Readme.txt in rwdruby-1.05 vs Readme.txt in rwdruby-1.06
- old
+ new
@@ -17,17 +17,10 @@
ruby init.rb
Then point your web browser to:
-Change language at:
-Change to Windows XP directory structure at:
== Viewing installed Applets:
Go to "List Scripts" tab
You can get a list of all installed applets by clicking the listfiles button
@@ -232,9 +225,29 @@
Thanks, Steven Gibson
== Changelog
+Version 1.77
+ Fixed zips location to be relative or absolute
+ Made themes loadable
+Version 1.76
+ Move rwd code files into lib directory - bug - 21886
+ change tab name list applets - bug - 21864
+ change extra folder to be lib folder - bug 21887
+ remove duplicate intall applet code - bug 21885
+ On Menu tab/Selection Tab - add help button - bug 21884
+ clean up directory structure in gui directory - bug 21882
+Version 1.75
+ change rwd.rb to use UTF-8 for web pages
+ add language load for applets
+Version 1.74
+ remove remote control from help
+ more dependable gui loading for applets
Version 1.73
more debug info in initiateapplet
remove gutenberg lang translations
correct gui building error recovery