\/, "/")
+def temp
+ (ENV["TMPDIR"] or ENV["TMP"] or ENV["TEMP"] or "/tmp").gsub(/\\/, "/")
+def stdtmp
+ $stderr = $stdout = File.new("#{temp}/ruby.#{Process.pid}.log", "a") unless ARGV.include?("--rwd-exit")
+$nobm = false
+def nobm
+ $nobm = true
+def bm(label="")
+ if $nobm
+ if block_given?
+ return yield
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ label = label.to_s
+ res = nil
+ $bm_mutex = ($bm_mutex or Mutex.new)
+ $bm_mutex.synchronize do
+ if $bm.nil?
+ require "ev/bm"
+ $bm = {}
+ at_exit do
+ format1 = "%10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s"
+ format2 = "%10s %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10d"
+ $stderr.puts format1 % ["LABEL", "USERCPU", "SYSCPU", "CUSERCPU", "CSYSCPU", "ELAPSED", "TIMES"]
+ $bm.sort{|a, b| [a[1], a[0]] <=> [b[1], b[0]]}.each do |k, v|
+ $stderr.puts format2 % [k, *v]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ $bm[label] = [0.0]*5 + [0] unless $bm.include?(label)
+ end
+ if block_given?
+ bm = Benchmark.measure{res = yield}
+ bma = bm.to_a # [dummy label, user CPU time, system CPU time, childrens user CPU time, childrens system CPU time, elapsed real time]
+ $bm_mutex.synchronize do
+ 0.upto(4) do |n|
+ $bm[label][n] += bma[n+1]
+ end
+ $bm[label][5] += 1
+ end
+ end
+ res
+def trace
+ res =nil
+ set_trace_func lambda { |event, file, line, id, binding, classname|
+ $stderr.printf "%8s %s:%-2d %10s %8s\n", event, file, line, id, classname
+ }
+ if block_given?
+ res = yield
+ notrace
+ end
+ res
+def notrace
+ set_trace_func nil
+def lambda_cached(&block)
+ hash = {}
+ lambda do |*args|
+ res = hash[args]
+ if res.nil?
+ res = block.call(*args)
+ hash[args] = res
+ end
+ res
+ end