scripts/snapshot in rvm-1.0.6 vs scripts/snapshot in rvm-1.0.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-source "$rvm_scripts_path/base"
+source "$rvm_path/scripts/base"
__error_on_result() {
if [[ "$1" -gt 0 ]]; then
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "fail" "$2 - Aborting now."
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "fail" "$2 - Aborting now."
return 0
return 1
@@ -25,45 +25,51 @@
# Create the temporary directory.
local snapshot_temp_path="$rvm_tmp_path/$$-snapshot"
\rm -rf "$snapshot_temp_path"
\mkdir -p "$snapshot_temp_path"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Backing up a list of aliases"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Backing up a list of aliases"
\cp "$rvm_config_path/alias" "$snapshot_temp_path/"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Backing up your user preferences"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Backing up your user preferences"
\cp "$rvm_config_path/user" "$snapshot_temp_path/"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Backing up your installed packages"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Backing up your installed packages"
sed -e 's/-//' -e 's/^lib//' < "$rvm_config_path/packages" | awk -F= '{print $1}' | sort | uniq > "$snapshot_temp_path/packages"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Backing up all of your gemsets"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Backing up all of your gemsets"
\mkdir -p "$snapshot_temp_path/gems"
builtin cd "$snapshot_temp_path/gems"
- for snapshot_gemset in $("$rvm_scripts_path/list" gemsets strings) ; do
- __rvm_become "$snapshot_gemset"
- result="$?"
+ for snapshot_gemset in $("$rvm_path/scripts/list" gemsets strings) ; do
+ __rvm_become "$snapshot_gemset" ; result="$?"
__error_on_result "$result" "Error becoming ruby $snapshot_gemset" && return "$result"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/gemsets" export "${snapshot_gemset}.gems" >/dev/null
- result="$?"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/gemsets" export "${snapshot_gemset}.gems" >/dev/null ; result="$?"
__error_on_result "$result" "Error exporting gemset contents for $snapshot_gemset" && return "$result"
\mkdir -p "./$snapshot_gemset/"
[[ -d "$GEM_HOME/cache/" ]] && \cp -R "$GEM_HOME/cache/" "./$snapshot_gemset/"
- done; unset snapshot_gemset
+ done
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Backing up all of your installed rubies"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Backing up all of your installed rubies"
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash -e' > "$snapshot_temp_path/"
- echo "source \"\$rvm_scripts_path/rvm\" || true" >> "$snapshot_temp_path/"
+ echo "source \"\$rvm_path/scripts/rvm\" || true" >> "$snapshot_temp_path/"
local snapshot_ruby_name_file="$rvm_tmp_path/$$-rubies"
local snapshot_alias_name_file="$rvm_tmp_path/$$-aliases"
local snapshot_installable_file="$rvm_tmp_path/$$-installable"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/alias" list | awk -F ' => ' '{print $1}' | sort | uniq 2>/dev/null > "$snapshot_alias_name_file"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/list" strings | \tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq > "$snapshot_ruby_name_file"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/alias" list | awk -F ' => ' '{print $1}' | sort | uniq 2>/dev/null > "$snapshot_alias_name_file"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/list" strings | \tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq > "$snapshot_ruby_name_file"
comm -2 -3 "$snapshot_ruby_name_file" "$snapshot_alias_name_file" > "$snapshot_installable_file"
\rm -rf "$snapshot_ruby_name_file" "$snapshot_alias_name_file"
local snapshot_primary_ruby="$(\grep '^\(ree\|ruby-1.8.7\)' < "$snapshot_installable_file" | \grep -v '-head$' | sort -r | head -n1)"
local snapshot_ruby_order="$snapshot_primary_ruby $(\grep -v "$snapshot_primary_ruby" < "$snapshot_installable_file")"
@@ -78,24 +84,24 @@
unset snapshot_install_command
done; unset snapshot_ruby_name snapshot_primary_ruby
\rm -rf "$snapshot_installable_file"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Compressing snapshotting"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Compressing snapshotting"
local destination_path="$PWD"
builtin cd "$snapshot_temp_path"
\rm -rf "$destination_path/$1.tar.gz"
tar czf "$destination_path/$1.tar.gz" .
