rvm.gemspec in rvm-1.1.9 vs rvm.gemspec in rvm-1.1.10
- old
+ new
@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
# Instead, edit Jeweler::Tasks in Rakefile, and run 'rake gemspec'
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.name = %q{rvm}
- s.version = "1.1.9"
+ s.version = "1.1.10"
s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
s.authors = ["Wayne E. Seguin"]
- s.date = %q{2011-01-01}
+ s.date = %q{2011-01-03}
s.default_executable = %q{rvm-install}
s.description = %q{Manages Ruby interpreter environments and switching between them.}
s.email = %q{wayneeseguin@gmail.com}
s.executables = ["rvm-install"]
s.extra_rdoc_files = [
@@ -44,10 +44,11 @@
+ "lib/rvm/version.rbc",
s.homepage = %q{http://github.com/wayneeseguin/rvm}
s.post_install_message = %q{********************************************************************************
@@ -80,13 +81,14 @@
s.rdoc_options = ["--inline-source", "--charset=UTF-8"]
s.require_paths = ["lib"]
s.rubyforge_project = %q{rvm}
- s.rubygems_version = %q{1.4.1}
+ s.rubygems_version = %q{1.3.7}
s.summary = %q{Ruby Version Manager (rvm)}
if s.respond_to? :specification_version then
+ current_version = Gem::Specification::CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION
s.specification_version = 3
if Gem::Version.new(Gem::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('1.2.0') then