__error_on_result "$result" "Error creating archive $destination_path/$1.tar.gz" && return "$result"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Cleaning up"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Cleaning up"
\rm -rf "$snapshot_temp_path"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Snapshot complete"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Snapshot complete"
snapshot_load() {
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
echo "Usage: rvm snapshot load name" >&2
@@ -113,70 +119,83 @@
local snapshot_temp_path="$rvm_tmp_path/$$-snapshot"
\rm -rf "$snapshot_temp_path"
\mkdir -p "$snapshot_temp_path"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Extracting snapshot"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Extracting snapshot"
builtin cd "$snapshot_temp_path"
tar xzf "$snapshot_archive"
__error_on_result "$result" "Error extracting the archive '$snapshot_archive'" && return "$result"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Restoring user settings"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Restoring user settings"
\cp -f "$snapshot_temp_path/user" "$rvm_config_path/user"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Installing rvm-managed packages"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Installing rvm-managed packages"
for snapshot_package in $(cat "$snapshot_temp_path/packages"); do
- "$rvm_scripts_path/package" install "$snapshot_package"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/package" install "$snapshot_package"
__error_on_result "$result" "Error installing package '$snapshot_package'" && return "$result"
done; unset snapshot_package
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Installing rubies"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Installing rubies"
chmod +x "$snapshot_temp_path/"
__error_on_result "$result" "Error importing rubies." && return "$result"
export rvm_create_flag=1
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Setting up gemsets"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Setting up gemsets"
builtin cd "$snapshot_temp_path/gems"
- for snapshot_gemset in $(find * -iname '*.gems' -type f -maxdepth 0 | sed 's/.gems$//'); do
+ gems=($(find . -mindepth 0 -maxdepth 0 -type f -iname '*.gems' | sed 's/.gems$//'))
+ for snapshot_gemset in "${gems[@]//.\/}" ; do
__rvm_become "$snapshot_gemset"
- __error_on_result "$result" "Error becoming '$snapshot_gemset'" && return "$result"
+ __error_on_result "$result" \
+ "Error becoming '$snapshot_gemset'" && return "$result"
mkdir -p "$GEM_HOME/cache/"
cp -Rf "$snapshot_gemset/" "$GEM_HOME/cache/"
- __error_on_result "$result" "Error copying across cache for $snapshot_gemset" && return "$result"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/gemsets" import "$snapshot_gemset" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ __error_on_result "$result" \
+ "Error copying across cache for $snapshot_gemset" && return "$result"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/gemsets" import "$snapshot_gemset" >/dev/null 2>&1
- __error_on_result "$result" "Error importing gemset for $snapshot_gemset" && return "$result"
+ __error_on_result "$result" \
+ "Error importing gemset for $snapshot_gemset" && return "$result"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Restoring aliases"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Restoring aliases"
while read -r package_info; do
# Note: this assumes an '=' int the input...
local alias_name="${package_info/=*}"
local alias_ruby="${package_info/*=}"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/alias" create "$alias_name" "$alias_ruby"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/alias" create "$alias_name" "$alias_ruby"
if [[ "$alias_name" = "default" ]]; then
- (source "$rvm_scripts_path/rvm" && rvm use "$alias_ruby" --default) >/dev/null 2>&1
+ (source "$rvm_path/scripts/rvm" && rvm use "$alias_ruby" --default) >/dev/null 2>&1
__error_on_result "$result" "Error setting default to $alias_ruby" && return "$result"
done < "$snapshot_temp_path/alias"
unset package_info
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Cleaning up load process"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Cleaning up load process"
\rm -rf "$snapshot_temp_path"
- "$rvm_scripts_path/log" "info" "Loaded snapshot from $(basename "$snapshot_archive")"
+ "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Loaded snapshot from $(basename "$snapshot_archive")"
snapshot_usage() {
echo "Usage: rvm snapshot {save,load} file" >&2
return 1